SOYA Hideaki

Researcher's full information

  • 運動で高める脳フィットネス、広い視野で考えるメンタルヘルス‐一次予防を中心に‐
    征矢 英昭
  • アスタキサンチンと海馬の可塑性、未開分野への新たな取り組み
    征矢 英昭
    AstaREAL Symposium 2013~アスタキサンチン未来鐘~/2013-02-23
  • 心とからだの健康を考える
    征矢 英昭
  • 赤前エクササイズ指導
    征矢 英昭
  • Influence of an Acute Incremental Exhaustive Exercise on Executive Function : A Study on the Duration of its Effectiveness
    Soya Hideaki
    The 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)/2012-07-04
  • Brains and brawn: Potential effects of mild exercise
    征矢 英昭
    The 2nd BAMIS International Forum/2012-02-01
  • 招待講演 幼少期の軽運動がもつ体育的意義:脳への作用と抗ストレス効果の発現
    征矢 英昭
  • 運動による前頭前野の活性化と可塑性:実行機能の神経基盤として
    征矢 英昭
  • 特別講演「運動と脳機能」
    征矢 英昭
  • 教育講演Ⅲ 運動による認知機能の促進と臨床応用:前頭前野に関連した実行機能に及ぼす短期運動効果の検証と応用
    征矢 英昭
  • ウォーキングリーダー講座
    征矢 英昭
  • 演題
    征矢 英昭
  • 脳フィットネス 脳を鍛えるスポーツ科学
    征矢 英昭
    第85回山口県臨床整形外科医会 教育研修会/2012-07-14--2012-07-14
  • 脳フィットネスを高める運動を楽しもう
    征矢 英昭
  • 脳フィットネスを高めるウオーキング
    征矢 英昭
  • 脳フィットネスを高めるウオーキング
    征矢 英昭
  • Loaded Wheel Running Increases Nuerogenesis In The Adult Rat Hippocampus
    Lee MC; Inoue K; Okamoto M; Matsui T; Liu Y; Soya H
    American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM2011)/2011-06-01
  • Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activation Mediates Acute Moderate Exercise Elicits Improves Cognitive Performance with Stroop Test.
    Soya H; Okamoto M; Matsui T; Inoue K
    American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM2011)/2011-06-01
  • Glycogen Super-Compensation in The Brain Following Exercise
    6.Matsui T; Ishikawa T; Okamoto M; Ichitani Y; Kawanaka ...
    The 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)/2011-07-01
  • Compensatory response of the right prefrontal cortex in the development of exercise-enhanced Stroop performances in the elderly: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
    Hyodo K; Suwabe K; Dan I; Soya H
    The 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)/2011-07-01
  • Normalizing effects of acute moderate exercise on depressed mood and the cognitive decline induced by negative emotional stress
    Akahori; M.; Yamada; Y.; Ide; K.; Soya; H; +征矢 英昭
    The 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS)/2011-07-01
  • Highly induction of the hippocampal DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in response to treadmill running in male rats
    Okamoto M; Hojo Y; Inoue K; Kawato S; Soya H
    The 8th International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) World Congress of Neuroscience/2011-07-01
  • Brain glycogen decreases by high-intensity intermittent exercise-elicited activation of monoaminergic-neurons
    Matsui T; Soya S; Ishikawa T; Okamoto M; Ichitani Y; Kawa...
    The 8th International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) World Congress of Neuroscience/2011-07-01
  • The neural substrate in which an acute moderate exercise improves cognitive function is different between younger and older adults
    Hyodo K; Dan I; Suwabe K; Yanagisawa H; Soya H
    The 8th International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) World Congress of Neuroscience/2011-07-01
  • 第11回骨粗鬆症セミナー
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