- Conference, etc.
- Two-Stage Simultaneous Band Reduction for Two Dense Symmetric Matrices
杜 磊; 今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA2014)/2014-03-07--2014-03-09 - Accuracy analysis on the Rayleigh-Ritz type of the contour integral based eigensolver
今倉 暁; 杜 磊; 櫻井 鉄也
International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA2014)/2014-03-07--2014-03-09 - A high accuracy Block Krylov subspace method based on the bi-conjugate residual approach
多田野 寛人; 今倉 暁
International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms; Software and Applications, in Petascale Computing (EPASA2014)/2014-03-07--2014-03-09 - A Novel Interpretation for the Contour Integral-Based Spectral Projection Methods for Solving Generalized Eigenvalues Problems
今倉 暁; 杜 磊; 櫻井 鉄也
The 9th East Asia SIAM Conference - The 2nd Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics/2013-06-18--2013-06-20 - Band Reduction for Two Dense Symmetric Matrices via Congruence Transformation
杜 磊; 今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
The 9th East Asia SIAM Conference - The 2nd Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics/2013-06-18--2013-06-20
- Two-Stage Simultaneous Band Reduction for Two Dense Symmetric Matrices