Researcher's full information

Research projects
政治的忌避態度の形成プロセスに関する国際比較研究2015-04 -- 2018-03山本英弘JSPS/
The position and future of the Japanese sociology in the World-the case of the World congress of Sociology2014-04 -- 2017-03YAZAWA ShujiroJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (B)
The Relashionship between Images and Actions on Civil Participation : An Examinations by International Compative Research2011-04 -- 2015-03YAMAMOTO HidehiroJSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)4,160,000Yen
A Comparative and Empirical Study of the Structural Changes in Politics and Transformations in Pressure Groups, Policy Networks, and Civil Society in Japan since 20092010-04 -- 2015-03TSUJINAKA YutakaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)
廃棄物政策と地域コミュニティの資源管理――山形市のゴミ有料化政策を事例として2010-11 -- 2011-10YAMAMOTO HidehiroConsumer Co-operative Institute of Japan/生協総研賞・助成事業
グローバルイベントに対する市民意識と市民参加型ガバナンスの可能性2008-04 -- 2009-03Makoto NishikidoJapan Securities Scholarship foundation/Research Grant
グローバルイベントによる市民参加型ガバナンスの形成-北海道洞爺湖サミットを例に-2008-04 -- 2009-03Makoto NishikidoCASIO Science Promotion Foundation/
Empirical Study of the Relationship between Political Change and Social Movement in the Post 55 Regime.2008-04 -- 2010-03YAMAMOTO HidehiroJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)3,900,000Yen
戦後日本の政治変動と社会運動:数理・計量的アプローチによる探求2003-04 -- 2006-03YAMAMOTO HidehiroJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows3,400,000Yen