KAMIJO Takashi
- Articles
- 三宅島2000年噴火が陸上生態系に与えた影響
上條 隆志; 樋口 広芳
日本生態學會誌/61(2)/pp.155-156, 2011-07 - Lessons from the process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island
上條 隆志; 樋口 広芳
日本生態學會誌/61(2)/pp.219-226, 2011-07 - 6-31 Relationship between development of bacterial community and vegetation succession on early soil ecosystem in the Island of Miyake, Japan
郭 永; 藤村 玲子; 細川 研; 佐藤 嘉則; 西沢 智康; 上條 隆志; 太田 寛行
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(57)/p.45, 2011-08 - 13-2 菅生沼における湿生植物群落下の土壌の諸性質と微細形態について(13.土壌生成・分類)
村田 賢則; 田村 憲司; 上條 隆志; 小幡 和男; 澤田 みつ子; 東 照雄
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(57)/p.99, 2011-08 - 14-1 放牧とその管理が土壌に与える影響 : モンゴル国フスタイ国立公園の事例(14.土地分類利用・景観評価)
井佐 芙美佳; 田村 憲司; Jamsran Undarmaa; 上條 隆志; 浅野 眞希; 鈴木 康平; 東 照雄
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(57)/p.104, 2011-08 - 21-2 三宅島2000年噴火火山灰堆積地におけるハチジョウススキ群落分布と土壌の諸性質との関係(21.緑化技術)
新谷 尚己; 田村 憲司; 上條 隆志; 東 照雄
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(57)/p.149, 2011-08 - Underground site gating for protection of a large colony of Miniopterus fuliginosus
安井 さち子; 野原 良太; 上條 隆志; 繁田 真由美; 繁田 祐輔; 三笠 暁子; 浅田 正彦; 中村 光一朗
Japanese journal of conservation ecology/17(1)/pp.73-80, 2012-05 - Complete Genome Sequence of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans Strain C2-3, Isolated from a Fresh Volcanic Ash Deposit on the Island of Miyake, Japan
Fujimura Reiko; Sato Yoshinori; Nishizawa Tomoyasu; Oshim...
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY/194(15)/pp.4122-4123, 2012-08 - 三宅島2000年噴火堆積物から分離された鉄酸化細菌Leptospirillum ferrooxidans C2-3株のゲノム解析(2011年度大会一般講演要旨)
藤村 玲子; 佐藤 嘉則; 細川 研; 西澤 智康; 大島 健志朗; 服部 正平; 上條 隆志; 太田 寛行
土と微生物/65(2)/p.160, 2011-11 - Evaluation of the relative contribution of gravel and fine-earth fractions to the chemical properties of a scoriaceous Haplic Regosols, Japan
KATO Taku; HIGASHI Teruo; KAMIJO Takashi; TAMURA Kenji; T...
ペドロジスト/55(2)/pp.77-81, 2011-12 - Analysis of Early Bacterial Communities on Volcanic Deposits on the Island of Miyake (Miyake-jima), Japan: a 6-year Study at a Fixed Site
Fujimura Reiko; Sato Yoshinori; Nishizawa Tomoyasu; Nanba...
MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS/27(1)/pp.19-29, 2012-03 - Comparative study of forest-dwelling bats' abundances and species richness between old-growth forests and conifer plantations in Nikko National Park, central Japan
Yoshikura Satoko; Yasui Sachiko; Kamijo Takashi
MAMMAL STUDY/36(4)/pp.189-198, 2011-12 - Habitat characteristics and vegetation management of the threatened wetland plant species Viola raddeana in the Tone River system, Japan
澤田 みつ子; 小幡 和男; 上條 隆志; 中村 徹
日本緑化工学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology/37(1)/pp.44-49, 2011-08 - Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island : Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)
上條 隆志; 樋口 広芳
Japanese Journal of Ecology/61(2)/pp.155-156, 2011-07 - Vegetation change after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)
上條 隆志; 川越 みなみ; 宮本 雅人
Japanese Journal of Ecology/61(2)/pp.157-165, 2011-07 - Vegetation monitoring by satellite remote sensing after the 2000 year eruption of Miyake-jima Island(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)
高橋 俊守; 加藤 和弘; 上條 隆志
Japanese Journal of Ecology/61(2)/pp.167-175, 2011-07 - Effects of vegetation with different developmental stages on carbon accumulation and soil structure of volcanic ash deposits on Miyake-jima Island(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)
川越 みなみ; 上條 隆志; 田村 憲司
Japanese Journal of Ecology/61(2)/pp.203-210, 2011-07 - Lessons from the process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island(Process of ecosystem recovery after the 2000 year eruption on Miyake-jima Island-Response of terrestrial ecosystem to the large eruption-)
上條 隆志; 樋口 広芳
Japanese Journal of Ecology/61(2)/pp.219-226, 2011-07 - The Vegetation Recovery Process in Miyakejima Island after the 2000 Volcanic Eruption Using Satellite Remote Sensing
高橋 俊守; 加藤 和弘; 上條 隆志
Journal of The Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture/71(5)/pp.539-542, 2008-01 - Effects of Prescribed Burning on Viola raddeana in Wet Secondary Grassland Around Sugao-Numa, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
澤田 みつ子; 小幡 和男; 上條 隆志; 中村 徹
Landscape Research Japan Online/3(0)/pp.11-15, 2010-01 - 1-26 カラマツ人工林下の土壌呼吸とその空間分布(1.物質循環・動態,2010年度北海道大会)
森 透; 東 照雄; 上條 隆志; 田村 憲司
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(56)/p.9, 2010-09 - P6-1 Characterization of soil microbial community in the early development of soil ecosystem in Miyake Island, Japan
郭 永; 藤村 玲子; 細川 研; 佐藤 嘉則; 西沢 智康; 上條 隆志; 太田 寛行
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(56)/p.36, 2010-09 - 13-6 三宅島2000年噴火火山灰堆積地における土壌諸性質とススキ群落分布との関係(13.土壌生成・分類,2010年度北海道大会)
新谷 尚己; 田村 憲司; 上條 隆志; 東 照雄
Abstracts of the meeting, the Society of the Science of Soil and Manure/0(56)/p.97, 2010-09 - Limnobacter litoralis sp. nov., a thiosulfate-oxidizing, heterotrophic bacterium isolated from a volcanic deposit, and emended description of the genus Limnobacter
Lu Hongsheng; Sato Yoshinori; Fujimura Reiko; Nishizawa ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY/61(Part 2)/pp.404-407, 2011-02 - 植生学会シンポジウムよみがえれ三宅島の緑 : 緑回復への試みとその課題
上條 隆志
植生情報 = Vegetation science news/8(0)/pp.38-39, 2004-03 - more...
- 三宅島2000年噴火が陸上生態系に与えた影響