Hanazato Toshihiro

Researcher's full information

  • Characteristics of inter-personal environment in the exterior space of super-highrise condominiums in Tsukishima, Tokyo: a study on the structure of co-existence in dwelling environment (part 2)
    花里 俊廣; 金 民錫
    Journal of architecture and planning/76(660)/pp.271-280, 2011-02
  • Spatial typology of the buildings and alley spaces in Kyoto based on the renewal and the traditional townscape elements: the comparison between the alley spaces of the new collateral building system application and the old alley examples in Honnou-meirin area
    三森 弘; 貝島桃代; 花里 俊廣
    Journal of architecture and planning/75(656)/pp.2381-2390, 2010-10
  • 5028 An Enhancing Effect of Care Roominess by the Introduction of Care Volunteers to Senior Citizen Facilities : A Study on Change in Personal Environmental of Elderly People by Care Volunteer's Participation (Part 2)
    金 正和; 小澤 辰文; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2010(0)/pp.101-102, 2010-07
  • 5610 Research on Modernization of Life Style and Character of Spatial Structure in Multiple Dwelling Units in the Southern Part of China PART 2
    佐井 まどか; 何 昕; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2010(0)/pp.27-28, 2010-07
  • 5736 Characteristics of Interpersonal Environment in the Exterior Space of Super-highrise Condominiums in Tsukishima, Tokyo: Studies on Interpersonal Environment of Super-highrise Apartments PART 4
    金 民錫; 三森 弘; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2010(0)/pp.279-280, 2010-07
  • 5737 Questionaires for the Evaluation by the Users of Exterior Spaces in Tsukishima, Tokyo : Studies on Interpersonal Environment of Super-highrise Apartments PART 5
    三森 弘; 金 民錫; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2010(0)/pp.281-282, 2010-07
  • 5609 Research on Modernization of Life Style and Character of Spatial Structure in Multiple Dwelling Units in the Southern Part of China PART 1
    何 昕; 佐井 まどか; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2010(0)/pp.25-26, 2010-07
  • 5634 A Connecting Trial between the Management Cooperatives and the sub-Communities for the Scenery Agreement Founding On Self-Management Activities by the Residents : A Study on Maintenance Management by the Residents for the Planned Residential Communities (2)
    温井 達也; 花里 俊廣; 渡 和由
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2010(0)/pp.75-76, 2010-07
  • 5029 An Interaction between Care Stuffs, Care Volunteers and Tanants at Senior Citizen Facilities : A Study on Change in Personal Environment of Elderly People by Care Volunteer's Participation (Part3)
    小澤 辰文; 金 正和; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2010(0)/pp.103-104, 2010-07
  • Characteristics on the buildings and unit plans of super-highrise condominiums from the viewpoint of spatial configuration
    花里 俊廣; 佐々木 誠; 篠崎 正彦
    Journal of architecture and planning/75(652)/pp.1329-1338, 2010-06
  • 5671 The Relation Between Unit Types and Building Types in Super-High-Rise Condominiums : Studies on Interpersonal Environment of Super-High-Rise Apartment PART 2
    金 民錫; 花里 俊廣; 何 昕; 佐々木 誠
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2009(0)/pp.99-100, 2009-07
  • 5670 Characteristics of Unit Plans in Super-High-Rise Condominiums Developped in Tokyo Metropolitan Area : Studies on Interpersonal Environment of Super-High-Rise Apartment PART 1
    何 昕; 花里 俊廣; 金 民錫; 佐々木 誠
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2009(0)/pp.97-98, 2009-07
  • 5672 Questionnaires to the Architects Who Designed the Super-High-Rise Condominiums Developped in Tokyo Metropolitan Area : Studies on Interpersonal Environment of Super-High-Rise Apartment PART 3
    花里 俊廣; 金 民錫; 何 昕; 佐々木 誠
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2009(0)/pp.101-102, 2009-07
  • 5070 A Preliminary Case Study in Inagi City and Chofu City : A Study on Change in Personal Environment of Elderly People by Care Volunteer's Participation(Part 1)
    金 正和; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2009(0)/pp.163-164, 2009-07
  • 5188 Examination of Caring System in Senior Citizen Facilities by Senior Citizen including Mutual Care Volunteers : A Study on Utilization of Mutual Care Volunteers by Elderly People at Senior Citizen Facilities (Part2)
    朴 鍾来; 金 正和; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2008(0)/pp.401-402, 2008-07
  • 5615 The Actual Situation of Living Spaces and Life-style in Young Women's One-Person Households in Tokyo Metropolitan Area : Through 22 Case Studies
    佐々木 誠; 花里 俊廣; 篠崎 正彦; 岩岡 竜夫
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2008(0)/pp.121-122, 2008-07
  • 5187 Analysis on Survey of the Attitude Concerning Care Staff and Volunteers' Roles in Senior Citizen Facilities : A Study on Utilization of Mutual Care Volunteers by Elderly People (Part1)
    金 正和; 朴 鍾来; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-1, Architectural planning and design I, Building types and community facilities, planning and design method building construction system human factor studies planning and design theory/2008(0)/pp.399-400, 2008-07
  • Spontaneous activity of mice in various structures of space: From an open field to complex mazes
    Kato Katsunori; Betsuyaku Toru; Hanazato Toshihiro
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY/43(3-4)/pp.103-103, 2008-06
  • P-12 マウスの移動活動に対する空間構造の影響(2) : オープンフィールドと迷路の比較(日本動物心理学会第67回大会発表要旨)
    加藤 克紀; 別役 透; 大江 悠樹; 花里 俊廣
    The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology/57(2)/p.137, 2007-12
  • 5640 A Syntactic Analysis on Plans of Co-operative House Units in Japan
    佐々木 誠; 花里 俊廣; 山崎 さゆり; 篠崎 正彦; 伊藤 俊介
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2007(0)/pp.111-112, 2007-07
  • 8134 A Comparison of the Difference in the Management Activity between Aobadai Woonerf and Greenterrace Shiroyama : A Study on Maintenance Management by the Residents for the Planned Residential Communities(1)
    温井 達也; 花里 俊廣; 渡 和由
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. F-1, Urban planning, building economics and housing problems/2007(0)/pp.1461-1462, 2007-07
  • A Study on the Characteristics of the Relationship amang Residents in High-Rise Apartments : A Casestudy at Higashi-Totsuka
    雪野 嶺; 花里 俊廣
    Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan. E-2, Architectural planning and design II, Dwelling houses and housing sites, rural planning, education/2007(0)/pp.341-342, 2007-07
  • The transition of Japanese multi-family dwellings using space syntax analysis: transition from the private-room-aggregation type to living-room-centered type
    花里 俊廣; 篠崎 正彦; 山崎 さゆり
    Journal of Housing Research Foundation/0(34)/pp.173-184, 2007-01
  • P2-28 マウスの移動活動に対する空間構造の影響(日本動物心理学会第66回大会発表要旨)
    加藤 克紀; 花里 俊廣
    The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology/56(2)/p.176, 2006-12
  • 隣接グラフによる集合住宅住戸の間取りの分析-民間分譲マンション・導入期の集合住宅住戸・現代建築家による提案の比較-
    花里俊廣; 篠崎正彦; 佐々木誠
    住宅系研究論文報告会論文集/(1)/p.31,38, 2006-12
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