- Articles
- 自閉スペクトラム症のある児童生徒における, 行う手の意図と相反する結果が生じる条件での道徳的判断: 判断する視点による影響の検討.
岡村恵里子; 岡崎 慎治; 大六一志
障害科学研究/42(1)/pp.17-27, 2018 - 幼児を対象とした認知能力のアセスメントと認知教育プログラムに関する文献的検討
石原 章子; 岡崎 慎治
Comparison of Treatment Effects Between the PECS training with Time Delay and the Training with Mora Rhythm Tapping on Verbal Expressions of Young Children with Autism/46(1)/pp.213-224, 2022-03 - 特別支援教育におけるダイナミック・アセスメントに関する文献的検討
齋藤 大地; 岡崎 慎治
Comparison of Treatment Effects Between the PECS training with Time Delay and the Training with Mora Rhythm Tapping on Verbal Expressions of Young Children with Autism/46(1)/pp.175-188, 2022-03 - Trial of Professional Development Training for Teachers in Charge of Resource Room Instruction: Online and On-Demand Lectures on Developmental Disabilities and On-the-Job Training in Designing “Individualized Teaching Plans”
区 潔萍; 柘植 雅義; 熊谷 恵子; 三盃 亜美; 宮本 昌子; 岡崎 慎治; 野呂 文行; 小島 道生; 米田 宏樹
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/46/pp.235-247, 2022-03 - 自閉スペクトラム症におけるアレキシサイミア傾向とその関連要因の評価に関する文献的検討
古畑僚; 岡崎 慎治
障害科学研究/45(1)/pp.189-198, 2021-03 - 大学生におけるPASS理論に基づく認知特性評価の試み —CAS2:Rating ScaleによるPASS尺度とASD特性, ADHD特性との関連—
青木真純; 中島範子; 岡崎 慎治
障害科学研究/45(1)/pp.65-76, 2021-03 - 定型発達成人における問題解決課題の遂行成績と前頭前部の脳血行動態からみた問題解決過程の検討
本間美桃子; 中野 泰伺; 岡崎慎治
臨床神経生理学 : Japanese journal of clinical neurophysiology/49(6)/pp.459-468, 2021-12 - Psychophysiological Investigations of the Combination Effect Go and Stop Stimuli in the Stop-Signal Task in Typically Developing Adults With and Without ADHD Propensity
Nakano Yasushi; Okazaki Shinji
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/168(S)/pp.S111-S111, 2021-10 - Cognitive Profiles Based on PASS Theory and Strategy Characteristics as Measured by the Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System: University Students With ADHD and ASD
青木 真純; 佐々木 銀河; 中島 範子; 岡崎 慎治; 竹田 一則
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/58(3)/pp.165-175, 2020-11 - A Study of the validity of "Support Needs Inventory" for university students and its Relation between "Support Needs Inventory", Developmental Disability Characteristics and Cognitive Abilities
中野泰伺; 高橋 知音; 岡崎 慎治; 中島 範子; 脇 貴典; 末吉 彩香; 松田 奈々恵; 竹田 一則; 佐々木...
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/45/pp.31-41, 2021-03 - Relationship Between Working Memory and Study Support of Students at Higher Education Institution
Yasushi Nakano; Noriko Nakashima; Takanori Waki; Sueyoshi...
Global Conference Series: Social Sciences, Education and Humanities (GCSSSEH)/4/pp.302-305, 2020-03 - Association between Difficulty of Kana Reading and Cognitive Characteristics in Children with ADHD:Examination Based on the PASS Theory of Intelligence
中島 範子; 岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/44(1)/pp.65-73, 2020 - Preliminary Study of Relations between Circumscribed Interests and Emotional Experience on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder:Examination Using Subjective Estimation to Visual Stimulus
古畑 僚; 岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/44(1)/pp.55-64, 2020 - Self-monitoring Intervention Based on Assessment of Cognitive Process for a Student of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):Utilizing a Worksheet for the Emotional Visualization.
中野泰伺; 中島 範子; 奥村 香澄; 岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/44(1)/pp.161-171, 2020 - Project on Reasonable Accommodation for Developmental Disabilities (RADD) : Academic Support Based on the Multilayer Support Model
佐々木銀河; 岡崎慎治; 野呂 文行; 竹田一則
Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities/pp.419-425, 2019-11 - 発達障害に対する行政的サポート
大村 美保; 岡崎慎治
診断と治療/107(11)/pp.1317-1321, 2019-11 - TsukubaPsychophysiological Study of the Effects of Relations Between Target and Preceding Cue Stimulus of the Stop-Signal Task on the Process of Response Control:: View of The Relationships of ADHD Tendency in Typically Developed Adults
中野泰伺; 岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/43(1)/pp.87-97, 2019 - ADHD,ASDのある学生に対する自記式での質問紙による認知特性評価の試み
青木 真純; 佐々木 銀河; 中島 範子; 岡崎 慎治; 竹田 一則
全国高等教育障害学生支援協議会第5回大会発表論文集/p.122, 2019-06 - 知能のPASS理論に基づく認知アセスメント
岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience/19(2)/pp.74-74, 2017 - Case Study on Changing Note-Taking Strategies of a College Student with Difficulties in Note-Taking
青木 真純; 佐々木 銀河; 真名瀬 陽平; 五味 洋一; 中島 範子; 岡崎 慎治; 竹田 一則
Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities/28(1)/pp.133-143, 2019-02 - A neurocognitive study of response control processing during the Stop-signal task under the different visual stimulus conditions in typically development adults
中野泰伺; 岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology/46(6)/pp.551-560, 2018 - Moral Judgment under Incongruence between Actor's Intention and Outcome of Action in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder:The Effect of Point of View on Judgment
岡村 恵里子; 岡崎 慎治; 大六 一志
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/42(1)/pp.17-27, 2018 - Semantic Processing Characteristics of Simple Sentences in Cases of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Performance of a Word Recall Task that Matches Sentence Meaning
吉井 鮎美; 岡崎 慎治; 中野泰伺; 髙橋 由子; 寺田 信一
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/42(1)/pp.207-215, 2018 - 特集 Ⅱ.小児期の発達障害に対する援助と指導 海外における初等教育での援助と指導
米田 宏樹; 岡崎 慎治
Psychiatry/pp.319-323, 2018-10 - Survey for inherent requirements at universities in Australia: Toward clarification of processes in providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities
佐々木 銀河; 田原 敬; 五味 洋一; 青木 真純; 宮内 久絵; 岡崎 慎治; 野呂 文行; 竹田 一則
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/56(3)/pp.157-168, 2018-10 - more...
- 自閉スペクトラム症のある児童生徒における, 行う手の意図と相反する結果が生じる条件での道徳的判断: 判断する視点による影響の検討.