TSUZAKI Yoshinori

Researcher's full information

Career history
2011-04 -- 2013-03Keio University SFCFaculty of Policy ManagementLecturer
2010-10 -- (current)Dokkyo University (Japan)Faculty of Foreign LanguagesPart-time lecturer
2010-06 -- 2010-09パリ第一大学パンテオン=ソルボンヌ校(仏国)哲学科客員研究員
2009-04 -- 2011-09The University of TokyoJapan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow
2008-09 -- 2009-03Université de Strasbourg (France)Département d'études japonaisesAssistant temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche
2005-09 -- 2007-08Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France)Lecturer