Researcher's full information

  • 蛍光指紋を利用したコムギ中のカビ毒の非破壊簡易検出法の開発
    藤田 かおり; 杉山 純一; 蔦 瑞樹; 小澤 徹; 柴田 真理朗; 吉村 正俊; 粉川 美踏; 久城 真代
    Agricultural information research/21(1)/pp.11-19, 2012
  • Quantification of the distributions of gluten, starch and air bubbles in dough at different mixing stages by fluorescence fingerprint imaging
    Kokawa Mito; Fujita Kaori; Sugiyama Junichi; Tsuta Mizuki; Sh...
    JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE/55(1)/pp.15-21, 2012
  • Changes in the Texture and Viscoelastic Properties of Bread Containing Rice Porridge during Storage
    Tsai C.L.; Sugiyama Junichi; Shibata Mario; Kokawa Mito; Fuji...
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/76(2)/pp.331-335, 2012-02
  • Visualization of gluten and starch distributions in dough by fluorescence fingerprint imaging
    Kokawa Mito; Fujita Kaori; Sugiyama Junichi; Tsuta Mizuki; Sh...
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/75(11)/pp.2112-2118, 2011-11
  • Visualization of the distribution of multiple constituents in bread dough by use of Fluorescence Fingerprint Imaging
    Kokawa Mito; Fujita Kaori; Sugiyama Junichi; Tsuta Mizuki; Sh...
    Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Engineering and Food, 2011-05
  • Evaluation of viscoelastic properties and air-bubble structure of bread containing gelatinized rice
    Shibata Mario; Sugiyama Junichi; Tsai C.L.; Tsuta Mizuki; Fuj...
    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering and Food, 2011-05
  • Predicting the Buckwheat Flour Ratio for Commercial Dried Buckwheat Noodles Based on the Fluorescence Fingerprint
    Shibata Mario; Fujita Kaori; Sugiyama Junichi; Tsuta Mizuki; ...
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry/75(7)/pp.1312-1316, 2011
  • 粥状に糊化処理した米を添加したパンの粘弾性および気泡構造
    柴田 真理朗; 杉山 純一; 蔡 佳りん; 蔦 瑞樹; 藤田 かおり; 粉川 美踏; 荒木 徹也
    日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology/58(5)/pp.196-201, 2011
  • NIR spectral imaging with discriminant analysis for detecting foreign materials among blueberries
    Sugiyama Takehiro; Tsuta Mizuki; Fujita Kaori; Shibata Mario...
    JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING/101(3)/pp.244-252, 2010-12
  • Detection of deoxynivalenol using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix
    Fujita Kaori; Tsuta Mizuki; Kokawa Mito; Sugiyama Junichi
    Food and Bioprocess Technology/3(6)/pp.922-927, 2010
  • 励起蛍光マトリクスによるそば粉と小麦粉の混合割合の推定
    杉山 武裕; 藤田 かおり; 蔦 瑞樹; 杉山 純一; 柴田 真理朗; 粉川 美踏; 荒木 徹也; 鍋谷 浩志; 相良 泰行
    日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology/57(6)/pp.238-242, 2010
  • イメージスキャナを用いたパン気泡構造の計測手法の開発
    柴田 真理朗; 杉山 純一; 蔦 瑞樹; 藤田 かおり; 杉山 武裕; 粉川 美踏; 荒木 徹也; 鍋谷 浩志; 相良 泰行
    日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology/57(6)/pp.243-250, 2010
  • パンの粘弾性と気泡構造(すだち)との関係の定量化手法の開発
    柴田 真理朗; 杉山 純一; 蔦 瑞樹; 藤田 かおり; 杉山 武裕; 粉川 美踏; 荒木 徹也; 鍋谷 浩志; 相良 泰行
    日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology/57(7)/pp.296-303, 2010