KAMIJO Takashi
- Articles
- Evaluation experiment on soil runoff preventive control and revegetation performance of Tokyo Crescent Roll construction method in a volcanic denuded land
菊池 輝海; 上條 隆志; 小川 泰浩; 岡部 宏秋; 石森 良房
Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology/41(1)/pp.231-234, 2015-08 - Change in rhizosphere microbial community of Miscanthus condensatus, a pioneer plant on recent Miyake-jima volcanic deposit, during the vegetation development(The Joint Meeting of Japanese Environmental Microbiology-related Associations 2014)
Guo Yong; Fujimura Reiko; Sato Yoshinori; Nishizawa T...
土と微生物/68(2)/pp.105-106, 2014-10 - PB-017 Characterization of microbial communities associated with the pioneer plant Miscanthus condensatus colonized the fresh volcanic deposits in the Island of Miyake, Japan
Guo Yong; Fujimura Reiko; Hosokawa Ken; Sato Momoko; ...
日本微生物生態学会講演要旨集/(29)/p.109, 2013-11 - カラマツ人工林における間伐が土壌呼吸速度に及ぼす影響(関東支部講演会,2013年度各支部会)
風戸 惠津子; 上條 隆志; 田村 憲司; 東 照雄
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/(60)/p.271, 2014-09 - Evaluation of vegetation recovery on abandoned cropland in forest steppe and typical steppe regions in Mongolia
鈴木 康平; 上條 隆志; JAMSRAN Undarmaa; 小長谷 有紀; 田村 憲司
Vegetation Science/32(1)/pp.37-48, 2015-06 - Seed germination response to storage conditions of Eriocaulon heleocharioides (Eriocaulaceae), an extinct species in the wild
Tanaka Norio; Goto Mina; Suzuki Kohei; Godo Toshinari; Kato J...
Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science/40(2)/pp.95-100, 2014-05 - Evaluation of protection imparted by national park status based on comparison of steppe vegetation inside and outside Hustai National Park, Mongolia
鈴木 康平; 上條 隆志; JAMSRAN Undarmaa; 田村 憲司
植生学会誌 : vegetation science/30(2)/pp.85-93, 2013-12 - Genetic Differentiation and Genetic Diversity of Castanopsis (Fagaceae), the Dominant Tree Species in Japanese Broadleaved Evergreen Forests, Revealed by Analysis of EST-Associated Microsatellites
Aoki Kyoko; Ueno Saneyoshi; Kamijo Takashi; Setoguchi ...
PLOS ONE/9(1), 2014-01 - Role of Environmental Conditions in the Habitat Segregation of Two Abundant Vascular Epiphytes in a Warm-Temperate Forest
Kamijo Takashi
筑波大学農林技術研究, 2014-03 - Characterization of Early Microbial Communities on Volcanic Deposits along a Vegetation Gradient on the Island of Miyake, Japan
Guo Yong; Fujimura Reiko; Sato Yoshinori; Suda Wataru; Kim Se...
MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS/29(1)/pp.38-49, 2014-03 - Phytosociology of Hulunbeier grassland vegetation in Inner Mongolia, China
Cheng Yunxiang; Kamijo Takashi; Tsubo Mitsuru; Nakamura Toru
Phytocoenologia/43(1-2)/pp.41-51, 2013-06 - Analysis of Early Bacterial Communities on Volcanic Deposits on the Island of Miyake (Miyake-jima), Japan: a 6-year Study at a Fixed Site
Kamijo Takashi
Microbes and Environments/27(1)/pp.19-29, 2012-12 - Several Chemical and Mineralogical Propenties of Volcanic Ash Samples Erupted in 2000 from Miyake Island
加藤拓; 東照雄; 上條隆志; 田村憲司
Pedologist/p.46:14-21, 2002-01 - Distribution of Casfanopsis forest and Persea forest and its causal factors on Hachijo-jima, Izu Islands
上條隆志; 奥富清
Japanes Journat of Ecology/43/p.169-179, 1993-01 - Seedling establishment of Castanopsis cuspidata var-sieboldii and Persea thunbergii onlava and scoria of the 1962 eruption on Miyake-jima Island, the Izu Islands (共著)
Kamijo; T.; K. Okutomi; +上條 隆志
Ecological Reserch/10/p.235-242, 1995-01 - A comparative study of the vegetation structure of the Fagusorientalis forests in Iran and the Fagus crenata forestsin Japan
Akbarinia; M.; T. Hukusima; T. Kamijo
The Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy/43/p.75-85, 1995-01 - Effects of short-tailed shearwater on vegetation in Great Dog, Little Dog and Little Green Islands, Tasmania
Kamijo; T. Y. Hoshino; 上條 隆志
Wild Life Conservation Japan/p.1, 1995-01 - Comparison of altitudinal distribution of vegetation between Hachijo-jima and southern Kyushu, and ecological features of the vegetation in Hachijo-jima
Vegetation Science/p.13, 1996-01 - Distribution records of bats in the Nasu region, Tochigi Prefecture (2) : A survey for bats in Hight, using mist nets
安井さち子; 今関真由美; 佐藤洋司; 上條隆志
Bulletin of the Tochigi Prefectural Museum/p.14, 1997-01 - Forest vegetation of Kuro-shima Island, Ohsumi islands, Japan
上條隆志; 袴田伯領; 清水明子
Bulletin of Tsukuba University Forests/(15)/p.237-248, 1999-01 - The first record of the black whiskered bat, Myofis pruniosus Yoshiyuki and the long-legged whiskered bat, Myofis frater Allen, from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
安井さち子; 上條隆志
Bulletin of the Tochigi Prefectural Mueseum/(16)/p.77-80, 1999-01 - A record of the Endo's pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus endoi Imaizumi, and the Natterer's bat, Myofis nattereri(Kuhl), from Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
安井さち子; 上條隆志
Bulletin of the Tochigi Prefectural Museum/(16)/p.81, 1999-01 - Effects of ammonium sulfate on vegetation on ski runs subjected to differing degrees of landscaping
中村徹; 建元喜寿; 上條隆志
Vegetation Science/16/p.141-147, 1999-01 - Effects of Volcanic eruption on Vegetation of Miyake-jima Island
植生情報/(5)/p.9-12, 2001-01 - Altitudinal zonarion and structure of warm-temperate forests on Mikura-jima Island, Izu Islands, Japan
Kamijo; T.; Isogai; T.; Hoshino; Y.; Hakamada; H.; +上條 隆志
Vegetation Science/18/p.13-22, 2001-01 - more...
- Evaluation experiment on soil runoff preventive control and revegetation performance of Tokyo Crescent Roll construction method in a volcanic denuded land