Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Hydraulic engineering
Research keywords
Regional Hydroclimate
Water Cycle
Regional Climate
Large Scale Simulation
Environmental Disaster Prevention
Water Hazard Risk Information
Career history
2019-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaGraduate School of Systems and Information EngineeringAssociate Professor
2019-07 -- 2020-03National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster ResilienceMulti-hazard Risk Assessment Research DivisionPrincipal Research Fellow (Cross Appointment)
2016-09 -- 2019-03Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)Master of Disaster Risk Management program (MDRM)Visiting Associate Professor
2016-04 -- 2019-03National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster ResilienceIntegrated Research on Disaster Risk Reduction DivisionSenior Researcher
2011-04 -- 2016-03National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster PreventionSocial System Research Department, Disaster Risk Research UnitSenior Researcher
2010-10 -- 2011-03National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster PreventionDisaster Prevention Research CenterSenior Researcher
2009-06 -- 2010-05University of Colorado at Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Research Associate (Visiting Scientist)
2009-04 -- 2010-09National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster PreventionStorm, Flood, and Landslide Research DepartmentSenior Researcher
2008-07 -- 2009-03National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster PreventionStorm, Flood, and Landslide Research DepartmentResearcher
2006-04 -- 2008-06National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster PreventionStorm, Flood, and Landslide Research DepartmentResearcher
Academic background
2000-04 -- 2003-03The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
1998-03DiplomaThe University of Tokyo
2000-03MScThe University of Tokyo
2003-03Ph. DThe University of Tokyo
Licenses and qualifications
2002-03Type-1 High school teaching license for Science
2002-03Type-1 Junior high school teaching license for Science
Academic societies
2016-10 -- (current)Japan Geoscience Union
-- (current)Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE)
-- (current)The Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources
-- (current)The Meteorological Society of Japan
-- (current)American Geophysical Union (AGU)
-- (current)Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
-- (current)The Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW)
Honors & Awards
2024-10-15Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process's Best Poster AwardLocal and Synoptic Influences on Long-Term Trends in Rainfall over Metro Manila, Philippines (Llorin, Alyssa Gewell Agena; Dairaku, Koji)
2024-05EMCEI-2024’s Best Paper AwardLocal and Synoptic Drivers for Rainfall Formation over Metro Manila, Philippines (Llorin, Alyssa Gewell Agena; Dairaku, Koji)
2024-03-25Tsukuba Scholarship "Research Encouragement Scholarship"Analysis of feedback process on water availability in Africa from the past to future (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong)
2024-03-25Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME) Degree Program Director's awardAnalysis of feedback process on water availability in Africa from the past to future (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong)
2024-03-25Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME) Degree Program Director's awardAdded Values on Wind Energy Potential for South Asia Using High-Resolution Climate Models (Khan, Muhammad Abid)
2024-03-25Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME) Degree Program Director's awardImpact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover Change on the Hydrological Response in Upper Blue Nile Basin (Brhane, Ermias Sisay)
2023-07-092023 International Young Scientists Forum Best Presentation AwardUncertainty Analysis of PERSIANN-family Precipitation Products over Himalayan Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia (Nadeem, Muhammad Umar; Dairaku, Koji)
2023-03-24Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy (EME) Degree Program Director's awardAnthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation over East Asia (Adigun, Paul Ayodele)
2022-12AGU 2022 Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)Building a high-resolution climate dataset for Vietnam based on ERA5-Land and In-situ data (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong; Thanh, Ngo-Duc; Dairaku, Koji)
2022-03Outstanding Discussion AwardOutstanding discussions at the Conference on Hydraulic Engineering (Dairaku, Koji)
Conference, etc.
  • Impact of Climate Change on Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Demand on Megech Watershed Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
    Defersha Dessalew Tadesse; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-26
  • The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation in Japan
    正林 奈倫; 大楽 浩司
    SAT Technology Showcase 2024/2024-01-25
  • Review on water resource optimizations methods: in the case of Nile Basin
    Endalew Negusu Tarekegn; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • 気候変動適応のための都市緑化による雨水貯留効果に関する研究
    青木 文弥; 大楽 浩司
    SAT Technology Showcase 2024/2024-01-25
  • Building a Novel RCM-EMULATOR for Downscaling Precipitation During the West Africa Summer Monsoon
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • Soil Moisture Feedbacks and Their Sources over Africa with Potential Impacts on Water Availability under RCP 8.5 Pathway
    Nguyen Ngoc Kim Hong; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • Modeling the Response of Flood and Drought Events to Climate Change
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Quantifying the Impacts of Land Cover Change on Hydrological Responses under Coupled SSP-RCP Scenarios
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Deep Learning Downscaling approach in reducing bias in drivers of Compound heatwave and Extreme precipitation event over West Africa
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Lowlands, Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-23
  • Development of groundwater monitoring systems in afar regions to evaluate the influence of water spreading weirs on groundwater recharge
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-23
  • Modeling the impact of climate change on the hydrology of Andasa watershed
    Endalew Negusu Tarekegn; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2023-12-13
  • Flood inundation areas Mapping using HEC-RAS model of Wabash River, United States of America
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-28
  • Assessment of Reanalysis Wind Speeds Datasets against the HadISD Dataset over South Asia
    Khan Muhammad Abid; Dairaku Koji; Kelkar Saurabh
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Assessing Added Value of Dynamical Downscaling for Wind Speed over South Asia: A Distribution Added Value Approach
    Khan Muhammad Abid; Dairaku Koji; Kelkar Saurabh
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Impact of land use land cover change on sediment yield in upper awash basin Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Hybrid Statistical Downscaling in Reducing Bias in drivers of Compound Wet-warm extremes during the West African Summer Monsoon Season
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji; Adigun Pau...
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Soil moisture feedback and moisture convergence associated with surface water over Africa in 1981-2019 and projections under a warming world
    Nguyen Ngoc Kim Hong; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Anthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation over East Asia
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    CARE for SEA megacities: Inception workshop and stakeholder consultation/2023-11-22
  • Added Value in Compound Events Urban Resilience Assessment through Deep Learning Dynamical-Statistical Downscaling
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    CARE for SEA megacities: Inception workshop and stakeholder consultation/2023-11-22
  • SSP-RCPs Scenario-based future land use change projection over Ethiopia
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-24
  • Dynamic and Thermodynamic components controlling Anthropogenic signal attributed to Extreme precipitation over east Asia in CMIP6 model simulation
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-09
  • Detection and attribution of recent trends in temperature extremes over Africa in CanESM5 Large Ensemble
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-09
  • GPM-IMERG, PERSIANN-PDIR, and CHIRPS 2.0 Rainfall Data Accuracy Assessment for Capturing Extreme Weather Events in the Karakoram Mountains of South Asia
    Nadeem Muhammad Umar; Dairaku Koji; Khan Muhammad Abid
    5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration/2023-10-03
  • Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Afar Region, Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2023 (ICRC-CORDEX 2023)/2023-09-28
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIbUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy BUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy AUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Engineering Mechanics and Energy IaUniversity of Tsukuba.

(Last updated: 2025-03-13)