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Conference, etc.
  • 児童養護施設入所児の問題行動に対する職員の記録行動の変容:記録行動の維持に関する施設内の社会的随伴性の影響
    佐々木 銀河; 野呂 文行
  • Self-management of aggression for a child with PDD : Using self-recording and token economy
    佐々木 銀河; 奥村 真衣子; 園山 繁樹; 野呂 文行
    The 30th Annual Convention of Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis/2012-08
  • An amplification of plays with another person in a child with autism : Assessing child's preferences and fading antecedents gradually
    佐々木 銀河; 高浜 浩二; 野呂 文行
    The 28th Annual Convention of Japanese Association for Behavior Analysis/2010-09