Researcher's full information

  • Transcriptome network analysis identifies protective role of the LXR/SREBP-1c axis in murine pulmonary fibrosis
    Shichino Shigeyuki; Ueha Satoshi; Hashimoto Shinichi; ...
    JCI INSIGHT/4(1), 2019-01
  • 【脂質異常症の最前線】 脂質代謝におけるPPARαとFGF21の役割(解説/特集)
    中川 嘉; 島野 仁
    Medical Science Digest/44(14)/pp.768-771, 2018-12
  • Elovl6 regulates mechanical damage–induced keratinocyte death and skin inflammation
    Y Nakamura; T Matsuzaka; S Tahara-Hanaoka; K Shibuya; ...
    Cell Death and Diseases/9(12)/p.1181, 2018-12
  • 【糖尿病療養指導のチームパワー-one for all,all for one patient-】 理学療法士の持続力 運動をまず始めさせ、そして続けさせるためには
    鈴木 康裕; 鈴木 浩明; 村上 史明; 島野 仁
    プラクティス/35(6)/pp.656-663, 2018-11
  • Protein Residue Networks from Energetic and Geometric Data: Are They Identical?
    Sladek Vladimir; Tokiwa Hiroaki; Shimano Hitoshi; Shig...
    Journal of chemical theory and computation/14(12)/pp.6623-6631, 2018-11
  • Association between brown rice consumption and circulating microRNAs in Japanese subjects with prediabetes
    Suzuki H.; Araki R.; Sasaki-Fukatsu K.; Fujie K.; Sekiya ...
    DIABETOLOGIA/61(1)/pp.S338-S338, 2018-10
  • Relationship between intake of fruit separately from vegetables and triglycerides - A meta-analysis
    Kodama Satoru; Horikawa Chika; Fujihara Kazuya; Ishii ...
    Clinical nutrition ESPEN/27/pp.53-58, 2018-10
  • Network meta-analysis of the relative efficacy of bariatric surgeries for diabetes remission
    Kodama S; Fujihara K; Horikawa C; Harada M; Ishiguro H; K...
    Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity/19(12)/pp.1621-1629, 2018-09
  • 脂肪酸代謝と食嗜好性のブレイン・サイエンス
    志村 拓哉; 松坂 賢; 島野 仁
    肥満研究/24(2)/pp.84-88, 2018-08
  • The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor α (PPARα) Agonist Pemafibrate Protects against Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice.
    Araki Masaya; Nakagawa Yoshimi; Oishi Asayo; Han Song-Ie...
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences/19(7), 2018-07
  • Transgenic mice overexpressing SREBP-1a in male ob/ob mice exhibit lipodystrophy and exacerbate insulin resistance
    Ohno Hiroshi; Matsuzaka Takashi; Tang Nie; Sharma Rahul; ...
    Endocrinology, 2018-06
  • Relationships among cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness, and cardiometabolic risk factors in Japanese adolescents: Niigata screening for and preventing the development of non-communicable disease study-Agano (NICE EVIDENCE Study-Agano) 2
    Morikawa Sakiko Yoshizawa; Fujihara Kazuya; Hatta Mariko...
    Pediatric diabetes, 2018-06
  • 糖尿病・内分泌代謝学 脂肪酸バランス異常と糖尿病
    松坂賢; 島野 仁
    医学のあゆみ/265(10)/pp.891-892, 2018-06
  • 脂肪酸伸長酵素・不飽和化酵素によるリポクオリティ制御
    松坂 賢; 島野 仁
    実験医学(増刊「脂質クオリティ」)/36(10)/pp.1631-1638, 2018-06
  • Transgenic mice overexpressing SREBP-1a in male ob/ob mice exhibit lipodystrophy and exacerbate insulin resistance
    Ohno Hiroshi; Matsuzaka Takashi; Tang Nie; Sharma Rahul; ...
    Endocrinology/159(6)/pp.2308-2323, 2018-06
  • Molecular association model of PPARα and its new specific and efficient ligand, pemafibrate: Structural basis for SPPARMα
    Yamamoto Yuta; Takei Kenta; Arulmozhiraja Sundaram; Slade...
    Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 2018-05
  • 骨格筋の代謝の調節機構 脂質代謝と骨格筋 筋肉のオートファジーとエネルギー代謝
    中川 嘉; 島野 仁
    実験医学/36(7)/pp.1130-1134, 2018-05
  • 脂肪酸伸長酵素Elov16による肝臓インスリン感受性制御機構の解析
    松坂 賢; 林 昭夫; 島野 仁
    脂質生化学研究/60/pp.61-62, 2018-05
  • ELOVL6が関与する病態のリピドミクス解析と脂肪酸組成制御による新規創薬シーズの探索に向けたシステム開発と疎水性超高分解能ノンターゲットメタボロミクス
    林 昭夫; 松坂 賢; 島野 仁
    脂質生化学研究/60/pp.226-227, 2018-05
  • Brg1 regulates pro-lipogenic transcription by modulating SREBP activity in hepatocytes
    Li Nan; Li Min; Hong Wenxuan; Shao Jing; Xu Huihui; ...
    Biochimica et biophysica acta/1864(9 Pt B)/pp.2881-2889, 2018-05
  • Malondialdehyde-modified LDL-related variables are  associated with diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes.
    S Furukawa; H Suzuki; K Fujihara; K Kobayashi; H Iwasaki...
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract./141/pp.237-243, 2018-05
  • CREBH Regulates Systemic Glucose and Lipid Metabolism
    Nakagawa Yoshimi; Shimano Hitoshi
    International journal of molecular sciences/19(5)/p.E1396, 2018-05
  • A Rare Coexistence of Pheochromocytoma and Parkinson's Disease With Diagnostic Challenges : A Case Report
    Matsumura-Matsuda Erika; Sekiya Motohiro; Omoto Miyoko; S...
    Internal Medicine, 2018-04
  • Saturated Fatty Acids Undergo Intracellular Crystallization and Activate the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Macrophages
    Karasawa Tadayoshi; Kawashima Akira; Usui-Kawanishi Fumi...
    Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 2018-04
  • Evaluation of safety for hepatectomy in a novel mouse model with nonalcoholic-steatohepatitis.
    小澤佑介; 田村孝史; 大和田 洋平; 清水義夫; 釼持明; 久倉勝治; 島野仁; 礒田博子; 大河内信弘
    World J Gastroenterol/24(15)/pp.1622-1631, 2018
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