CHIBA Shigeru
- Affiliation
- Institute of Medicine
- Official title
- Professor
- %N>CD=<fOFT^miPHDIgI@O
- Office
- 血液腫瘍学研究室
- Research fields
Hematology - Research projects
血管免疫芽球性T細胞リンパ腫 (AITL) 及びその他の濾胞性ヘルパーT細胞リンパ腫に対するダサチニブの多施設第II相医師主導治験 2019-04 -- 2022-03 CHIBA, Shigeru Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/Translational Research Strategic Promotion Programme seeds C 200,200,000Yen VAV1リン酸化亢進を伴う濾胞性ヘルパーT細胞リンパ腫に対するダサチニブの適応拡大を目指す研究 2018-09 -- 2019-03 CHIBA, Shigeru Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/Translational Research Strategic Promotion Programme 80,000,000Yen 脂肪酸伸長を起点とする血液脂質学の開拓および白血病治療戦略 2023-04 -- 2026-03 CHIBA, Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (A) 47,190,000Yen Understanding follicular helper T cell lymphoma focusing on germinal center B cells 2019-04 -- 2022-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17,550,000Yen Integrated approach toward angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma - elucidation of molecular mechanism and development of diagnostics and therapeutics 2016-04 -- 2019-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 47,450,000Yen 成人慢性好中球減少症の診療ガイドライン作成に向けた予後追跡調査 2015-05 -- 2018-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)/Research grant on rare and intractable diseases Programme 28,899,000Yen Unraveling bone marrow erythropoiesis niche 2015-04 -- 2017-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research 3,640,000Yen エイジングに伴うエピゲノム変化に注目した造血幹細胞の前がん化機構 2015-04 -- 2017-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 11,180,000Yen 悪性リンパ腫における腫瘍細胞と微小環境とのコミュニケーション 2013-04 -- 2015-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area) 11,180,000Yen Origin of inflammatory cells constituting malignant lymphoma tissue 2013-04 -- 2015-03 CHIBA Shigeru Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research 3,770,000Yen more... - Career history
2001-07 -- 2003-11 University of TokyoFaculty of MedicineLecturer 2003-11 -- 2008-03 University of TokyoFaculty of MedicineAssociate Professor 2008-03 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of MedicineProfessor - Academic background
1978-04 -- 1984-03 University of Tsukuba School of Medicine 1987-04 -- 1991-03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences - Degree
1991 医学博士 The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
1988 -- (current) The Japanese Cancer Association 1987 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY -- (current) Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 1986 -- (current) THE JANPANESE SOCIETY OF INTERNAL MEDICINE -- (current) The Molecular Biology Society of Japan -- (current) JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR IMMUNOLOGY -- (current) Japanese Society of Medical Oncology (JSMO) 2003 -- (current) American Society of Hematology -- (current) International Society for Stem Cell Research - Articles
- Spatially Resolved Single-Cell Transcriptomics of T Cells in Follicular Lymphoma Reveals Distinct Immune Ecosystems
Abe Yoshiaki; Zenkoh Junko; Kanai Akinori; Ikeda Dais...
BLOOD/144(1)/pp.741-742, 2024-11-05 - Discrepancies between subjective and objective sleep assessments revealed by in-home electroencephalography during real-world sleep
Masaki Minori; Tsumoto Saki; Tani Akihiro; Tominaga M...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America/122(3), 2025-01-21 - Cardiac Reprogramming and Gata4 Overexpression Reduce Fibrosis and Improve Diastolic Dysfunction in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
Yamada Yu; Sadahiro Taketaro; Nakano Koji; Honda Seii...
Circulation/151(6)/pp.379-395, 2024-12-14 - Association between microenvironment-related genes and prognosis of primary central nervous system lymphoma
Hattori Keiichiro; Makishima Kenichi; Suma Sakurako; A...
