YAHATA Kensuke

Researcher's full information

  • 沖縄島および奄美大島産イボイモリ(両生綱:有尾目)の胃内容について
    本多正尚; 八畑 謙介; 富永篤; 太田英利
    Akamata/22/p.5-8, 2011-01
  • Genetic diversity of the semi-terrestrial isopod Tylos granuliferus in Japan.
    Miyuki Niikura; Kensuke Yahata
    Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of Terrestrial Isopod Biology/p.115-116, 2011-01
  • Preliminary note on the ovarian structure and oogenesis in a scolopendromorph centipede, Scolopocryptops rubiginosus (Chilopoda: Myriapoda)
    Yui Miyachi; Kensuke Yahata
    Proceedings of the Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/46/p.33-34, 2011-01
  • Evidence of cross-fertilization in a gonochoric population of the tadpole shrimp Triops numidicus (Crustacea : Branchiopoda : Notostraca)
    Mitsumoto Hiroyuki; Yahata Kensuke
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/23(12)/pp.1109-1113, 2006-12
  • Geographical variations of Riukiaria holstii (pocock, 1895) (diplopoda, polydesmida, xystodesmidae) in Okinawa island
    Yahata Kensuke
    ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/22(12)/pp.1515-1516, 2005-12
  • Ovarian Structure of Five Penicillate Diplopods (Diplopoda: Penicillata).
    YAHATA Kensuke
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/40/p.23-25, 2005-01
  • カブトエビ類の発生開始時期・場所の特定(共著)
    三本博之・八畑謙介; +八畑 謙介
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/39/p.59-60, 2004-01
  • ヤドリムシ類の1種における生殖系の構造 -ウミホタルガクレ Onisocryptus ovalis との比較-(共著)
    松澤巨樹・八畑謙介; +八畑 謙介
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/38/p.33-35, 2003-01
  • Postembryonic development of the gonad ina protandric parasitic isopod, Onisocryptus ovalis (Crustacea, Malacostraca)(共著)
    Oki Matsuzawa; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Zoological Science/18(Supplement)/p.49, 2001-01
  • A comparison of the ovarian structure in 18 diplopods (Arthropoda: Diplopoda)(共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Zoological Science/18(Supplement)/p.48, 2001-01
  • Ovarian structure and oogenetic mode in a protandry, parasitic isopod, Cyproniscus ovalis (Crustacea, Malacostraca)(共著)
    Oki Matsuzawa; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Zoological Science/16(Supplement)/p.28, 1999-01
  • Preliminary study on the early development of embryos and ovarian diverticula in the viviparous scorpion, Liocheles australasiae(Fabricius)(Scorpiones, Ishnuridae)(共著)
    Kazunori Yamazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/33/p.17-20, 1998-01
  • A comparison of the ovaries of six primitive spiders(共著)
    Yoshiyuki Yamazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/33/p.21-23, 1998-01
  • Egg maturation prior to parthenogenetic embryogenesis in the scorpion, Liocheles australasiae(共著)
    Kazunori Yamazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Fumiaki Maruo; Toshiki...
    Zoological Science/15(Supplement)/p.26, 1998-01
  • Phylogenetic Significance of the structure of adult ovary and oogenesis in a primitive chilognathan diplopod, Hyleoglomeris japonica Verhoeff(Glomerida, Diplopoda)(共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Journal of Morphology/231(3)/pp.277-285, 1997-01
  • Taxonomic study of the order Lithobiomorpha(Chilopoda)in Asia. IV. A new Monotarsobius centiped(Lithobiidae)from Amami-oshima Island, Kagoshima, Southwestern Japan(共著)
    Kiyoshi Ishii; Kensuke Yahata
    Edaphologia/58/p.21-24, 1997-01
  • Maturation division and beginning of embryogenesis in the thelytokous scorpion, Liocheles australasiae(共著)
    KazunoriYamazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Zoological Science/14(Supplement)/p.30, 1997-01
  • Note on the ovarian structure in glomerid diplopod.
    八畑謙介・牧岡俊樹; +八畑 謙介
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/31/p.21-22, 1996-01
  • Postembryonic development of the ovary in the penicillate diplopod, Eudigraphis nigricans(Miyosi)(Diplopoda, Penicillata)(共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Journal of Morphology/224(2)/pp.213-220, 1995-01
  • Comparative study on the structure of adult ovaries in some polydesmid diplopods.
    八畑謙介・牧岡俊樹; +八畑 謙介
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan/30/p.29-30, 1995-01
  • Phylogenetic implications of structure of adult ovary and oogenesis in the penicillate diplopod, Eudigraphis nigricans(Miyosi)(Diplopoda : Myriapoda)(共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Journal of Morphology/222(3)/pp.223-230, 1994-01
  • Tissue specificity of arthropod tropomyosin(共著)
    Jun-ichi Miyazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka; and ...
    The Journal of Experimental Zoology/267/p.501-509, 1993-01
  • Note on the postembryonic development of the male reproductive system in Eudigraphis nigricans (Miyosi) (Diplopoda, Penicillata) (共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Proceedings of Arthropodan Embryological Society of Japan./27/p.9-12, 1992-01
  • Tissue specificity of arthropod tropomyosin(共著)
    Jun-ichi Miyazaki; Kensuke Yahata; Yoshihiro Fujiwara; an...
    Zoological Science/9/p.1141, 1992-01
  • Common features in ovarian structure of some Japanese penicillate diplopods(共著)
    Kensuke Yahata; Toshiki Makioka
    Zoological Science/9/p.1283, 1992-01
  • more...