- Articles
- 教育講演④認知発達のメカニズムと読み書き障害―知能のPASS理論との関連から―
岡崎 慎治
LD研究/26(1)/pp.19-46, 2017-05 - 定型発達成人の不注意傾向と問題解決過程に関わる前頭前皮質活動との関連
濱田香澄; 青木真純; 岡崎 慎治
障害科学研究/41/pp.13-22, 2018-03 - Neurocognitive development of visuocognitive motor behavior revealed by event-related potentials in cued continuous performance test
Okazaki Shinji; Ozaki Hisaki
Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology/59/pp.3-7, 2006-04 - Assessment of Cognitive Process Based on PASS Theory of Intelligence
岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience/19(3)/pp.118-124, 2017 - 発達障害に対する教育と社会的サポート
岡崎慎治; 青木真純
精神科/29(5)/pp.419-424, 2016-11 - 特別支援教育の基礎基本16 自閉症スペクトラムとADHD
月間教職教育/2016年(7月号)/pp.58-58, 2016-07 - 認知発達のメカニズムと読み書き障害―知能のPASS理論との関連から―
LD研究/26(1)/pp.39-46, 2017 - 文の黙読課題遂行中の事象関連電位からみた自閉症スペクトラム障害児の意味処理過程
吉井鮎美; 岡崎慎治; 平野晋吾; 寺田信一
生理心理学と精神生理学/ 33(3)/pp.215-222, 2015-10 - なぜ授業に集中できないのか−子どもの認知特性を中心に−
発達教育/2017年(1月号)/pp.4-11, 2016-12 - The Relationship Between Tendency for Inattention and Prefrontal Cortex Activity During Problem Solving in Typical Developing Adults
濱田香澄; 青木真純; 岡崎慎治
Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences/41(1)/pp.13-22, 2017-03 - Event-Related Potentials on Semantic Processing for Sentence Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
吉井 鮎美; 岡崎 慎治; 平野 晋吾; 寺田 信一
Jpn. J. Physiol. Psychol. Psychophysiol./33(3)/pp.215-222, 2015 - Relation Between Reading and Phonological Processing in Children With Reading Difficulties: Reading Latency and Articulation Time
井上 知洋; 東原 文子; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/49(5)/pp.435-444, 2012 - Construct Validity of the Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System Japanese Edition: Tests With Four Age Groups
The Japanese Journal of Special Education/49(6)/pp.729-743, 2012 - Intervention for Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Visualization about the Degree of Anxiety Using the Railroad Map
濱田 香澄; 岡崎 慎治; 瀬戸口 裕二
紀要/9/pp.61-68, 2015-03 - An ERP study of the relationship between anticipation, executive control and performance monitoring under interference condition in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Aoki Masumi; Okazaki Shinji
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY/94(2)/pp.211-211, 2014-11 - The Efficacy of the COGENT Program in Pre-school Children with High-risk for Learning Disabilities
青木 真純; 室谷 直子; 増南 太志; 松沢 晴美; 高野 知里; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
障害科学研究/37/pp.13-26, 2013-03 - Inhibitory Control for Interference during Stroop Task with Animal Picture from Cerebral Blood Flow in Prefrontal Area : Investigation in Typical Developmental Adults and Preliminary Study in Children
濱田 香澄; 岡崎 慎治
障害科学研究/37/pp.39-56, 2013-03 - 注意の持続・コントロールが苦手な子への支援の考え方
岡崎 慎治
発達教育/pp.4-11, 2012-04 - Cognitive Control on Interference Tasks in Children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
青木 真純; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
LD研究 = Japanese journal of learning disabilities/21(4)/pp.460-469, 2012-11 - 特別支援教育に必要なキーワード解説 (特集 学校の特別支援教育--陥り易い問題点23)
岡崎 慎治
学校マネジメント/48(5)/pp.58-61, 2009-05 - What process does methylphenidate improve in children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Performance and Event-Related Potentials during Continuous Performance Test-
岡崎慎治・前川久男・二上哲志・立川和子・松田素子・市川正嗣; +岡崎 慎治
PSYCHIATRIA ET NEUROLIOSIA POAEDIATRICA JAPONICA/36(3)/p.225-238, 1996-01 - Event-related potentials in motor response execution and inhibition during a cued continuous performance test with various interstimulus interval
岡崎慎治・尾崎久記・前川久男; +岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Electroencephalography and Electromyography/27(5)/p.393-403, 1999-01 - Control of Response Inhibition in Children with ADHD on the CPT under various intervals
Shinji Okazaki; Hisao Maekawa; Satoshi Futakami
Japanese Journal of Special Education/38(6)/p.97-103, 2001-01 - Response execution and/or inhibition in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder during Continuous Performance Test
岡崎慎治・川久保友紀・細川美由紀・前川久男; +岡崎 慎治
Japanese Journal of Special Education/38(4)/p.1-10, 2001-01 - 注意欠陥/多動性障害(ADHD)児の認知機能に関する評価をめぐって
岡崎 慎治
特殊教育学研究/40(4)/p.435-440, 2002-01 - more...
- 教育講演④認知発達のメカニズムと読み書き障害―知能のPASS理論との関連から―