EJHAEM/Epub, 2024-11-14 - Genetic profiles and clinical features in subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphomas
Okamura Yui; Makishima Kenichi; Suehara Yasuhito; Suma...
CANCER SCIENCE/Epub, 2024-09-17 - 勤労者における中高生時の起床困難度と関連のある要因
神林 崇; 猪爪 勇二; 長谷川 澄; 千葉 滋; 姉川 絵美子; 松原 恵理; 室井 慧; 髙橋 司...
日本睡眠学会第48回定期学術集会 プログラム・抄録集/pp.267-267, 2024-07 - Validation of sleep-staging accuracy for an in-home sleep electroencephalography device compared with simultaneous polysomnography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Seol Jaehoon; Chiba Shigeru; Kawana Fusae; Tsumoto Sa...
Scientific reports/14(1)/p.3533, 2024-02-12 - Validation of sleep-staging accuracy for an in-home sleep electroencephalography device compared with simultaneous polysomnography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Seol Jaehoon; Chiba Shigeru; Kawana Fusae; Tsumoto Sa...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/14(1)/pp.3533-3533, 2024-02 - Association between Microenvironment-Related Genes and Prognosis of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Hattori Keiichiro; Makishima Kenichi; Kurita Naoki; Ab...
BLOOD/142(1), 2023-11-02 - A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19
Kanai Masahiro; Andrews Shea J.; Cordioli Mattia; Stev...
NATURE/621(7977)/pp.E7-+, 2023-09-07 - Clonal Evolution of Der(1;7)(q10;p10) Myeloid Neoplasms
Okuda Rurika; Ochi Yotaro; Saiki Ryunosuke; Hiramoto ...
BLOOD/142(1), 2023-11-02 - Distinct Minor Neoplastic Follicular T-Cell Subsets Dictate Lymphoma Fates through Functional Specialization
Abe Yoshiaki; Zenkoh Junko; Ikeda Daisuke; Aya Sawa; ...
BLOOD/142(1), 2023-11-02 - Validation of sleep-staging accuracy for an in-home sleep electroencephalography device compared with simultaneous polysomnography in patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Seol Jaehoon; Chiba Shigeru; Kawana Fusae; Tsumoto Sa...
Scientific reports/14(1)/p.3533, 2024-02-12 - Association between electroencephalogram-based sleep characteristics and physical health in the general adult population
Iwagami Masao; Seol Jaehoon; Hiei Tetsuro; Tani Akihi...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-12-08 - Impact of HBcrAg levels on HBsAg seroconversion after HBV rebound: a case report
Maki Ohkubo; Kuniaki Fukuda; Shigeru Chiba; Homma Masato
J Pharm Health Care Sci/9(1)/p.52, 2023 - Comparison of fludarabine-based conditioning regimens in adult cord blood transplantation for myeloid malignancy: A retrospective, registry-based study
Kurita Naoki; Imahashi Nobuhiko; Chiba Shigeru; Tanaka...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY/99(2)/pp.236-244, 2024-01-02 - Clinical impact and characteristics of erythroid dysplasia in adult aplastic anaemia: Results from a multicentre registry
Maeda Tomoya; Matsuda Akira; Kanda Junya; Kawabata Hi...
BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY/204(5)/pp.2086-2096, 2024-01-31 - Impact of CD34 positive cell dose in donor graft on the outcomes after haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell transplantation with post-transplant cyclophosphamide - A retrospective single-center study with a Japanese cohort
Maruyama Yumiko; Nishikii Hidekazu; Kurita Naoki; Saka...
Blood cells, molecules & diseases/105, 2023-12-30 - 同種造血幹細胞移植により長期寛解を得たCLEC16A::IL2融合遺伝子を有するT細胞前リンパ球性白血病
百瀬 春佳; 栗田 尚樹; 錦井 秀和; 遊佐 希; 横山 和明; 清水 英吾; 井元 清哉; 南木...
