SAITO Yuichi
- Articles
- Human-Machine Shared Driving Characteristics of Autonomous Driving Intelligence System in Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre
Raksincharoensak P.; Iwano K.; Mouri H.; Saito Yuichi; Na...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology towards Zero-Traffic Accident/pp.531-536, 2015-09 - Dual Control Theoretic Driver Assistance: Dynamic Characteristics of Steering Torque Control based on Linear Quadratic Regulator
Saito Yuichi; Itoh Makoto; Inagaki Toshiyuki
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics/pp.1753-1758, 2014-10 - 双対制御論的運転支援システム −車両安全確保とドライバ状態推定の機能と特性−
齊藤 裕一; 伊藤誠; 稲垣敏之
計測自動制御学会論文集/50(6)/pp.461-470, 2014-06 - Influence of Deceleration Intention Indicating System of Forward Vehicle on Driver Behavior
Saito Yuichi; Kato Shin; Itoh Makoto; Inagaki Toshiyuki
Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction for Health, Safety, Mobility and Complex Environments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science/8017/pp.548-557, 2013-07 - ドライバの減速意図を後続車へ提示するシステムの提案と効果検証
齊藤 裕一; 佐藤 宏明; 橋本 尚久; 加藤 晋
自動車技術会論文集/44(3-4)/pp.925-930, 2013-05 - An Experimental Study on Appropriate Distance for Driver on Platooning: Relationship Driver’s Feature, Distance and Benefit
Hashimoto N.; Kato S.; Sato H.; Saito Yuichi; Tsugawa S.
Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 2012-10 - Influence of Acceleration-and-Deceleration Information to Following Vehicles
Sato H.; Saito Yuichi; Hashimoto N.; Kato S.; Tsugawa S.
Proceedings of the 19th ITS World Congress, 2012-10 - Development of Deceleration Intention Indicating System of Forward Vehicle: Effect of the System
Saito Yuichi; Hashimoto N.; Tsugawa S.; Kato S.
Proceedings of the 5th International IEEE Annual Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems/pp.852-857, 2012-09 - Development on Indicating System of Information of Deceleration Intention to Following Vehicle: Suggestion and Fundamental Experiment
Saito Yuichi; Hashimoto N.; Tsugawa S.; Kato S.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety/pp.157-162, 2012-07 - Preliminary Experiments about Following Distance for Obtaining Benefit under Some Conditions
Hashimoto N.; Kato S.; Saito Yuichi; Tsugawa S.
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety/pp.128-133, 2012-07
- Human-Machine Shared Driving Characteristics of Autonomous Driving Intelligence System in Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre