Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Official title
Assistant Professor
Birth date
Research keywords
Post-COVID-19 Studies
Constitutional Law
International Law
Peace Studies
International Relations
International Organizations
Research projects
科学的知見と社会的信頼を基盤としたパンデミック対策2021-10 -- 2022-03秋山 肇科学技術振興機構/戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ)特定課題調査1,300,000Yen
国際移民の統合に関する実証分析と理論的制度設計に基づく地域社会実装研究2021-07 -- 2027-03Jun-ichi AkashiJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)25,090,000Yen
ポスト・アントロポセンの価値観・行動様式・科学技術に関する調査研究2021-01 -- 2021-06Hajime Akiyama科学技術振興機構/ムーンショット型研究開発事業 新たな目標検討のためのビジョン策定(ミレニア・プログラム)6,500,000Yen
How Can Constitutions Deal with COVID-19?2020-05 -- 2020-10Hajime AkiyamaOrganization for the Support and Development of Strategic Initiatives, University of Tsukuba/Program to Apply the Wisdom of the University to tackle COVID -19 Related Emergency Problems (Short-term type)300,000Yen
アフリカにおける難民保護と持続性を有する「帰還」に関する実証的・理論的研究2019-04 -- 2024-03Akiko SugikiJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究(B)17,290,000Yen
Prevention of Statelessness in International Law: Its Effect to the Japanese Nationality Act2016-04 -- 2019-03Hajime AkiyamaJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grants-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows2,800,000Yen
Career history
2023-04 -- (current)University of TsukubaAdvisor to the President
2020-09 -- (current)International Christian UniversityPart-time Lecturer
2020-03 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Humanities and Social SciencesAssistant Professor
2019-04 -- 2020-03Daito Bunka UniversityCollege of Social-EnvironmentologyPart-time Lecturer
2019-04 -- 2020-03Ritsumeikan UniversityAmerican University - Ritsumeikan University Joint Degree Program, College of International RelationsLecturer
2018-10 -- 2020-03Seigakuin UniversityPart-time Lecturer
2016-04 -- 2019-03Japan Society for the Promotion of ScienceResearch Fellow
2017-04 -- 2018-07International Christian UniversityTeaching Assistant
2016-10 -- 2017-03University of LausanneVisiting Researcher
2015-04 -- 2016-03International Christian UniversityTeaching Assistant
Academic background
2016-04 -- 2020-03International Christian University Doctoral Course, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
2015-04 -- 2016-03International Christian University Master's Course, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
2011-04 -- 2015-03International Christian University College of Liberal Arts
2020-03Doctor of PhilosophyInternational Christian University
2016-03Master of Arts in Peace StudiesInternational Christian University
2015-03Bachelor of ArtsInternational Christian University
Academic societies
2024-11 -- (current)Commission on Legal Pluralism
2024-03 -- (current)Academic Council on the United Nations System
2023-11 -- (current)Association for Research on the Impacts of War and Military Bases on Women's Human Rights
2018-06 -- (current)Japan Association for Human Security Studies
2017-12 -- (current)Japan Association for Global Governance
2016-06 -- (current)Social-Human Environmentology Society, Daito Bunka University
Honors & Awards
2025-022024 BEST FACULTY MEMBER, University of Tsukuba
2024-07Good Partner Award, AY2024, Tsukuba Action Project
2023-022022 BEST FACULTY MEMBER, University of Tsukuba
2022-12Fellow of Top Runners in Strategy of Transborder Advanced Researches Program (TRiSTAR Fellow)
2016-06Fellowship under the "Young Researchers Exchange Programme between Japan and Switzerland 2016"
2016-03Graduation with Honors (Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International Christian University)
2013-09Award of Brilliance, The 29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest
  • Revocation of Non-Recognition of a Refugee Status for Homosexual Person (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Public International Law, New Commentary on Precedents Watch (Shin Hanrei Kaisetsu Watch)/(61), 2025-02
  • H.F. and others v. France, 14 September 2022
    秋山 肇
    Human Rights Jurisprudence Journal/(9)/pp.82-88, 2024-12
  • The Association for Research on the Impacts of War and Military Bases on Women's Human Rights and My Research
    秋山 肇
    Journal of the Association for Research on the Impacts of War and Military Bases on Women's Human Rights/(23)/pp.90-95, 2024-11
  • Non-human and Security in the Anthropocene and AI Era (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Peace Studies/61/pp.21-47, 2024-07
  • COVID-19 and Implications to the Constitution: Towards Pandemic Measures in the Post-COVID Era (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Monthly Shiho-Shoshi/(627)/p.25, 2024-05
  • ポスト・アントロポセンを語るボードゲームの開発
    鈴木 研悟; 浦山俊一; 平井悠介; 山口大空翔; 氏家清和; 秋山肇
    日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会全国大会論文集2023年秋号/pp.4-5, 2023-11
  • Peace Education through Discussion by High School - University Collaboration: Practice of “Peace and Law” Class at the University of Tsukuba (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Research Bulletin for School Education/45・46/pp.33-49, 2024-03
  • Development of the Right to a Nationality in International Law and Implications to Japanese Law (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Étrangeté/(5)/pp.86-115, 2024-03
  • Designing Educational Board Games of Global Anthropogenic Issues Through Interdisciplinary Collaboration
    Suzuki Kengo; Urayama Syun-ichi; Yusuke Hirai; Yamaguc...
