Researcher's full information

  • Intervention for Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder : Visualization about the Degree of Anxiety Using the Railroad Map
    濱田 香澄; 岡崎 慎治; 瀬戸口 裕二
    紀要/9/pp.61-68, 2015-03
  • An ERP study of the relationship between anticipation, executive control and performance monitoring under interference condition in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
    Aoki Masumi; Okazaki Shinji
  • The Efficacy of the COGENT Program in Pre-school Children with High-risk for Learning Disabilities
    青木 真純; 室谷 直子; 増南 太志; 松沢 晴美; 高野 知里; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
    障害科学研究/37/pp.13-26, 2013-03
  • Inhibitory Control for Interference during Stroop Task with Animal Picture from Cerebral Blood Flow in Prefrontal Area : Investigation in Typical Developmental Adults and Preliminary Study in Children
    濱田 香澄; 岡崎 慎治
    障害科学研究/37/pp.39-56, 2013-03
  • 注意の持続・コントロールが苦手な子への支援の考え方
    岡崎 慎治
    発達教育/pp.4-11, 2012-04
  • Cognitive Control on Interference Tasks in Children with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
    青木 真純; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
    LD研究 = Japanese journal of learning disabilities/21(4)/pp.460-469, 2012-11
  • 特別支援教育に必要なキーワード解説 (特集 学校の特別支援教育--陥り易い問題点23)
    岡崎 慎治
    学校マネジメント/48(5)/pp.58-61, 2009-05
  • What process does methylphenidate improve in children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Performance and Event-Related Potentials during Continuous Performance Test-
    岡崎慎治・前川久男・二上哲志・立川和子・松田素子・市川正嗣; +岡崎 慎治
  • Event-related potentials in motor response execution and inhibition during a cued continuous performance test with various interstimulus interval
    岡崎慎治・尾崎久記・前川久男; +岡崎 慎治
    Japanese Journal of Electroencephalography and Electromyography/27(5)/p.393-403, 1999-01
  • Control of Response Inhibition in Children with ADHD on the CPT under various intervals
    Shinji Okazaki; Hisao Maekawa; Satoshi Futakami
    Japanese Journal of Special Education/38(6)/p.97-103, 2001-01
  • Response execution and/or inhibition in children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder during Continuous Performance Test
    岡崎慎治・川久保友紀・細川美由紀・前川久男; +岡崎 慎治
    Japanese Journal of Special Education/38(4)/p.1-10, 2001-01
  • 注意欠陥/多動性障害(ADHD)児の認知機能に関する評価をめぐって
    岡崎 慎治
    特殊教育学研究/40(4)/p.435-440, 2002-01
  • 継次処理が強く目と手の協応運動が苦手な児童の指導-数量関係の指導を中心に-
    岡崎慎治・奥畑志帆・坂尻千恵・計良明美; +岡崎 慎治
    K-ABCアセスメント研究/10(14-20), 2008-03
  • 列島縦断ネットワーキング 茨城 第1回筑波大学障害学生支援研究会の開催
    岡崎 慎治; 青柳 まゆみ
    ノーマライゼーション/29(3)/p.56-58, 2009-01
  • ADHDの認知心理学
    Pharma Medica/28(11)/p.21-24, 2010-01
  • Methylphenidate influences Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity's Children during Continuous Performance Test using Event-Related Potentials
    岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男; 二上 哲志; 立川 和子; 松田 素子; 市川 正嗣
    小児の精神と神経/36(3)/pp.225-238, 1996-09
  • Developing a Discriminative Response to Verbal Stimuli in a Child with Werdnig-Hoffmann Disease
    石川 由美子; 岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男
    The Japanese journal of special education/36(4)/pp.71-78, 1999-01
  • The examination of the factor development aid to a child with Werdnig-Hoffman disease
    石川 由美子; 岡崎 慎治; 青木 暁乃; 前川 久男
    Bulletin of College of Medical Technology & Nursing, the University of Tsukuba/20(0)/pp.1-7, 1999-03
  • Event-related potentials in motor response execution and inhibition during a cued continuous performance test with various interstimulus interval
    岡崎 慎治; 尾崎 久記; 前川 久男
    脳波と筋電図 : Japanese journal of electroencephalography and electromyography/27(5)/pp.393-403, 1999-10
  • 注意欠陥・多動性障害への教育的アプローチ : 算数の指導を中心に
    前川 久男; 岡崎 慎治; 佐藤 克敏
    Japanese journal on developmental disabilities/21(3)/pp.171-181, 1999-11
  • 本邦特殊教育関係部会別文献目録(1999年1月〜1999年12月)行動問題部会(2)
    岡崎 慎治; 細川 美由紀; 川久保 友紀
    The Japanese journal of special education/38(1)/pp.157-167, 2000-06
  • Response Execution and/or Inhibition in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder during the Continuous Performance Test
    岡崎 慎治; 川久保 友紀; 細川 美由紀; 前川 久男
    特殊教育学研究/38(4)/pp.1-10, 2001-01
  • Control of Response Inhibition in Children with ADHD on the Continuous Performance Test under Various Intervals
    岡崎 慎治; 前川 久男; 二上 哲志
    The Japanese journal of special education/38(6)/pp.97-103, 2001-03
  • 本邦特殊教育関係部会別文献目録(2000年1月〜2000年12月)行動問題(2)部会
    岡崎 慎治; 細川 美由紀; 川久保 友紀
    The Japanese journal of special education/39(1)/pp.111-124, 2001-06
  • One-year test-retest replicability of mismatch negativity to tones and phonemes in normal subjects : a high-resolution EEG study
    川久保 友紀; 笠井 清登; 岡崎 慎治; 岩波 明; 前川 久男
    臨床神経生理学 : Japanese journal of clinical neurophysiology/30(6)/pp.434-440, 2002-12
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