Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Room 509, HSS B-bldg., 1-1-1 Tennoh-dai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8577, Japan
Research fields
Sports science
Area studies
Developmental mechanisms and the body works
Research keywords
Research the area of "Sport for Development" based on Dev. anthropology and relate with Policy science, Int'l relation, Pedagogy
Research projects
The Study on dissemination policy of Primary school Physical Education in Kingdom of Cambodia2013-04 -- 2017-03YAMAGUCHI TakuJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A)8,970,000Yen
Career history
2012-07 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Health and Sport Science (HSS)Assistant Professor
2012-07 -- (current)NPO/NGO Hearts of GoldAdvisor
2017-06 -- (current)UNESCOInclusive Policy LabIPL expert
2006-02 -- 2012-06NPO Hearts of GoldJICA Partnership Program, JPPProject manager
2004-04 -- 2012-06Steering Committee of Angkor-wat Int'l Half MarathonEvent Director
2004-04 -- 2012-06NPO Hearts of GoldRegional Director
2003-09 -- 2004-12Asia-Oceania Region Office(World Olympians AssociationEvent director
2003-03 -- 2003-06JICAスポーツ政策専門家Sport policy expert
2001-12 -- 2004-03NPO Hearts of GoldDept. International AffairEducation specialist
1999-04 -- 2001-08Japan Overseas Cooperation VolunteersCity hall administration adviser of Youth and Sport Department, PE and Sport teacher (Japanese Overseas Cooperation Volunteers)
Academic background
2014-04 -- 2022-03University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
2002-03 -- 2004-03Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Policy Science Public Policy Course
1992-04 -- 1996-03Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Department of Physical Education and Sport
2004-03Master of Arts in policy and managementDoshisha University
Academic societies
2014-02 -- (current)Japan Society of Sport Anthropology
Honors & Awards
2016-12The Royal Order of Monisaraphon Knight Grand Cross教育省のスポーツ総局長アドバイザーの歴任; 小学校体育指導要領の改訂およびスポーツ政策に対する助言・提言; カンボジアのスポーツ振興および伝統性とスポーツの開発人類学検討
  • Direction of the Japanese style assistance through analysis of case study in Cambodia
    山口 拓
    Direction of the Japanese style assistance through analysis of case study in Cambodia/Soubun-kikaku/pp.102-109, 2014-11
  • グローバル時代の社会貢献型スポーツビジネスとその役割
    山口 拓
    グローバル・スポーツの課題と展望/創文企画/pp.169-194, 2014-02
  • スポーツを通じた開発の可能性 -地球市民による国際関係の再構築-
    山口 拓
Conference, etc.
  • A Study on the Educational System during the Period of Introduction of School Physical Education in the French-Indochine Protectorates of Cambodia; The Characteristics of the Protectorates of Cambodia from the Viewpoint of the Administrative Bulletin of Cambodia (1918-26)
    山口 拓
    The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Sports Anthropology/2023-03-17
  • Improving the quality of PE and PE teachers’ education
    Yamaguchi Taku
    ASEAN-Japan Action on Sport: Workshop on Promoting PETE and SPD/2022-02-14--2022-02-18
  • Rethinking about the Olympic Games
    山口 拓
    Nest social studies/2012-07--2012-07
  • Position and Possibility of International Development and Peace through Sport Studies
    山口 拓
    日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会第72回大会 (スポーツ文化研究部会【課題A】テーマ別シンポジウム)/2022-08-31
2024-12 -- 2025-03TIAS Internship AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02On the Job Practice (Domestic)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08On the Job Practice (Domestic)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02NGO ActivitiesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08NGO ActivitiesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar of History and Anthropology of PE and Sport IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12English for Specialized Subjects BUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2023-09 -- 2024-03JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program 2023 [The 8th Quality Physical Education in School Education]UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba
2022-09 -- 2023-03JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program 2022 [The 7th Quality Physical Education in School Education]UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba
2021-09 -- 2022-02JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [The 6th Physical Education in Basic Education] (202002962J001)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba
2019-07 -- 2019-07JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [The 5th Physical Education in Basic Education] (201984266J002)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students
2018-07 -- 2018-07JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1804037)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students
2017-07 -- 2017-07JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1704015)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee & UT Students
2016-08 -- 2016-09JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1604061)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee
2015-08 -- 2015-09JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program [Physical Education in Basic Education] (J1504401)UT HSS & JICA Tsukuba/ JICA trainee
2018-01 -- 2018-03OJT studies of Sport contribution through JICA volunteer Joint 5th dispatch(Cambodia)UT, JICA, HG, NOCC, NPCC, CMU
2017-01 -- 2017-03OJT studies of Sport contribution through JICA volunteer Joint 4th dispatch(Cambodia)UT, JICA, HG, NOCC, NPCC, CMU
  • Formation of a logical framework for International Development and Peace through SPort
    山口 拓
    JSC-Recurrent Training of International Development and Peace through Sport/2022-12-01--2023-02-16
  • Using Sports to Solve Social Issues
    山口 拓
    Sport for Development capacity-building workshops/2023-02-09
  • The need for specialized human resources and real field operation
    山口 拓
    The special webinar on International Day of Sport for Development and Peace: IDSDP/2021-04-06--2021-04-06
  • The Potential for Nation Building and Human Development through Sports
    山口 拓
    JOCV special seminar for Int'l development through Sport/2021-01-24--2021-01-24
  • Zero Waste Society Through Sport
    本田 靖; Yim Brian; Lightheart Ernest; 澤田 陽樹; 松元剛; 山口 拓; 萩原 悟一; S...
    Tsukuba Conference/2019-10-01--2019-10-03
  • Japanese Contribution to International Development through Sport
    Yamaguchi Taku
    The 9th Japan German Sport Science Symposium/2014-09-17--2014-09-19
  • SDP Framework - Case study in Timor Lorosae -
    山口 拓
    Special symposium on International day of Sport for Development and Peace/2014-04-04--2014-04-04
  • The dawn of Physical Education reform in Cambodia through Japanese IDS action
    山口 拓
    the 1st international symposium on IDPS/2013-12-07--2013-12-07
  • International Development through Sport - We can do it together -
    山口 拓
    Special seminor for London Olympic Game 2012/2012-08-24--2012-08-24
  • Rethinking about the Olympic Games
    山口 拓
    Nest social studies/2012-07--2012-07
Professional activities
2023-04 -- 2025-03Editorial Board for “International Journal of Sport and Health Science”Member of editorial board
2022-05 -- (current)Japan Society of Sport AnthropologyDirectors
2022-09 -- (current)JSPEHSS (Cultural Anthropology)Auditor
Other activities
2014-10 -- (current)The Advisor of INGO/NPO Hearts of Gold - Support and supervise the INGO activities in a field of Int'l Development and Peace through Sport in Domecticaly and Internationaly.
2005-03 -- 2014-09Executive board member of certified NPO Hearts of Gold - Pursuited nearly 10 years as executive board memebr, back support of INGO activities on Int'l Development and Peace through Sport in Domecticaly and Internationaly.

(Last updated: 2024-11-19)