    Towards a Hybrid, Flexible and Socially Engaged Higher Education. ICL 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems/901/pp.423-434, 2024-02
  • Securitisation behind persona non grata: Implications to the theory and the cases regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
    Moritani Yuki; Akiyama Hajime
    F1000Research/12(269), 2023-03
  • Human Rights in the Anthropocene: The Right to Life and State's Positive Obligation in the Japanese Constitutional Law (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Human Rights International/(33)/pp.44-48, 2022-10
  • 川村真理著『難民問題と国際法制度の動態』
    秋山 肇
    国連研究/(23)/pp.201-205, 2022-06
  • Global Movement to End Statelessness and Japanese Nationality: History, Human Rights and Identity
    Akiyama Hajime
    The Hallym Journal of Japanese Studies/(36)/pp.259-284, 2021-12
  • COVID-19 measures and human rights guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    F1000Research/10(230), 2021-09
  • Tokubetsu Kikou: Furansu, Suis no Kinkyu Jitai Sengen [Special Contribution: States of Emergency in France and Switzerland]
    秋山 肇
    Kobungo Square "Corona and Constitution", 2020-09
  • 片桐庸夫著『横田喜三郎 1896-1993 現実主義的平和論の軌跡』(藤原書店、2018年9月、264頁、3200円+税)
    秋山 肇
    渋沢研究/(32)/pp.81-85, 2020-01
  • Jiyuken Kiyaku niokeru Kodomo no Kokuseki Shutoku Ken to Kokka no Gimu: Jiyuken Kiyaku Dai 2 Jo no Kanten kara [Children's Right to Acquire a Nationality and States' Obligation under the ICCPR: The Perspective from Article 2 of the ICCPR
    秋山 肇
    Human Rights International/(30)/pp.115-119, 2019-10
  • Kokusai Hou niokeru Mukokuseki no Yobou to Nihon no Kokuseki Housei [Prevention of Statelessness in International Law and Japanese Nationality Law]
    秋山 肇
    The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy/117(3)/pp.153-154, 2018-11
  • Enforcement of Nationality and Human Insecurity: A Case Study on the Securitised Japanese Nationality of Koreans during the Colonial Era
    Hajime Akiyama
    Journal of Human Security Studies/7(2)/pp.79-94, 2018-10
  • Household Registration and Suffrage in Post World War II Japan: The case of the Unregistered (Mukosekisha)
    Hajime Akiyama
    The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus/16(15(4))/pp.1-10, 2018-08
  • UNHCR niyoru Mukokuseki no Yobou to Sakugen ni Muketa Torikumi: Sono Kouka to Kadai [UNHCR's Role in Preventing and Reducing Statelessness: Its Effects and Challenges]
    秋山 肇
    The United Nations Studies/(19)/pp.191-219, 2018-06
  • Statelessness and International Surrogacy from the International and European Legal Perspectives
    Véronique Boillet Hajime Akiyama
    Swiss Review of International and European Law/27(4)/pp.513-534, 2017-12
  • 2015 Nen Mukokuseki Doukou Bunseki [Stateless Trend Analysis, 2015]
    秋山肇; 小田川綾音
    Refugee Studies Journal/(6)/pp.198-200, 2016-12
  • Mukokusekishatoha Dareka: Kokusaihouniokeru Mukokusekishano Teigito Mitourokushano Kanrenseikara [Who is a Stateless Person? Definition of a Stateless Person in International Law and Unregistered Persons]
    秋山 肇
    Social-Human Environmentology/(22)/pp.67-78, 2016-09
  • [Hosoku] Mukokusekinitsuite [Supplement: About Statelessness]
    秋山 肇
    Journal of Japan Oral History Association/(12)/pp.32-34, 2016-09
  • more...
