- Articles
- Malignancy-related ascites in palliative care units: prognostic factor analysis
Kadono Toru; Ishiki Hiroto; Yokomichi Naosuke; Ito Te...
BMJ supportive & palliative care, 2023-06-08 - Comparison of survival times of advanced cancer patients with palliative care at home and in hospital
Hamano Jun; Takeuchi Ayano; Mori Masanori; Saitou Yas...
PLOS ONE/18(4), 2023-04-13 - Work Environmental Factors Associated with Compassion Satisfaction and End-of-Life Care Quality Among Nurses in General Wards, Palliative Care Units, and Home Care Settings: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Takahiro Higashibata; Jun Hamano; Hiroka Nagaoka; Tomo...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES/143, 2023-04-29 - 緩和ケアセンターによる遺族外来の取り組み
長岡 広香; 根本 清貴; 東端 孝博; 川島 夏希; 山下 貴郁; 風間 郁子; 濵野 淳; 木澤 義之
Palliative Care Research/17/pp.664-665, 2022-11 - Current situation and support need for non-cancer patients' admission to inpatient hospices/palliative care units in Japan: a nationwide multicenter survey
Hamano Jun; Shima Yasuo; Kizawa Yoshiyuki
Annals of palliative medicine/12(1)/pp.81-89, 2023-01-01 - Prediction of Survival in Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Narrative Review and Future Research Priorities
Hiratsuka Yusuke; Hamano Jun; Mori Masanori; Maeda Issek...
The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 2023-03 - 小児神経疾患患者における当院の移行実績
野本 瑠奈; 福島 紘子; 城戸 崇裕; 大戸 達之; 田中 磨衣; 岩淵 敦; 榎園 崇; 田中 竜太; 増田 洋亮; 岩田 直子...
The Medical journal of Ibaraki Prefectural Hospital/39 (1)/pp.1-7, 2022-10 - Prognostic awareness in Japanese patients with advanced cancer: a follow-up cohort study
Hiratsuka Yusuke; Oishi Takayuki; Miyashita Mitsunori; ...
Japanese journal of clinical oncology, 2023-04-29 - Preference of Japanese cancer patients for being informed about their prognosis
Hamano Jun; Hiratsuka Yusuke; Morita Tatsuya; Kizawa ...
Annals of palliative medicine, 2022-11-14 - Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool into Japanese: A Preliminary Report
Oishi Ai; Hamano Jun; Boyd Kirsty; Murray Scott
PALLIATIVE MEDICINE REPORTS/3(1)/pp.1-5, 2022-08-18 - Evaluation of changes in prescription among Japanese elderly patients before and after transition to home care.
Masumoto Shoichi; 佐藤幹也; 山川智継; 濱田修平; 稲葉崇; 片岡義裕; 小曽根早知子; 横谷省治; 濵野 淳
第3回日本在宅医療連合学会大会抄録集, 2021-11 - Rationale and design of a multicenter, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the effects of naldemedine on opioid-induced constipation for patients with cancer pain: A study protocol
Higashibata Takahiro; Hamano Jun; Kessoku Takaomi; Kajiur...
CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS COMMUNICATIONS/29, 2022-10-01 - Are Prognostic Scores Better Than Clinician Judgment? A Prospective Study Using Three Models
Hiratsuka Yusuke; Suh Sang-Yeon; Hui David; Morita Ta...
JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT/64(4)/pp.391-399, 2022-06-17 - Changes in home visit utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter cross-sectional web-based survey
Hamano Jun; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Takahashi Sho; Ekoyama S...
BMC RESEARCH NOTES/15(1)/p.238, 2022-07-07 - Association of a home-based nursing service during chemotherapy with the transfer to home care immediately after the last chemotherapy treatment in patients with advanced cancer
Higashibata Takahiro; Iwata Naoko; Kazama Ikuko; Irie ...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY/52(9)/pp.1039-1044, 2022-06-02 - Exploration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of home health care workers in Japan: a multicenter cross-sectional web-based survey
Hamano Jun; Tachikawa Hirokazu; Takahashi Sho; Ekoyama S...
BMC PRIMARY CARE/23(1)/p.129, 2022-05-26 - Evaluation of changes in prescription among Japanese elderly patients before and after transition to home care
Masumoto Shoichi; Sato Mikiya; Yamakawa Tomotsugu; Hamada...
JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND FAMILY MEDICINE/23((2))/pp.94-100, 2021-11 - Effects of Antibiotics on Respiratory Symptoms in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients With Pneumonia: A Multicenter Cohort Study
Odagiri Takuya; Maeda Isseki; Masanori Mori; Morita Ta...
The American journal of hospice & palliative care/39(9)/pp.1082-1089, 2022-09-27 - Adherence to Personal Protective Equipment Use in Home-Care Service Agencies During COVID-19 in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Morioka Noriko; Kashiwagi Masayo; Hamano Jun
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION/23(6)/p.930, 2022-06-28 - Mortality risks of body mass index and energy intake trajectories in institutionalized elderly people: a retrospective cohort study
Kawakami Yoshiaki; Hamano Jun
BMC geriatrics/22(1)/p.85, 2022-01 - Prediction Models for Impending Death Using Physical Signs and Vital Signs in Noncancer Patients: A Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study
Hosoi Takahiro; Ozone Sachiko; Hamano Jun; Maruo Kazu...
PALLIATIVE MEDICINE REPORTS/2(1)/pp.287-295, 2021-10 - Does Urinary Catheterization Affect the Quality of Death in Patients with Advanced Cancer? A Secondary Analysis of Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study
Higashibata Takahiro; Hamano Jun; Hisanaga Takayuki; H...
Journal of palliative medicine/Epub, 2021-10 - Are family relationships associated with family conflict in advanced cancer patients?
Hamano Jun; Masukawa Kento; Tsuneto Satoru; Shima Yasuo; ...
Psycho-oncology, 2021-08 - Development of a Scoring System to Determine Proportional Appropriateness of Continuous Deep Sedation: A Concept-of-Proof Study
Naito Akemi Shirado; Morita Tatsuya; Imai Kengo; Ikena...
Journal of palliative medicine/24(10)/pp.1539-1544, 2021-07 - "The surprise questions" using variable time frames in hospitalized patients with advanced cancer
Kim Sun Hyun; Suh Sang-Yeon; Yoon Seok Joon; Park Jea...
Palliative & supportive care/20(2)/pp.221-225, 2021-06 - more...
- Malignancy-related ascites in palliative care units: prognostic factor analysis