ISODA Masami

Researcher's full information

  • Designing Problem Solving Teaching Approach on the Framework on the Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge for Extension of Mathematics
    礒田 正美
    The 6th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education/2013-03-18
  • What is Lesson Study?
    礒田 正美
    International Conference on Educational Leadership and Learning Communities/2013-03-07
  • How to Develop Mathematical Thinking with Thai-edition of Gakkotosho Textbooks
    礒田 正美
    International Conference in Mathematics and Applications/2013-01-21
  • Experienica en Japón en Modelamiento Matemático
    礒田 正美
    Seminario Modelamiento Matemático en las Bases Curriculares/2013-01-11
  • How to develop mathematical thinking in the classroom with DbookPro in Thai
    Masami Isoda; Dr. Maitree Inprasitha
    Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics/2012-12-17
  • Explanation of Mathematical Thinking using an example of Thai edition of Gakkotosho Textbooks
    礒田 正美
    Project of Mathematical Thinking Textbook/2012-12-16
  • Matemáticas para la educación normal: Theory for being Observer or Teachers
    礒田 正美
    XVI Jornadas Nacionales de Educación Matemática, 29-30, Santiago, Chile/2012-11-30
  • Matemáticas para la educación normal
    礒田 正美
    Workshop for Normal School Teachers in Yucatan/2012-11-01
  • Tsunami and Evacuation as for the situation of mathematical modeling
    礒田 正美
    Workshop on Mathematical Modeling Course in Higher Education Curriculum of APEC Economies/2012-10-23
  • Japanese National Assessment Tasks as for the Model
    礒田 正美
    Mathematics Regional Wide Assessment (MaRWA)/2012-10-10
  • Linkages as for the Model on Geometric Construction
    礒田 正美
    Realistic Mathematics Education for Junior Secondary School Mathematics Teachers/2012-10-08
  • Challenging from Mathematics Education to Emergency Preparedness Education: Focusing on Earthquake and Tsunami
    礒田 正美
    ICER2012 & APEC-Khon Kaen International Symposium 2012/2012-09-09
  • Empirical Research on History in Mathematics Education: Current and Future Challenges for Our Field (Panel)
    Uffe Thomas Jankvist (Denmark); Yi-Wen Su (Taiwan); Masam...
    History and Pedagogy in Mathematics (HPM) 2012/2012-07-19
  • How Teachers Develop Students' Mathematical Thinking in Their Classroom with Their Textbooks: What did Japanese teachers achieve through the lesson study?
    Masami Isoda
    Changing Math Education: How to develop professional development?/2012-07-11
  • Designing Problem Solving Approach for Understanding Mathematics: Hermeneutics, meaning and procedure for objectifying subjective (Regular Lecture)
    Masami Isoda
    The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education/2012-07-10
  • Developing Children's Mathematical Thinking: An Essence of Pedagogical Content Development in Japanese Textbooks
    礒田 正美
    SEAMEO-RECSAM Workshop/2012-07-03
  • Re-alive Historical Textbook with e-Textbook: Hermeneutic Effort for Humanizing Mathematics Education
    礒田 正美
    Annual Meeting of the Korea Society of Educational Studies in Mathematics/2012-06-09
  • What is the Hermeneutic Effort?
    礒田 正美
    Department of Mathematics Education, Korea National University of Education/2012-06-08
  • El enfoque de resolución de problemas apoyado por libros de texto y el Estudio de Clases
    礒田 正美
  • Mathematics Skill Approach for 21st Century
    礒田 正美
    English Bilingual Education and The 2nd EIS International Conference Integrated Studies and ASEAN Community Development/2012-03-15
  • The Target of APEC Project
    礒田 正美
    APEC - Tsukuba International Conference VI/2012-02-15
  • Collaborative and Proactive Lesson Planning
    礒田 正美
    Addressing the K to 12 Curricular Enhancement in Philippine Education 2012/2012-01-19
  • Do You Teach Meaningful Mathematics for Teacher Preparation? Thai Translation of Japanese Textbooks as for the Bases for Pedagogical Content Knowledge
    礒田 正美
    International Conference in Mathematics and Applications (ICMA - MU 2011)/2011-12-19
  • Emergence of Digital Textbook: Why We Need it?
    Masami Isoda
    The Social Value of Educational Technology in Southeast Asia: an Intellectual Exchange Conference for Japan, Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam/2011-11-08
  • Innovation on Problem Solving - Based Mathematics Textbooks and E-Textbooks
    Masami Isoda
    APEC-Ubon Ratchathani International Symposium 2011: Innovation on Problem Solving Based Mathematics Textbooks and E-textbooks/2011-11-04
  • more...