臨床血液/65(1)/pp.35-40, 2024-01 - Early Detection and Prediction of Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity - A Prospective Cohort Study
Inoue Keiko; Machino-Ohtsuka Tomoko; Nakazawa Yoko; Ii...
Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society/88(5), 2024-03-08 - Unbalanced translocation der(1;7)(q10;p10) as a distinct subtype in myelodysplastic syndromes
Okuda Rurika; Ochi Yotaro; Chonabayashi Kazuhisa; Sana...
CANCER SCIENCE/114(1:SI)/pp.797-797, 2023-02 - Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals comprehensive immune profiles of T follicular helper cell lymphoma
Suma Sakurako; Fujisawa Manabu; Abe Yoshiaki; Suehara ...
CANCER SCIENCE/114(1:SI)/pp.796-796, 2023-02 - Genetic subtypes of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma are associated with distinct outcomes.
Suehara Yasuhito; Sakamoto Kana; Fujisawa Manabu; Fuku...
CANCER SCIENCE/114(1:SI)/pp.287-287, 2023-02 - Female and preserved platelet count subgroups of myelodysplastic syndrome patients benefit from standard-dose azacitidine
Ogawa Shinichi; Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Matsuoka Ryota; Is...
CANCER REPORTS/Epub, 2023-11-28 - Tumor heterogeneity and immune-evasive T follicular cell lymphoma phenotypes at single-cell resolution
Suma Sakurako; Suehara Yasuhito; Fujisawa Manabu; Abe ...
LEUKEMIA/38(2)/pp.340-350, 2023-11-27 - more...
- Spatially Resolved Single-Cell Transcriptomics of T Cells in Follicular Lymphoma Reveals Distinct Immune Ecosystems
- Books
- 17.血液・造血器の疾患 17-3 血球の動態と機能 2)白血球の動態と機能 (2)リンパ球の動態と機能
千葉 滋
内科学 第12版 Ⅴ/朝倉書店, 2022-03 - 血液腫瘍の遺伝子検査
千葉 滋
臨床検査ガイド2013~2014/文光堂/pp.1047-1051, 2013-03 - 血液・造血器の構造と機能 白血球の形態と機能
千葉 滋
改訂第9版 内科学書 Vol.6 血液・造血器疾患 神経疾患/中山書店/pp.16-22, 2019-08 - Ⅰ.話題 Topics1 血液疾患患者への新型コロナワクチン接種の現状と課題
千葉 滋
EBM 血液疾患の治療 2023-2024/中外医学社/pp.6-11, 2022-10 - Ⅰ血液疾患のオーバービュー 疫学
千葉 滋
血液疾患のすべて 生涯教育シリーズ102 日本医師会雑誌 第151巻 特別号(1)/日本医師会/pp.33-36, 2022-06 - 第3部 がんの分子病理学(各論) B 臓器がん 24 リンパ腫
藤澤 学; 千葉 滋
病理と臨床 がんゲノム医療時代の分子腫瘍学 臨時増刊号 Vol.40 /文光堂/pp.343-349, 2022-04 - マイクロRNAと骨髄異形成症候群
横山 泰久; 千葉 滋
