ASANO Atsushi
- Articles
- Effects of molasses-urea supplementation on weight gain, ruminal fermentation and major microbe populations of winter-grazing sheep in Inner Mongolia
Li C; Alatengdalai; Xue S.; Guo T.; Asano A.; Tajima A.; I...
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University/24(1)/pp.48-53, 2017 - Dynamic Changes of Main Rumen Microflora and Ruminal Fermentation in Sheep Supplemented with Molasses-Urea
Li C.; Alatengdalai; S. Xue; A. Asano; A. Tajima; N. Ishi...
Journal of Rangeland Science/8(1)/pp.1-10, 2018 - Effects of molasses-urea supplementation on weight gain, ruminal fermentation and major microbe populations of winter-grazing sheep in Inner Mongolia
Li C.; Alatengdalai; Xue S.; Guo T.; Asano A.; Tajima A.; ...
Journal of Northeast Agricultural University/24(1)/pp.48-58, 2017-03 - Comparison of Membrane Characteristics between Freshly Ejaculated and Cryopreserved Sperm in the Chicken
Ushiyama Ai; Ishikawa Naoto; Tajima Atsushi; Asano At...
The Journal of Poultry Science/53(4)/pp.305-312, 2016 - Organization of Membrane Rafts in Chicken Sperm
Asano Atsushi; Kanbe Hitomi; Ushiyama Ai; Tajima Atsushi
The Journal of Poultry Science/53(3)/pp.233-239, 2016-07 - 農林技術センター畜産部門における放射性物質のモニタリング
浅野 敦之; 山本倫成; 片桐孝志; 秋葉よしえ; 岡田一男; 米川和範; 田島淳史; 石川尚人
筑波大学農林技術研究/pp.25-29, 2015-03 - 広域被災地の農業復興に向けた放射性物質の移行モニタリングと芝生等被覆作物による土壌中の放射性物質の物理的・生物学的除染と減量化-農林技術センター内の空間線量率の推移について
福田直也; 瀬古澤由彦; 水田大輝; 弦間洋; 田島淳史; 瀧川具弘; 林久喜; 野口良造; 清野 達之; 加藤盛夫; 石川尚人; 浅野...
筑波大学農林技術研究/3/pp.1-9, 2015 - Lipid Modulation of Calcium Flux through CaV2.3 Regulates Acrosome Exocytosis and Fertilization.
Cohen R; Buttke DE; Asano Atsushi; Mukai C; Nelson JL; Ren D; M...
Development Cell/(28)/pp.310-321, 2014-02 - Migration and differentiation of gonadal germ cells under cross-sex germline chimeras condition in domestic chickens
Nakajima Y.; Hattori T.; Asano A.; Ishikawa N.; Tajima A.
Journal of Reproduction and Development/60(6)/pp.406-410, 2014-12 - Membrane rafts regulate phospholipase B activation in murine sperm.
Asano Atsushi; Nelson-Harrington JL; Travis AJ
Communicative & Integrative Biology/6(6)/p.e27362, 2013-12 - Lactotransferrin in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) seminal plasma correlates with semen quality.
Kiso WK; Selvaraj V; Nagashima J; Asano A; Brown JL; Schmitt D...
PLoS One/(8)/p.e71033, 2013-08 - Phospholipase B is activated in response to sterol removal and stimulates acrosome exocytosis in murine sperm.
Asano Atsushi; Nelson-Harrington JL; Travis AJ
Journal of Biological Chemistry/288(39)/pp.28104-28115, 2013-09 - Factors Involved in Spontaneous Discharge of Gonadal Germ Cells from Developing Gonad of 7-day-old Chick Embryos
Nakajima Yuki; Asano Atsushi; Ishikawa Naoto; Tajima Atsushi
Journal of Poultry Science/51(4)/pp.416-423, 2014-10 - Isolation, genetic manipulation, and transplantation of canine spermatogonial stem cells: progress toward transgenesis through the male germ-line.
Harkey MA; Asano Atsushi; Zoulas ME; Torok-Storb B; Nagashima...
Reproduction/146/pp.75-90, 2013-06 - 筑波大学農林技術センターにおける1998年から2011年までの飼料用トウモロコシの生育ならびに収量調査結果
片桐孝志; 秋葉よしえ; 山本倫成; 岡田一男; 浅野敦之; 石川尚人; 田島淳史
筑波大学農林技術センター研究報告/pp.95-109, 2013-03 - Pretreatment of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) spermatozoa with cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrins and glycerol addition at 4oC improves cryosurvival.
Kiso WK; Asano A; Travis AJ; Schmitt DL; Brown JL; Pukazh...
Reproduction, Fertility and Development/in press, 2012-01 - Mice lacking FABP9/PERF15 develop sperm head abnormalities but are fertile.
Selvaraj V; Asano A; Page JL; Nelson JL; Kothapalli KS; F...
Developmental Biology/348/p.177-189, 2010-01 - Characterization of the proteomes associating with three distinct membrane raft sub-types in murine sperm.
Asano A; Nelson JL; Zhang S; and Travis AJ.
Proteomics/10/p.3494-3505, 2010-01 - Biochemical characterization of membrane fractions in murine sperm: identification of three distinct sub-types of membrane rafts.
Asano A; Selvaraj V; Buttke DE; Nelson JL; Green KM; Evan...
Journal of Cellular Physiology/218/p.537-548, 2009-01 - Mechanisms underlying the micron-scale segregation of sterols and GM1 in live mammalian sperm.
Selvaraj V; Asano A; Buttke DE; Sengupta P; Weiss RS; and...
Journal of Cellular Physiology/218/p.522-536, 2009-01 - GM1 dynamics as a marker for membrane changes associated with the process of capacitation in murine and bovine spermatozoa.
Selvaraj V; Buttke DE; Asano A; McElwee JL; Wolff CA; Nel...
Journal of Andrology/28/p.588-599, 2007-01 - Segregation of micron-scale membrane sub-domains in live murine sperm.
Selvaraj V*; Asano A*; Buttke DE; McElwee JL; Nelson JL; ...
Journal of Cellular Physiology/206/p.636-646, 2006-01 - Activation and penetration in vitro of pig oocytes treated with calcium ionophore.
Asano A; and Niwa K.
Journal of Reproduction and Development/50/p.77-85, 2004-01 - 初期分割期胚での凍結融解後の生存割球数が胚盤胞形成に及ぼす影響.
藤澤郁子; 浅野敦之.
日本臨床エンブリオロジスト学会誌/6/p.23-26, 2003-01 - Capacitation status and in vitro fertility of boar spermatozoa: effects of seminal plasma, cumulus-oocyte-complexes-conditioned medium and hyaluronan.
Suzuki K; Asano A; Eriksson B; Niwa K; Nagai T; and Rodr...
International Journal of Andrology/25/p.84-93, 2002-01 - more...
- Effects of molasses-urea supplementation on weight gain, ruminal fermentation and major microbe populations of winter-grazing sheep in Inner Mongolia