- Articles
- Degradation of microcystin by an electrochemical oxidative electrode cell.
Gao Y.; Shimizu K.; Utsumi M.; Xue Q.; Feng C.; Sakharkar ...
Environmental Technology/p.DOI:10.1080/09593330.201, 2012 - MlrA Located in the Inner Membrane Is Essential for Initial Degradation of Microcystin in Sphingopyxis sp. C-1
Maseda H.; Shimizu K.; Doi Y.; Inamori Y.; Utsumi M.; Sug...
Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology/48(3)/pp.99-107, 2012-09 - Inhibition of Growth and Microcystins Production on Microcystis aeruginosa by Electrolytic Method
Gao Y.; Shimizu K.; Xue Q.; Feng C.; Utsumi M.
Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology/48(3)/pp.125-132, 2012-09 - Enzymatic pathway for biodegrading microcystin LR in Sphingopyxis sp. C-1.
Shimizu Kazuya; Maseda Hideaki; Okano Kunihiro; Kurashima...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering/114(6)/pp.630-634, 2012-12 - Anaerobic Coculture of Microalgae with Thermosipho globiformans and Methanocaldococcus jannaschii at 68 degrees C Enhances Generation of n-Alkane-Rich Biofuels after Pyrolysis
Yamane Kunio; Matsuyama Shigeru; Igarashi Kensuke; Utsumi...
APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY/79(3)/pp.924-930, 2013-02 - Ecosystem structure of a boiling spring with high bacterial production on Mt. Tateyama, Japan
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Eco-Engineering/14(4)/pp.11-18, 2002-01 - Intrinsic Biodegradation of Heavy oil from NAKHODKA and the effect of exogenous fertilization at a coastal area of the sea of Japan.
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Water, Air and Soil Pollut./145/pp.123-138, 2003-01 - Assessment for the complicated occurrence of nuisance odours from phytoplankton and environmental factors in a eutrophic lake.
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Okano K.; Maseda H.; Sugita K.; Saito T.; Utsumi M.; Maekawa T...
Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology/42(1)/pp.27-35, 2006-02 - Adsorption and biodegradation characteristics of musty odorous compounds, 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin.
Sugiura N.; Okano K.; Burns B.P.; Utsumi M.; Inamori Y.; Nishi...
Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology/42(2)/pp.91-97, 2006-04 - Degradation characteristics of Alkylphenols using electrochemical treatment.
Okazaki T.; Utsumi M.; Okano K.; Zhang Z.; Sugiura N.
The Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan/39(1)/pp.17-24, 2008-02 - 水環境中における複雑なかび臭発生の原因.
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用水と廃水/50(10)/pp.833-839, 2008-10 - Effect of Microcystin and Its Degradation Products on the Transcription of Genes Encoding Microcystin Degrading Enzymes
Shimizu Kazuya; K. Okano; H. Maseda; T. Amemiya; T. Kura...
Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology/45(1)/pp.45-55, 2009-02 - Microbial Communities in Sulfide Structures of Active and Inactive Vents at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Fields at the Southern Mariana Trough.
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Environmental Microbiology/p.doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920., 2009-02 - Electrochemical treatment of waste brine water –Degradation of ammonia and control of trihalomethane production-.
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The Journal of the Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan./40(1)/pp.19-26, 2009-03 - Dispersal and Differentiation of Deep-Sea Mussels of the Genus Bathymodiolus (Mytilidae, Bathymodiolinae).
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J. of Marine Biology/p.doi:10.1155/2009/625672, 2009-10 - Development and application of quantitative PCR for monitoring of microbial population dynamics during methane fermentation process.
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Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology,/46(1)/pp.47-57, 2010-03 - Biogeography and biodiversity in sulfide structures of active and inactive vents at deep-sea hydrothermal fields of the Southern Mariana Trough.
Kato S.; Takano Y.; Kakegawa T.; Oba H.; Inoue K.; Kobayashi C...
Appl. Microbial. Ecolog./76(9)/pp.2968-2979, 2010-03 - Phylogenetic analysis of microcystin biosynthesis gene-mcyF from Microcystis.
Nakamoto T.; Okano K.; Kaul S. C.; Utsumi M.
Jpn. J. Water Treatment Biology/47(1)/pp.29-36, 2011-03 - Electrochemical degradation of geosmin using electrode of Ti/IrO2-Pt
Xue Q.; Li M.; Shimizu K.; Utsumi M.; Zhang Z.; Feng C.; ...
Desalination/265(1-3)/pp.135-139, 2011-04 - A Simple and Rapid Method for Detection and Quantification of Microcystin-Producing Cyanobacteria.
Jimbo Y.; Okano K.; Utsumi M.; Sugiura N.
Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology/44(1)/pp.41-48, 2008-01 - more...
- Degradation of microcystin by an electrochemical oxidative electrode cell.