血液内科/科学評論社/pp.747-753, 2014-06 - 慢性特発性好中球減少症におけるクローン性造血の頻度と予後
横山 泰久; 千葉 滋
血液内科/科学評論社/pp.212-215, 2022-08 - Ⅱ造血器腫瘍の基礎 3.造血器腫瘍の遺伝子変異 (1)クローン性造血と造血器腫瘍
末原泰人; 千葉 滋
造血器腫瘍学(第2版)-基礎と臨床の最新研究動向- 日本臨床 78巻増刊号3 /日本臨床社/pp.95-101, 2020-08 - 第7章 シーケンスデータの品質の指標と変異・CNVデータの読み方
末原泰人; 服部圭一朗; 千葉 滋
がんゲノム医療 結果報告書の読み方と患者への伝え方~エキスパートパネルの実際~/株式会社医学と看護社/pp.48-54, 2020-05 - 巻頭トピックス 7.血管免疫芽球性T細胞リンパ腫の分子標的治療
千葉 滋
血液疾患最新の治療2020-2022/南山堂/pp.35-39, 2019-10 - 第9章 変異の効果予測
日下部学; 坂東 裕子; 千葉 滋
がんゲノム医療 結果報告書の読み方と患者への伝え方~エキスパートパネルの実際~/株式会社医学と看護社/pp.59-65, 2020-05 - 第2編 第2章 第5節 血液がんの変異遺伝子を標的とした個別化治療への応用-血液がんにおけるPRECISION MEDICINE-
末原泰人; 日下部学; 坂田(柳元) 麻実子; 千葉 滋
プレシジョン・メディシン/エヌ・ティー・エス/pp.229-253, 2018-10 - NOTCH in Malignant Lymphoma
Chiba Shigeru
Notch Signaling Immunity and Cancer/Springer Nature/pp.79-92, 2017-09 - 16.血液・造血器の疾患 16-3 血球の動態と機能 2)白血球の動態と機能 (2)リンパ球の動態と機能
Chiba Shigeru
内科学 第11版 Ⅴ/朝倉書店/p.1872, 2017-03 - 第2章 C 造血幹細胞を制御する遺伝子 2 Notch遺伝子
加藤貴康; Chiba Shigeru
造血器腫瘍アトラス 改訂第5版/日本医事新報社/pp.45-51, 2016-08 - 2.造血幹細胞移植分野におけるES・iPS細胞を用いた再生医療の試み
錦井秀和; 横山泰久; Chiba Shigeru
みんなに役立つ造血幹細胞移植の基礎と臨床 改訂3版/医薬ジャーナル社/pp.35-42, 2016-06 - 7. ヒストンメチル化酵素DOT1Lの阻害薬によるMLL白血病の治療
千葉 滋; 加藤貴康
Annual Review血液2016/東京/pp.108-111, 2016-01 - 5章 B.白血病と類縁疾患 5.骨髄異形成症候群
千葉 滋
Principles and Practice 血液・造血器・リンパ系/東京/pp.254-262, 2015-10 - 3章 ヒト白血球抗原(HLA)
長谷川雄一; 千葉 滋
Principles and Practice 血液・造血器・リンパ系/東京/pp.112-118, 2015-10 - 1章 構造と機能 1.血液の構成成分
千葉 滋
Principles and Practice 血液・造血器・リンパ系/東京/pp.2-5, 2015-10 - Principles and Practice 血液・造血器・リンパ系
千葉 滋; 長谷川雄一
文光堂, 2015-10 - 第9章 Notchシグナル 概論
千葉 滋
サイトカイン・増殖因子キーワード辞典/羊土社/pp.349-351, 2015-04 - Notch遺伝子
千葉 滋
医学大辞典 第20版/南山堂/p.1910, 2015-04 - ヒト顆粒球・マクロファージコロニー刺激因子受容体の解析
千葉 滋
1991-05 - more...
- 17.血液・造血器の疾患 17-3 血球の動態と機能 2)白血球の動態と機能 (2)リンパ球の動態と機能
- Conference, etc.
- Safety proof of romiplostim immediately after cord-blood transplantation: Results of a phase 1 trial
Kurita N.; Maruyama Y.; Suehara Y.; Hattori K.; Kato ...
BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION/2022-11 - 起立性調節障害の周辺症状(睡眠覚醒)を治療してQOLを改善する
神林 崇; 千葉 滋; 補永 恭穂; 白井 謙太郎; 入鹿山 容子; 石戸 秀明; 姉川 絵美子; ...
