KAMIJO Takashi
- Articles
- Distribution and clonal reproduction of lianas in forest communities
森 英樹; 上條 隆志; 正木 隆
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY/69(2)/pp.83-91, 2019-08 - Effect of net sheltering on the survival of a wild extinct aquatic species Eriocaulon heleocharioides in its reintroduction site
Tanaka Norio; Horiuchi Yuju; Duang Yujian; Hasegawa Seri...
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series B(Botany), 2018-11 - コラム 緑化植物 ど・こ・ま・で・き・わ・め・る オオシマザクラ(Cerasus speciosa (Koiz.) H. Ohba)
上條 隆志
日本緑化工学会誌, 2019-02 - 初成土壌形成と微生物:炭素集積と微生物群集の遷移に関する考察(3-1 土壌生物の生態と機能,2018年度神奈川大会)
太田 寛行; 西澤 智康; 郭 永; 平野 明則; 上條 隆志
Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition/64/pp.31-31, 2018 - Comparison of forest biomass before- and after- wild forest fires in the conifer forest in northern Mongolia
Matsui Tetsuya; Saito Satoshi; Tamai Koji; Kamijo Takash...
関東森林研究/69(1)/pp.59-62, 2018-09 - Formation of disjunct plant distributions in Northeast Asia: a case study of Betula davurica using a species distribution model
Shitara Takuto; Nakamura Yukito; Matsui Tetsuya; Tsuyama ...
Plant Ecology/219(9)/pp.1105-1115, 2018-07 - Evaluation of Plant Species Compositional Changes during the Recent Decades in Mongolian Steppe
Suzuki Kohei; Tsendeekhuu Tsagaanbandi; Radnaakhand Tung...
Evaluation of Plant Species Compositional Changes during the Recent Decades in Mongolian Steppe/27(4)/pp.127-134, 2018-05 - Regeneration of Larix sibirica boreal forest patches in the forest-steppe ecotone in Gorkhi Terelj National Park, Mongolia
Li Hao; Kawada Kiyokazu; Ohashi Haruka; Undarmaa Jamsran...
Journal of Forest Research/24(1)/pp.52-60, 2018-12 - A field observation on crescent-shaped erosion control products to control overland flow in eroding rill
小川 泰浩; 上條 隆志; 菊池 輝海; 岡部 宏秋; 石森 良房
J.Jpn.Soc.Reveget.Tech./42(1)/pp.248-251, 2016 - Formation of disjunct plant distributions in Northeast Asia: a case study of Betula davurica using a species distribution model
Shitara Takuto; Nakamura Yukito; Matsui Tetsuya; Tsuya...
PLANT ECOLOGY/219(9)/pp.1105-1115, 2018-09 - 三宅島初成土壌に生育するパイオニア植物根圏のニトロゲナーゼ活性と根圏のBurkholderiaceae科細菌(ポスター,3-1 土壌生物の生態と機能,2017年度仙台大会)
海老原 諒子; 郭 永; 西澤 智康; 上條 隆志; 太田 寛行
Abst. AMS. JSSSPN/63(0)/pp.37-37, 2018-05 - Spatial distribution of trees in a swamp and its surrounding forest of the Yatsugatake Ranges of Central Japan related to the soil humidity
高久 朋子; 清野 達之; 菊地 亜矢子; 小川 政幸; 上條 隆志; 中村 徹
Vegetation Science/35(1)/pp.21-33, 2018 - Approximate Bayesian computation analysis of EST-associated microsatellites indicates that the broadleaved evergreen tree Castanopsis sieboldii survived the Last Glacial Maximum in multiple refugia in Japan
Aoki K; Tamaki I; Nakao K; Ueno S; Kamijo T; Setoguchi H...
Heredity/122(3)/pp.326-340, 2019-03 - Vegetation recovery after forest fire in the forested areas of northern Mongolia
松井 哲哉; 上條 隆志; 齊藤 哲; 玉井 幸治; 平田 晶子; Undarmaa Jamsran; ...
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/128/p.492, 2017 - 栃木県奥日光地域における森林棲コウモリのエサ資源量 評価のためのカラマツ人工林と老齢自然林の昆虫量比較
森林野生動物研究会誌/(41), 2017-03 - Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the RAD sequence of two temperate liana species: Euonymus fortunei (Celastraceae) and Schizophragma hydrangeoides (Hydrangeaceae)
Mori Hideki; Ueno Saneyoshi; Matsumoto Asako; Uchiyama K...
Silvae Genetica/66(1)/pp.40-42, 2018-01 - Soil net nitrogen mineralization at different ecosystem development stages after the year 2000 eruption on Miyakejima island
Cui J Hirota M Kamijo T Yoshitake S Katoh K
Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography/8, 2018-02 - Evaluation of Plant Species Compositional Changes during the Recent Decades in Mongolian Steppe
鈴木 康平; Tsagaanbandi TSENDEEKHUU; Radnaakhand TUNGALAG; ...
Journal of Arid Land Studies/27(4)/pp.127-134, 2018 - Development and characterization of 10 microsatellite markers from Wisteria floribunda (Fabaceae)
Mori Hideki; Ueno Saneyoshi; Matsumoto Asako; Uchiyama...
SILVAE GENETICA/65(1)/pp.55-58, 2016-12 - Change of understory vegetation after thinning in Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress plantations
山崎 寛史; 上條 隆志; 平田 晶子; 五味 高志; 恩田 裕一
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/125(0)/p.272, 2014 - Sprouting ability in the forest damaged by 2000-year eruption on Miyake-jima Island
黛 絵美; 上條 隆志
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/125(0)/p.340, 2014 - Age structure of Larix sibirica in ecotone stands between Larix forest and steppe
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/126(0)/p.292, 2015 - Change of understory vegetation for three years after heavy thinning in artificial forest in Karasawayama, Tochigi
山崎 寛史; 上條 隆志; 五味 高志; 恩田 裕一
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/126(0)/p.263, 2015 - Field testing crescent-shaped erosion control products (ToCR) to control sediment and overland flow in a eroding rill.
小川 泰浩; 菊地 輝海; 上條 隆志; 岡部 宏秋; 石森 良房
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/127(0)/p.598, 2016 - The role of host tree, disturbance and topographic factors on liana distribution in an old-growth cool temperate forest
森 英樹; 上條 隆志; 正木 隆
The Japanese Forest Society Congress/127(0)/p.244, 2016 - more...
- Distribution and clonal reproduction of lianas in forest communities