TAKEI Yosuke
- Conference, etc.
- Distribution pattern of mRNA of Interleukin-17 receptor A in the murine primary somatosensory area during the postnatal period.
Tetsuya Sasaki; Peiyi Bao; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
The 33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropharmacology./2022-06-09--2022-06-12 - Intracerebral expression pattern of ASD risk gene MyosinId mRNA and localization of the translation products to dendrite spines.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Ohtsuka Masae; Takei Yosuke
The 33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropharmacology./2022-06-09--2022-06-12 - Retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt overexpression affect the murine central nervous system and behaviors.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Suzaki Hiroko; Takahashi Satoru; Takei Y...
The 33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropharmacology./2022-06-09--2022-06-12 - Expression of IL-17RA in the cerebral cortex of mice during postnatal development and its alteration by maternal immune activation
Sasaki Tetsuya; Ohtsuka Masae; Takei Yosuke
The 33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropharmacology./2022-06-09--2022-06-12 - Elevated maternal RORγt enhances the effect of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid in inducing fetal loss.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Ohtsuka Masae; Takahashi Satoru; Takei Y...
The 127th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists/2022-03-27--2022-03-29 - Expression of IL-17RA in the cerebral cortex of mice during postnatal development and its alteration by maternal immune activation.
Takei Yosuke; Bao Peiyi; Ohtsuka Masae; Suzaki Hiroko; Iw...
The 127th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists/2022-03-27--2022-03-29 - Molecular motor Myosin Id localize to dendritic spines
Tetsuya Sasaki; Masae Ohtsuka; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
Japanese Association of Anatomists 109th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/2021-09-11--2021-09-11 - An activity-dependent local transport regulation via degradation and synthesis of KIF17 underlying cognitive flexibility
Suguru Iwata; Momo Morikawa; Yosuke Takei; Nobutaka Hiro...
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2021-07-28--2021-07-31 - An activity-dependent local transport regulation via degradation and synthesis of KIF17 underlying cognitive flexibility
Suguru Iwata; Momo Morikawa; Yosuke Takei; Nobutaka Hiro...
the 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2021-03-28--2021-03-30 - Cortical dysplasia caused by interleukin 17A and its involvement in pathophysiology of ASD.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Tome Saki; Takei Yosuke
The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2020-07-30--2020-08-02 - Maternal immune activation at different pregnancies differentially affects 5HT nerves in offsprings.
Shutoh Fumihiro; Jinmin Li; Sasaki Tetsuya; Takei Yosuke
The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2020-07-31--2020-08-02 - Localization Mechanism of Myosin Id, an ASD Risk Gene Product in Dendritic Spines.
Yosuke Takei; Bao Peiryi; Tetsuya Sasaki
NPBPPP2020./2020-08-21--2020-08-23 - 中枢神経系におけるIL-17Aの役割の分子遺伝学的解析
武井 陽介; 當銘幸貴; 鮑 培毅; 高田拓弥; 佐々木哲也
第125回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2020-03-25--2020-03-27 - 大脳皮質高次連合野を特徴づける遺伝子の解析
佐々木哲也; 小松勇介; 武井 陽介; 山森哲雄
第125回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2020-03-25--2020-03-27 - インターロイキン17Aによる大脳皮質形成異常の解明
當銘 幸貴; 佐々木 哲也; 武井 陽介
第107回 日本解剖学会関東支部学術集会/2019-11-02--2019-11-02 - Developmental defects of serotonergic neurons induced by maternal immune activation.
Li Jinmin; Shuto Fumihiro; Sasaki Tetsuya; Takei Yosuke
Tsukuba Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-03 - Molecular genetic analysis of the role of interleukin 17A in CNS.
Tome Saki; Sasaki Tetsuya; Takei Yosuke
Tsukuba Conference/2019-10-03--2019-10-03 - Analysis of the effect of IL17A increase on neurodevelopment in RORgt-overexpression transgenic mice.
Tome Saki; Nagata Rei; Sasaki Tetsuya; Takei Yosuke
第42回日本神経科学大会・第62回日本神経化学会大会合同大会/2019-07-25--2019-07-28 - The developmental defect of Serotonergic neuron induced by maternal immune activation.
Jinmin Li; Sasaki Tetsuya; Shuto Fumihiro; Takei Yosuke
Neuro2019/2019-07-25--2019-07-28 - 免疫活性化母体から産まれたマウスにおけるセロトニン神経発達異常
Li Jinmin; 首藤 文洋; 佐々木 哲也; 武井 陽介
第124回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2019-03-27--2019-03-29 - RORgt過剰発現マウスにおけるpoly(i:c)誘導性流産率の上昇
當銘幸貴; 越田隆介; 佐々木 哲也; 武井陽介
第124回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会/2019-03-27--2019-03-29 - Analysis of molecular motors and other factors related to neuropsychiatric diseases in animal models
Takei Yosuke
International Symposium of Brain/MINDS ISBM2019– From Structure to Function –/2019-01-29--2019-01-29 - polyI:Cモデルマウス及び関連マウスの淡蒼球等の脳部位の解析
武井 陽介; 尾崎紀夫
革新脳臨床研究グループ分科会/2018-11-23--2018-11-23 - PCPモデル及びpolyI:Cモデルマウスの淡蒼球解析
橋本 均; 尾崎紀夫; 武井 陽介
革新脳臨床研究グループ分科会/2018-11-23--2018-11-23 - Myosin Id localizes in dendritic spines through the tail homology domain 1.
Tome Saki; Koshida Ryusuke; Takei Yosuke
Tsukuba Global Science Week/2018-09-20--2018-09-22 - more...
- Distribution pattern of mRNA of Interleukin-17 receptor A in the murine primary somatosensory area during the postnatal period.