日本睡眠学会第45回定期学術集会/2023-09-15--2023-09-17 - 在宅脳波計測デバイスを用いた睡眠時無呼吸患者の自動睡眠ステージ判定
津本紗希; Jaehoon Seol; 堀江和正; 川名ふさ江; 富永杜絵; 千葉滋; 近藤英明; 吉嶺裕之; ...
日本睡眠学会第48回定期学術集会/2024-07-18--2024-07-19 - 勤労者における中高生時の起床困難度と関連のある要因
神林 崇; 猪爪 勇二; 長谷川 澄; 千葉 滋; 姉川 絵美子; 松原 恵理; 室井 慧; 髙橋 司...
日本睡眠学会第48回定期学術集会/2024/7/18--2024/7/19 - Association between Microenvironment-Related Genes and Prognosis of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Hattori Keiichiro; Makishima Kenichi; Kurita Naoki; Ab...
65th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH)/2023-12-09--2023-12-12 - Tet2-deficency in immune cells exacerbates tumor progression by increasing angiogenesis in a lung cancer model
Nguyen Yen; Fujisawa Manabu; Nguyen Tran B.; Suehara ...
第81回日本癌学会学術総会/2022-09-29--2022-10-01 - 再生不良性貧血患者の血清ビリルビン測定に及ぼす血中エルトロンボパグ濃度の干渉
小田 峻; 土岐 浩介; 鈴木 嘉治; 小原 直; 千葉 滋; 本間 真人
第44回日本臨床薬理学会学術総会/2023-12-14--2023-12-16 - Treatment outcomes of Tisagenlecleucel in Ibaraki prefecture
樽井 裕太朗; 錦井 秀和; 栗田 尚樹; 丸山 ゆみ子; 小川 晋一; 清水 誠一; 渡邉 真威; ...
第46回日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会 総会/2024-03-21--2024-03-23 - Cases with myelofibrosis undergoing haploidentical hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation
宮越敏宏; 栗田 尚樹; 丸山 ゆみ子; 小田 卓也; 海江田 拓実; 樽井 裕太朗; 松村 文明; ...
第46回日本造血・免疫細胞療法学会 総会/2024-03-21--2024-03-23 - カルフィルゾミブ長期投与後に血栓性微小血管障害をきたした 1 例
小田 卓弥; 横山 泰久; 海江田 拓実; 宮越 俊宏; 樽井 裕太朗; 松村 文明; 清木 祐介; ...
第20回 日本血液学会関東甲信越地方会/2024-03-09--2024-03-09 - 単一細胞解像度での T 濾胞ヘルパー細胞リンパ腫の腫瘍細胞不均一性と腫瘍進化の解明
須摩 桜子; 末原 泰人; 藤澤 学; 安部 佳亮; 槇島 健一; 坂本 竜弘; 千葉 滋; 坂田(...
第28回 造血器腫瘍研究会/2024-01-26--2024-01-27 - Elucidating The Roles Of Immune Cells Arising From Clonal Hematopoiesis In Colon Cancer Metastasis
Thi Ai Nhan Le; Nguyen Tran Bich; Duan YuanJiao; Nguye...
第52回日本免疫学会学術集会/2024-01-17--2024-01-19 - Clonal Evolution of Der(1;7)(q10;p10) Myeloid Neoplasms
Okuda Rurika; Ochi Yotaro; Saiki Ryunosuke; Hiramoto ...
65th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH)/2023-12-09--2023-12-12 - The Roles of Immune Cells Derived from Clonal Hematopoiesis in Colorectal Cancer Metastasis
Nguyen Tran Bich; Le Ai Nhan Thi; Duan YuanJiao; Abe ...
65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition/2023-12-09--2023-12-12 - Distinct Minor Neoplastic Follicular T-Cell Subsets Dictate Lymphoma Fates through Functional Specialization
Abe Yoshiaki; Zenkoh Junko; Ikeda Daisuke; Aya Sawa; ...
