- Articles
- Photographic Lighting Design with Photographer-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization
Yamamoto Kenta; Koyama Yuki; Ochiai Yoichi
UIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology/pp.1-11, 2022/10/29 - Customizable text-based visual content creation with self-supervised learning
Jun-Li Lu; 落合 陽一
2022年度人工知能学会全国大会論文集(第36回), 2022/06/14 - Psychological distance and user engagement in online exhibitions: Visualization of moiré patterns based on electroencephalography signals
Jingjing Li; Ye Yang; Zhexin Zhang; Nozomu Yoshida; Varga...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY/13, 2022-09 - Immersive Real World through Deep Billboards
Kondo Naruya; Kuroki So; Hyakuta Ryosuke; Matsuo Yutaka; ...
ACM SIGGRAPH 2022/8/pp.1-2, 2022/08/07 - Kuchibashi: 3D-Printed Tweezers Bioinspired by the New Caledonian Crow’s Beak
Murakami Tahahito; Torii Maya Grace; Xanat Vargas Meza; O...
SIGGRAPH 2022/18/pp.1-2, 2022/08/8 - Retinal Viewfinder: Preliminary Study of Retinal Projection-Based Electric Viewfinder for Camera Devices
Suzuki Ippei; Itoh Yuta; Ochiai Yoichi
HCII 2022: Human-Computer Interaction. Technological Innovation/13303/pp.152-164, 2022-06 - Indoor Auto-Navigate System for Electric Wheelchairs in a Nursing Home
Zhang Zhexin; Lu Jun-Li; Ochiai Yoichi
HCI International 2022/13308/pp.542-552, 2022-06 - Customizable Text-to-Image Modeling by Contrastive Learning on Adjustable Word-Visual Pairs
Lu Jun-Li; 落合 陽一
HCI International 2022/13336/pp.463-474, 2022-05 - Visualizing the Electroencephalography Signal Discrepancy When Maintaining Social Distancing: EEG-Based Interactive Moiré Patterns
Li Jingjing; Yang Ye; Zhang Zhexin; Zhao Yinan; Xanat Va...
HCI International 2022/13322/pp.185-197, 2022-06 - Electroencephalography and Self-assessment Evaluation of Engagement with Online Exhibitions: Case Study of Google Arts and Culture
Li Jingjing; Sun Chengbo; Xanat Vargas Meza; Ochiai Yoichi
HCI International 2022/13324/pp.316-331, 2022-06 - Transformation of Plants into Polka Dot Arts: Kusama Yayoi as an Inspiration for Deep Learning
Jingjing Li; Xiaoyang Zheng; Jun-Li Lu; Vargas Meza Xana...
Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction/13308/pp.270-280, 2022-06 - Visualizing Electroencephalography Signal Discrepancy When Maintaining Social Distancing: EEG-Based Interactive Moiré Patterns
Jingjing Li; Ye Yang; Zhexin Zhang; Yinan Zhao; Vargas M...
Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2022-06 - Electroencephalography and Self-assessment Evaluation of Engagement with Online Exhibitions: Case Study of Google Arts & Culture.
Jingjing Li; Chengbo Sun; Vargas Meza Xanat; Ochiai Yoichi
Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2022-06 - Goshuin 2.0: Construction of the World’s Largest Goshuin Dataset and Automatic Generation System of Goshuin with Neural Style Transfer
Morris James Harry; Shimizu Shuma; Minagawa Tatsuya; XANA...
SIGGRAPH '21: ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Posters/(4)/pp.1-2, 2021-08 - Smartphone Drum: Gesture-based Digital Musical Instruments Application for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Iijima Ryo; Shitara Akihisa; Sarcar Sayan; Ochiai Yoichi
SUI '21: Symposium on Spatial User Interaction/(25)/pp.1-2, 2021/10 - See-Through Captions: Real-Time Captioning on Transparent Display for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People
Yamamoto Kenta; Suzuki Ippei; Shitara Akihisa; Ochiai Yo...
ASSETS '21: The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility/(86)/pp.1-4, 2021/10 - Word Cloud for Meeting: A Visualization System for DHH People in Online Meetings
Iijima Ryo; Shitara Akihisa; Sarcar Sayan; Ochiai Yoichi
ASSETS '21: The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility/(99)/pp.1-4, 2021/10 - Immersive Inclusivity at CHI: Design and Creation of Inclusive User Interactions Through Immersive Media
Ryskeldiev Bektur; Ochiai Yoichi; Kusano Koki; Li Jie; Sa...
CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems/(78)/pp.1-4, 2021/05 - Reflective acoustic metamaterial for dynamic axial sub-wavelength field control in acoustic levitation
Koroyasu Yusuke; Tagami Daichi; Hoshi Takayuki; Nagatani ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America/149(4), 2021/06 - Interaction with Objects and Humans Based on Visualized Flow Using a Background-Oriented Schlieren Method
Suzuki Shieru; Sasaguri Shun; Ochiai Yoichi
HCI International 2021/12764/pp.119-137, 2021/07/03 - Gradient-based Optimization ofTime-Multiplexed Binary Computer-GeneratedHolograms by Digital Mirror Device
Yamamoto Kenta; Ochiai Yoichi
OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 2021/07 - TeraFoils: Design and Rapid Fabrication Techniques for Binary Holographic Structures in the Terahertz Region
Yamamoto Kenta; Namikawa Kosaku; Ochiai Yoichi
SIGGRAPH '21: ACM SIGGRAPH 2021 Posters, 2021/08 - Auditory-centered Vocal Feedback System Using Solmization for Training Absolute Pitch without GUI
Yoshida Nozomu; Namikawa Kosaku; Koroyasu Yusuke; Nagatan...
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021/12935, 2021/08 - Automatic Differentiation Approach for Acoustic Holograms: Performance and Potential Applications
Fushimi Tatsuki; Yamamoto Kenta; Ochiai Yoichi
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America/149(4), 2021/06 - Development of a Telepresence System Using a Robotic Embodiment Controlled by Mobile Devices
Minagawa Tatsuya; Suzuki Ippei; Ochiai Yoichi
The 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), 2021-07-24 - more...
- Photographic Lighting Design with Photographer-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization