- Articles
- Filter analysis for the stochastic estimation of eigenvalue counts
Maeda Yasuyuki; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Te...
JSIAM Letters/7(0)/pp.53-56, 2015-07 - Improving the convergence behaviour of BiCGSTAB by applying D-norm minimization
Su Lijiong; Imakura Akira; Tadano Hiroto; Sakurai Tetsuya
JSIAM Letters/7/pp.37-40, 2015-05 - An Efficient Algorithm to Construct an Orthonormal Basis for the Extended Krylov Subspace
Imakura Akira
EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS/4(3)/pp.267-282, 2014-08 - A block Arnoldi-type contour integral spectral projection method for solving generalized eigenvalue problems
Imakura Akira; Du Lei; Sakurai Tetsuya
Applied Mathematics Letters/32/pp.22-27, 2014-06 - Improvement of the accuracy of the approximate solution of the Block BiCR method
Tadano Hiroto; Ishikawa Youichi; Imakura Akira
JSIAM Letters/6(0)/pp.61-64, 2014 - Development of the Block BiCGSTAB(
) method for solving linear systems with multiple right hand sides
Saito Shusaku; Tadano Hiroto; Imakura Akira
JSIAM Letters/6(0)/pp.65-68, 2014 - A filtering technique for the temporally reduced matrix of the Wilson fermion determinant
Futamura Yasunori; Hashimoto Shoji; Imakura Akira; Nagata...
Proceedings of Proceedings of The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2014), 2014 - A Parameter Estimation for the Preconditioning Using Sparse Direct Solvers for Krylov Subspace Methods Based on the Minimal Residual Approach(Application)
山崎 育朗; 今倉 暁; 多田野 寛人; 櫻井 鉄也
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/23(3)/pp.381-404, 2013-09 - A parameter optimization technique for a weighted stationary iterative-type preconditioner and its efficiency on the supernova simulation (Fundamental Technologies for the Next-Generation Computational Science)
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也; 住吉 光介; 松古 英夫
RIMS Kokyuroku/1848/pp.15-24, 2013-08 - An Efficient Variant of the Restarted Shifted GMRES Method for Solving Shifted Linear Systems
Imakura Akira; Tomohiro Sogabe; Shao-Liang Zhang
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications/33(2)/pp.127-141, 2013 - A Weighted Block GMRES method for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Imakura Akira; Lei Du; Hiroto Tadano
JSIAM Letters/5/pp.65-68, 2013-03 - A Parameter Optimization Technique for a Weighted Jacobi-Type Preconditioner
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也; 住吉 光介; 松古 栄夫
JSIAM Letters/4/pp.41-44, 2012-12 - On Convergence Behavior of the GMRES(m) Method with the Deflation-Type Restart and the Look-Back-Type Restart
今倉 暁; 楊 済栄; 曽我部 知広; 張 紹良
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/22(3)/pp.117-141, 2012-09 - On Restarted Shifted Krylov Subspace Methods for Solving Shifted Linear Systems
今倉 暁; 曽我部 知広; 張 紹良
RIMS Kokyuroku/1791(0)/pp.47-56, 2012-04 - An auto-tuning technique of the weighed Jacobi-type iteration used for preconditioners of Krylov subspace methods
Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya; Sumiyoshi Kohsuke; Matsuf...
Proceedings of IEEE 6th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore SoCs (MCSoC-12)/pp.183-190, 2012 - A Look-Back GMRES(m) Method for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
今倉 暁; 曽我部知広; 張紹良
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/22(1)/pp.1-21, 2012-03 - An Efficient Variant of the GMRES(m) Method Based on the Error Equations
今倉 暁; 曽我部 知広; 張 紹良
East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics/2(1)/pp.19-32, 2012-02 - On the Restart of the GMRES(m) Method
今倉 暁; 曽我部知広; 張紹良
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/19(4)/pp.551-564, 2009-12 - An Implicit Wavelet Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner Using Block Finger Pattern
今倉 暁; 曽我部 知広; 張 紹良
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications/16(11-12)/pp.915-928, 2009-11 - A Large-Grained Parallel Solver for Linear Simultaneous Ordinary Differential Equations based on Matrix Exponential and its Evaluation
今倉 暁; 楊 済栄; 曽我部 知広; 張 紹良
Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics/19(3)/pp.293-312, 2009-09 - A modification of implicit Wavelet sparse approximate inverse preconditioner based on a block finger pattern
Imakura Akira; Sogabe Tomohiro; Zhang Shao-Liang
Proceedings of Frontiers of Computational Science 2008, Y. Kaneda, M. Sasai and K. Tachibana (eds.)/pp.271-278, 2008 - An Efficient Implicit Wavelet Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioner Using Blocked Finger Pattern
今倉 暁; 曽我部知広; 張紹良
日本応用数理学会論文誌/17(4)/pp.523-542, 2007-12
- Filter analysis for the stochastic estimation of eigenvalue counts