- Conference, etc.
- Structure-Preserving Technique in the Block SS-Hankel Method for Solving Hermitian Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
Imakura Akira; Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
12th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM)/2017-09-10--2017-09-13 - Eigenspectrum Calculation of the O(a)-Improved Wilson-Dirac Operator in Lattice QCD Using the Sakurai-Sugiura Method
Suno Hiroya; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Ishikawa Ken-Ichi; Ku...
2nd International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems - Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing (EPASA)/2015-09-14--2015-09-16 - スペクトラル特徴量スケーリングの多クラス分類問題への拡張
松田 萌望; 保國 惠一; 今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
日本応用数理学会2018年度年会, 名古屋/2018-09-03--2018-09-05 - 一般化エルミート固有値問題の周回積分型精度保証付き部分固有値計算
今倉 暁; 保國 惠一; 高安 亮紀
日本応用数理学会2018年度年会, 名古屋/2018-09-03--2018-09-05 - Symmetry-preserving of the Hankel-type Sakurai-Sugiura eigenvalue solver for large sparse Hermitian definite generalized eigenvalue problem
Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
10th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA18)/2018-06-27--2018-06-29 - Verified Partial Eigenvalue Computation for Generalized Hermitian Eigenproblems Using Contour Integrals
今倉 暁 (Imakura A.); 保國 惠一 (Morikuni K.); 高安 亮紀 (Takayasu A.)
47th Numerical Analysis Symposium (2018)/2018-06-06--2018-06-08 - Spectral Feature Scaling Method for Multiclass Classification Problems
松田 萌望 (Matsuda M.); 保國 惠一 (Morikuni K.); 今倉 暁 (Imakura A...
47th Numerical Analysis Symposium (2018)/2018-06-06--2018-06-08 - Verified computation of partial eigenvalues using contour integrals
Imakura K.; Morikuni K.; Takayasu A.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (SIAM-ALA18)/2018-05-04--2018-05-08 - Recent Advances on the Algorithm-based Fault Tolerance of the Sakurai-Sugiura Eigensolver
Futamura Yasunori; Imakura AKira; Sakurai Tetsuya
18th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP18)/2018-03-07--2018-03-10 - Contour integral-based verified computing for partial eigenvalues
Takayasu A.; Imakura A.; Morikuni Keiichi
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP18), Tokyo, Japan/2018-03-07--2018-03-10 - An improvement of the nonlinear semi-NMF based method by considering bias vectors and regularization for deep neural networks
Arai Ryosuke; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
2018 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC 2018)/2018-02-26--2018-02-28 - Efficient and Scalable Calculation of Complex Band Structure Using Sakurai-Sugiura Method
Iwase Shigeru; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai ...
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC17)/2017-11-13--2017-11-16 - Structure-preserving of the block SS--Hankel method for solving Hermitian generalized eigenvalue problems
Imakura Akira; Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
12th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM2017)/2017-09-10--2017-09-13 - A complex moment-based parallel eigensolver using the block communication-avoiding Arnoldi procedure
Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
4th JCAHPC Seminar/2017-08-29--2017-08-29 - Nonlinear Sakurai-Sugiura method for electronic transport calculation
Sakurai Tetsuya; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Iwase ...
2017 Meeting of the International Linear Algebra Society/2017-07-24--2017-07-28 - A real-valued method for improving efficiency of a contour integral eigenvalue solver
Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
2017 Meeting of the International Linear Algebra Society/2017-07-24--2017-07-28 - Nonlinear Sakurai-Sugiura method for complex band structure calculation on KNL cluster
Sakurai Tetsuya; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Shiger...
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Compuging (PASC) Conference/2017-06-26--2017-06-28 - A complex moment-based nonlinear parallel eigensolver using the block communication-avoiding Arnoldi procedure
Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
Householder Symposium XX on Numerical Linear Algebra (HHXX)/2017-06-18--2017-06-23 - 非線形非負行列因子分解に基づくディープニューラルネットワーク計算法
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
日本応用数理学会 第13回研究部会連合発表会/2017-03-06--2017-03-07 - Applications of the Parallel Complex Moment-Based Eigensolver Package z-Pares to Large-Scale Scientific Computations
futamura yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE17)/2017-02-27--2017-03-03 - Applications of the Parallel Complex Moment-Based Eigensolver Package z-Pares to Large-Scale Scientific Computations
Yasunori Futamura; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
2017 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering/2017-02-27--2017-03-03 - Complex moment-based eigensolvers with hierarchical parallelism
Imakura Akira; futamura yasunori; tetsuya sakurai
International Workshop on Massively Parallel Programming for Quantum Chemistry and Physics 2017/2017-01-09--2017-01-10 - 2つのKrylov 部分空間による複素モーメント型固有値解法の改良
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
RIMS研究集会:現象解明に向けた数値解析学の新展開II/2016-10-19--2016-10-21 - Alternating Optimization Method Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations for Deep Neural Networks
Sakurai Tetsuya; Imakura Akira; Inoue Yuto; Futamura ...
23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP)/2016-10-16--2016-10-21 - 複素モーメント型並列固有値解法の耐障害性とその性能評価
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
日本応用数理学会 2016年度 年会/2016-09-12--2016-09-14 - more...
- Structure-Preserving Technique in the Block SS-Hankel Method for Solving Hermitian Generalized Eigenvalue Problems