65th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH)/2023-12-09--2023-12-12 - Characteristics and clonal structure of myeloid neoplasms with der(1;7)(q10;p10)
Rurika Okuda; Yotaro Ochi; Ryunosuke Saiki; Kazuhisa ...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Outcome of TP53-mutated myelodysplastic syndrome: a single center experience
Yutaro Tarui; Tatsuhiro Sakamoto; Naoki Kurita; Yumiko...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - The roles of immune cells derived from clonal hematopoiesis in colon cancer metastasis
Nguyen Tran B.; Duan YuanJiao; Le Ai-Nhan T.; Nguyen ...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Investigation of clonal hematopoiesis in new Japanese cohort
Kenichi Makishima; Yukie Kashima; Yuta Kuze; Sakurako ...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - 造血幹細胞移植患者におけるタクロリムスとレテルモビルの薬物相互作用: タクロリムスの投与経路が薬物相互作用に及ぼす影響(第2報)
森山 侑太; 末原 泰人; 坂本 竜弘; 加藤 貴康; 横山 泰久; 錦井 秀和; 千葉 滋; 鈴木 ...
第49回日本臓器保存生物医学会学術集会/2023-10-20--2023-10-21 - ポサコナゾール誘発性偽アルドステロン症が疑われた1例
大平 千陽; 橋本 直明; 栗田 尚樹; 土岐 浩介; 千葉 滋; 本間 真人
第67回日本薬学会関東支部大会/2023-09-16 - Inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of T follicular helper cell lymphomas at single-cell resolution
Sakurako Suma; Yasuhito Suehara; Manabu Fujisawa; Yosh...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Pan-cancer single T-cell landscape delineates distinct neoplastic follicular T-cell subsets
Yoshiaki Abe; Junko Zenkoh; Daisuke Ikeda; Aya Sawa; ...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Safety of romiplostim administered immediately after CBT: A phase 1 trial (PROMPT-1)
Naoki Kurita; Hidekazu Nishikii; Yumiko Maruyama; Yasu...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Clonal structure of myeloid neoplasms with der(1;7)(q10;p10)
奥田 瑠璃花; 越智 陽太郎; 佐伯 龍之介; 真田 昌; 半田 寛; 白石 友一; 千葉 滋; 石...
第82回 日本癌学会学術総会/2023-09-21--2023-09-23 - more...
- Safety proof of romiplostim immediately after cord-blood transplantation: Results of a phase 1 trial
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Research in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Basic Experiments in Human Biology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminars in Human Biology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lectures in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Lectures in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Human Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Lectures in Human Biology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Research in Human Biology II University of Tsukuba. more... - Talks
- Opening Remarks of The 7th Southern Vietnam Open Blood Transfusion and Hematology Conference
Chiba Shigeru
The 7th Southern Vietnam Open Blood Transfusion and Hematology Congress/2023-11-23--2023-11-26 - Association between microenvironment-related genes and prognosis of primary CNS lymphoma
Keiichiro Hattori; Kenichi Makishima; Sakurako Suma; Y...
第85回 日本血液学会学術集会/2023-10-13--2023-10-15 - Elongation of Long-Chain Fatty Acids Is Crucial for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Engraftment and Leukemia Propagation
Kato Takayasu; Kiyoki Yusuke; Chiba Shigeru
The 13th JSH International Symposium 2023 in Tsukuba/2023-07-21--2023-07-22 - A translational research in targeting intractable lymphomas with T follicular helper cell phenotype
Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Suma Sakurako; Goto Hideki; ...
The 13th JSH International Symposium 2023 in Tsukuba/2023-07-21--2023-07-22 - Hematopoiesis and blood cancers
千葉 滋
- Opening Remarks of The 7th Southern Vietnam Open Blood Transfusion and Hematology Conference
- Professional activities
2008 -- (current) The Japanese Cancer Association councilor 1999 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY 評議員 2009 -- (current) Japan Society for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 評議員
(Last updated: 2025-02-03)