大樂 浩司(ダイラク コウジ)

2019-04 -- (現在)国立大学法人 筑波大学システム情報系准教授
2019-07 -- 2020-03国立研究開発法人 防災科学技術研究所マルチハザードリスク評価研究部門主幹研究員(クロスアポイントメント)
2016-09 -- 2019-03マレーシア日本国際工科院防災リスクマネジメント修士プログラム(MDRM)客員准教授
2016-04 -- 2019-03国立研究開発法人 防災科学技術研究所社会防災システム研究部門主任研究員
2011-04 -- 2016-03独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所社会防災システム研究領域 災害リスク研究ユニット主任研究員
2010-10 -- 2011-03独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所防災システム研究センター主任研究員
2009-06 -- 2010-05University of Colorado at Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Research Associate (Visiting Scientist)
2009-04 -- 2010-09独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所水・土砂防災研究部主任研究員
2008-07 -- 2009-03独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所水・土砂防災研究部研究員
2006-04 -- 2008-06独立行政法人 防災科学技術研究所水・土砂防災研究部任期付き研究員
2000-04 -- 2003-03東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 社会基盤工学専攻
2016-10 -- (現在)日本地球惑星科学連合
-- (現在)土木学会
-- (現在)水文・水資源学会
-- (現在)日本気象学会
-- (現在)American Geophysical Union (AGU)
-- (現在)Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS)
-- (現在)The Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW)
2024-10-15Scientific Forum for Numerical Simulation of Asian Regional Climate Change and Earth System Process's Best Poster AwardLocal and Synoptic Influences on Long-Term Trends in Rainfall over Metro Manila, Philippines (Llorin, Alyssa Gewell Agena; Dairaku, Koji)
2024-05EMCEI-2024’s Best Paper AwardLocal and Synoptic Drivers for Rainfall Formation over Metro Manila, Philippines (Llorin, Alyssa Gewell Agena; Dairaku, Koji)
2024-03-25つくばスカラシップ「研究奨励奨学金」Analysis of feedback process on water availability in Africa from the past to future (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong)
2024-03-25構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム 学位プログラム長表彰Analysis of feedback process on water availability in Africa from the past to future (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong)
2024-03-25構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム 学位プログラム長表彰Added Values on Wind Energy Potential for South Asia Using High-Resolution Climate Models (Khan, Muhammad Abid)
2024-03-25構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム 学位プログラム長表彰Impact of Climate Change, Land Use and Land Cover Change on the Hydrological Response in Upper Blue Nile Basin (Brhane, Ermias Sisay)
2023-07-092023 International Young Scientists Forum Best Presentation AwardUncertainty Analysis of PERSIANN-family Precipitation Products over Himalayan Mountains of Pakistan, South Asia (Nadeem, Muhammad Umar; Dairaku, Koji)
2023-03-24構造エネルギー工学学位プログラム 学位プログラム長表彰Anthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation over East Asia (Adigun, Paul Ayodele)
2022-12AGU 2022 Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA)Building a high-resolution climate dataset for Vietnam based on ERA5-Land and In-situ data (Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Hong; Thanh, Ngo-Duc; Dairaku, Koji)
  • Impact of Climate Change on Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Demand on Megech Watershed Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia
    Defersha Dessalew Tadesse; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-26
  • 日本における気候変動による太陽光発電ポテンシャル評価
    正林 奈倫; 大楽 浩司
  • Review on water resource optimizations methods: in the case of Nile Basin
    Endalew Negusu Tarekegn; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • 気候変動適応のための都市緑化による雨水貯留効果に関する研究
    青木 文弥; 大楽 浩司
  • Building a Novel RCM-EMULATOR for Downscaling Precipitation During the West Africa Summer Monsoon
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • Soil Moisture Feedbacks and Their Sources over Africa with Potential Impacts on Water Availability under RCP 8.5 Pathway
    Nguyen Ngoc Kim Hong; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-25
  • Modeling the Response of Flood and Drought Events to Climate Change
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Quantifying the Impacts of Land Cover Change on Hydrological Responses under Coupled SSP-RCP Scenarios
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Deep Learning Downscaling approach in reducing bias in drivers of Compound heatwave and Extreme precipitation event over West Africa
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-24
  • Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Lowlands, Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-23
  • Development of groundwater monitoring systems in afar regions to evaluate the influence of water spreading weirs on groundwater recharge
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2024-01-23
  • Modeling the impact of climate change on the hydrology of Andasa watershed
    Endalew Negusu Tarekegn; Dairaku Koji
    AGU Fall Meeting 2023/2023-12-13
  • Flood inundation areas Mapping using HEC-RAS model of Wabash River, United States of America
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-28
  • Assessment of Reanalysis Wind Speeds Datasets against the HadISD Dataset over South Asia
    Khan Muhammad Abid; Dairaku Koji; Kelkar Saurabh
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Assessing Added Value of Dynamical Downscaling for Wind Speed over South Asia: A Distribution Added Value Approach
    Khan Muhammad Abid; Dairaku Koji; Kelkar Saurabh
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Impact of land use land cover change on sediment yield in upper awash basin Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Hybrid Statistical Downscaling in Reducing Bias in drivers of Compound Wet-warm extremes during the West African Summer Monsoon Season
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji; Adigun Pau...
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Soil moisture feedback and moisture convergence associated with surface water over Africa in 1981-2019 and projections under a warming world
    Nguyen Ngoc Kim Hong; Dairaku Koji
    Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (MedGU-23)/2023-11-27
  • Anthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation over East Asia
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    CARE for SEA megacities: Inception workshop and stakeholder consultation/2023-11-22
  • Added Value in Compound Events Urban Resilience Assessment through Deep Learning Dynamical-Statistical Downscaling
    Precious Ebiendele Eromosele; Dairaku Koji
    CARE for SEA megacities: Inception workshop and stakeholder consultation/2023-11-22
  • SSP-RCPs Scenario-based future land use change projection over Ethiopia
    Brhane Ermias Sisay; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-24
  • Dynamic and Thermodynamic components controlling Anthropogenic signal attributed to Extreme precipitation over east Asia in CMIP6 model simulation
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-09
  • Detection and attribution of recent trends in temperature extremes over Africa in CanESM5 Large Ensemble
    Adigun Paul Ayodele; Dairaku Koji
    WCRP Open Science Conference 2023/2023-10-09
  • GPM-IMERG, PERSIANN-PDIR, and CHIRPS 2.0 Rainfall Data Accuracy Assessment for Capturing Extreme Weather Events in the Karakoram Mountains of South Asia
    Nadeem Muhammad Umar; Dairaku Koji; Khan Muhammad Abid
    5th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration/2023-10-03
  • Hydrological and Land Suitability Analysis for Flood-based Productivity in Afar Region, Ethiopia
    Doko Hailemariam Mengistu; Dairaku Koji
    International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2023 (ICRC-CORDEX 2023)/2023-09-28
  • さらに表示...
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学後期特別研究B筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学前期特別研究Ib筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学前期特別演習Ib筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学前期特別研究IIb筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学前期特別演習IIb筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学後期特別演習B筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08構造エネルギー工学前期特別演習II筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02構造エネルギー工学前期特別演習II筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08構造エネルギー工学後期特別演習A筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08構造エネルギー工学前期特別演習Ia筑波大学

(最終更新日: 2025-01-20)