KAMIJO Takashi
- Articles
- Nitrogenase Activity (Acetylene Reduction) of an Iron-Oxidizing Leptospirillum Strain Cultured as a Pioneer Microbe from a Recent Volcanic Deposit on Miyake-Jima, Japan
Sato Yoshinori; Hosokawa Ken; Fujimura Reiko; Nishizawa ...
MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS/24(4)/pp.291-296, 2009-01 - Genetic structure of Miscanthus sinensis ssp condensatus (Poaceae) on Miyake Island: implications for revegetation of volcanically devastated sites
Iwata H; Kamijo T; Tsumura Y
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH/20(2)/pp.233-238, 2005-03 - Initial soil formation processes of volcanogenous regosols (Scoriacious) from Miyake-Jima Island, Japan
Kato T; Kamijo T; Hatta T; Tamura K; Higashi T
SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION/51(2)/pp.291-301, 2005-04 - 筑波大学八ヶ岳演習林での長期生態学研究の取り組み
清野達之; 門脇正史; 井波明宏; 杉山昌典; 上治雄介; 菊地亜矢子; 上條隆志; 中村徹; 金子信博; 長谷川元洋; 壁谷大介
独立行政法人国立環境研究所地球環境センターレポート (CGER-Report)/p.85-86, 2008-01
- Nitrogenase Activity (Acetylene Reduction) of an Iron-Oxidizing Leptospirillum Strain Cultured as a Pioneer Microbe from a Recent Volcanic Deposit on Miyake-Jima, Japan