Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 大学生用学習分野への興味尺度の開発
    湯立; 外山 美樹
  • 中学生の自律的学習動機が感情や学習対処方略に与える影響
    三和 秀平; 外山 美樹
  • ユーモラスな依頼は功を成す?-受け手の感情に着目して-
    倉石 和澄; 外山 美樹
  • Is prevention focus good for performance?: The role of regulatory closure.
    Toyama Miki; Nagamine Masato; Tang Li; Miwa Syuhei; Kuroz...
    The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology./2018-03-01--2018-03-03
  • Effects of Product Constraints on Performance in a Divergent Thinking Task: Regulatory Focus as a Moderator.
    Tang Li; Kurozumi Ryo; Toyama Miki; Nagamine Masato; Miwa...
    The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology./2018-03-01--2018-03-03
  • Effects of regulatory focus on the evaluation of messages: Focus the familiarity as moderators.
    Nagamine Masato; Toyama Miki; Miwa Syuhei; Tang Li; Kuroz...
    The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology/2018-03-01--2018-03-03
  • Can regulatory fit improve elementary school students’ performance and motivation?
    Miwa Syuhei; Toyama Miki; Nagamine Masato; Tang Li; Kuroz...
    The 19th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology./2018-03-01--2018-03-03
  • 制御適合はパフォーマンスを高めるのか?日常場面の学業パフォーマンスに焦点を当てて
    外山 美樹; 長峯 聖人; 湯 立; 三和 秀平; 黒住 嶺; 相川 充