- Articles
- 5つのステップを用いたEvidence Based Medicine(EBM)卒前教育の実践
片岡 義裕; 高屋敷 明由美; 前野 貴美; 横谷 省治; 荒牧 まいえ; 阪本 直人; 濵野 淳; 春田 淳志; 小曽根 早...
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 診療所・小病院における医療従事者が認識する多職種連携協働と患者が捉えるプライマリ・ケアの質との関連
上田 篤志; 後藤 亮平; 春田 淳志; 小曽根 早知子; 濵野 淳
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 他職種の地域におけるコミュニティ感覚尺度の妥当性の検討
劉 彦伯; 春田 淳志; 後藤 亮平; 小曽根 早知子; 濵野 淳
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 診療所・小病院における多職種連携協働の評価と関連する要因の探索
福田 幸寛; 後藤 亮平; 春田 淳志; 小曽根 早知子; 濵野 淳
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 診療所・小病院での職員のRIPLS(Readiness for interprofessional learning scale)と関連する要因の探索
孫 瑜; 小曽根 早知子; 後藤 亮平; 春田 淳志; 濵野 淳
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 専攻医の研究支援体制としてのPBRN-Tsukubaプロジェクト
小曽根 早知子; 春田 淳志; 後藤 亮平; 濵野 淳
第9回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術大会 プログラム・抄録集, 2018 - 医師になる過程で、いつからどのような経験を通じて、具体的な医師像を抱き始めるか?-ナラティブ研究-
春田 淳志; 小曽根 早知子; 濵野 淳
医学教育 第50回日本医学教育学会大会 予稿集, 2018 - Talking about palliative sedation with the family: informed consent versus assent and a better framework for explaining potential risks
Hamano Jun; Morita Tatsuya; Mori Masanori; Uchitomi Y...
Journal of pain and symptom management/56(3)/pp.E5-E8, 2018-05 - Barriers of Transfer to Palliative Care Units in Core Cancer Hospitals from the Viewpoint of Medical Social Workers and Discharge Support and Coordination Nurses
長岡 広香; 坂下 明大; 濵野 淳; 岸野 恵; 岩田 直子; 福地 智巴; 志真 泰夫; 木澤 義之
Palliative Care Research/12(4)/pp.789-799, 2017 - Identified palliative care approach needs with SPICT™ in family practice: a preliminary observational study
Hamano Jun; Oishi Ai; Kizawa Yoshiyuki
Journal of palliative medicine/Epub, 2018-01 - The distress and benefit to bereaved family members of participating in a post-bereavement survey
Miyashita Mitsunori; Aoyama Maho; Yoshida Saki; Yamada...
Japanese journal of clinical oncology/48(2)/pp.135-143, 2018-02 - Psychological and psychiatric symptoms of terminally ill patients with cancer and their family caregivers in the home-care setting: A nation-wide survey from the perspective of bereaved family members in Japan
Kobayakawa Makoto; Ogawa Asao; Konno Michiko; Kurata ...
Journal of psychosomatic research/103/pp.127-132, 2017-12 - A nationwide survey about palliative sedation involving Japanese palliative care specialists: Intentions and key factors used to determine sedation as proportionally appropriate
Hamano Jun; Morita Tatsuya; Ikenaga Masayuki; Abo Hirofu...
Journal of pain and symptom management/55(3)/pp.785-791, 2018-03 - Which physicians' behaviors on death pronouncement affect family-perceived physician compassion? A randomized, scripted, video-vignette study
Mori Masanori; Fujimori Maiko; Hamano Jun; Naito Akem...
Journal of pain and symptom management/55(2)/p.189, 2018-02 - Patient preferred explanations in discussing cessation of chemotherapy
Fujimori Maiko; Mori Masanori; Ishiki Hiroto; Hamano ...
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY/26(3)/pp.115-116, 2017-08 - Authors reply: delta HR/BT as a possible predictor of severity or mortality, not a predictor of bacterial infection
Hamano Jun; Tokuda Yasuharu
Postgraduate medicine/129(7)/pp.779-779, 2017-07 - Prevalence and predictors of conflict in the families of patients with advanced cancer: A nationwide survey of bereaved family members
Hamano Jun; Morita Tatsuya; Mori Masanori; Igarashi Naok...
Psycho-oncology/27(1)/pp.302-308, 2018-01 - Trust in Physicians, Continuity and Coordination of Care, and Quality of Death in Patients with Advanced Cancer
Hamano Jun; Morita Tatsuya; Fukui Sakiko; Kizawa Yoshiyu...
Journal of palliative medicine/20(11)/pp.1252-1259, 2017-07 - Prognostic predictors required for end-of-life discussions
Hamano Jun
ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY/27(7), 2016-07 - Adding items that assess changes in activities of daily living does not improve the predictive accuracy of the Palliative Prognostic Index
Hamano Jun; Tokuda Y; Kawagoe S; Shinjo T; Shirayama H; O...
Palliative medicine/31(3)/pp.258-266, 2017-03 - Development of the Care Evaluation Scale Version 2.0: A Modified Version of a Measure for Bereaved Family Members to Evaluate the Structure and Process of Palliative Care for Cancer Patients
Miyashita M; Aoyama M; Nakahata M; Yamada Y; Abe M; Yanagihara...
BMC Palliative Care/16(1)/p.8, 2017-01 - Changes in vital signs as predictors of bacterial infection in home care: a multi-center prospective cohort study
Hamano Jun; Tokuda Yasuharu
Postgraduate Medicine/129(2)/pp.283-287, 2017-03 - Multicenter cohort study on the survival time of cancer patients dying at home or in a hospital: Does place matter?
Hamano Jun; Yamaguchi Takashi; Maeda Isseki; Suga Akihik...
Cancer/122(9)/pp.1453-1460, 2016-05 - Good deaths for all in Japan: the potential role of primary palliative care
Oishi Ai; Hamano Jun
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE/22(5)/pp.236-238, 2015-09 - Surprise Questions for Survival Prediction in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study.
Hamano Jun; Morita Tatsuya; Inoue Satoshi; Ikenaga Masay...
ONCOLOGIST/20(7)/pp.839-844, 2015-07 - more...
- 5つのステップを用いたEvidence Based Medicine(EBM)卒前教育の実践