  • Critical Analysis on Ending Statelessness and UNHCR’s #IBelong Campaign
    Akiyama Hajime
    Evolution of the United Nations System: An East Asian Perspective/Routledge/pp.163-177, 2023-07
  • 日本国憲法とパンデミック対策における科学的知見
    秋山 肇
    世界と日本のCOVID-19対応-立憲主義の視点から考える-/敬文堂/pp.336-345, 2023-07
  • Post-COVID-19 Studies: Pandemic, Change and Continuity in Society, the Future (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇(編)
    明石書店, 2022-04
  • (無)国籍と人権
    秋山 肇
    国際協力と人権 -変容する国際社会と「これから」の国際協力をみすえて/特定非営利活動法人国際協力NGOセンター(JANIC)/pp.34-35, 2022-03
  • The Practice of Deliberative Democracy in Japanese Smart Cities: A Case Study of the Kakogawa Decidim
    Akiyama Hajime
    Resonance and Mutual Association in Deliberative Democracy, Science Technology, and Law: Seeds of New Research Area (Special Series on Tsukuba Journal of Law & Politics, Volume 3)/The Tsukuba Society of Law & Politics, 2022-03
  • Moonshot R&D MILLENNIA Program “Research on Post-Antropocentric Values, Behavioural Styles, Science and Technology” Initiative Report
    秋山 肇; 浦山 俊一; 和田 絢太郎; 山口 大空翔; 大村 美桜; 糸井 風音; 竹原 繭子; サヴィジ ト...
    Japan Science and Technology Agency, 2021-07
  • The United Nations and Ending Statelessness: Analysis of # I Belong Campaign
    秋山 肇
    What is Chosen-seki? From the Transnational Perspective/Akashi Shoten/pp.173-176, 2021-01
  • Renouncing Nationality to Avoid Repatriation: A Perspective from the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness
    Akiyama Hajime; Arakaki Osamu
    Repatriation, Insecurity, and Peace: A Case Study of Rwandan Refugees/Springer/pp.21-36, 2020-07
  • Natsuki Hatae's Letter to Zenko Nakasoko (translated by Hajime Akiyama)
    Ochiai Yuriko; Kitagawa Naomi; Murota Motomi; Iwabuchi D...
    1945←2015: Reflections on Stolen Youth/Korocolor/pp.197-199, 2020-06
  • The Norm of Preventing Statelessness in International Law and Its Influence on Japanese Nationality Law
    Akiyama Hajime
    A Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, International Christian University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, 2020-03
  • Chapter 2 "Nihon ni Zairyuu suru Gaikokujin no Jinken [Human Rights of Foreigners Residing in Japan]"
    万城目正雄; 川村千鶴子; 明石純一; 村雲和美; 秋山肇; 佐藤由利子; 人見泰弘; 阿部治子; 李綿純; 山本弘子; 郭潔蓉; 佐伯...
    Intarakutibu Zeminaru: Atarashii Tabunka Shakai Ron: Tomono Hiraki Kyushu, Kyoudou no Jidai [Interactive Seminar: Co-Creation through Multicultural Synergy]/Tokai University Press/pp.25-39, 2020-02
  • Typology of Stateless Persons in Japan
    無国籍研究会; 小田川 綾音; 関 聡介; 秋山 肇; 小豆澤 史絵; 加藤 桂子; 中村 安菜; 付 月; 本田 ...
    UNHCR Representation in Japan, 2017-12
  • Statelessness Conventions and Japanese Laws: Convergence and Divergence
    Arakaki Osamu; Akiyama Hajime
    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2016-03
Conference, etc.
  • University of Tsukuba and Liberal Arts (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Liberal Arts 21/2025-02-22
  • "Security" and My Research (Then Interdisciplinarity) (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Research Group on Interdisciprinary Security Studies to Realise Sustainable Society/2025-02-13--2025-02-13
  • Critical Analysis of the International Initiative to End Statelessness: A Perspective from Japanese Experience
    秋山 肇
    The International Conference of the Commission on Legal Pluralism 2025/2025-01-14--2025-01-14
  • "Industrial Competitiveness and Standardisation" from the Perspectives of "Geopolitics" and "Economic Security" (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Educational Projects on Standardisation Commissioned by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Japanese Standards Association/2024-11-01--2024-11-01
  • What is Human?
    秋山 肇
    What is Human?/2024-10-23
  • Necessity of Legal Studies with a New Approach
    秋山 肇
    Session 2-2 Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Law with Europe: Session on Innovative Legal Studies, Tsukuba Global Science Week 2024/2024-10-03--2024-10-03
  • 研究倫理・医療倫理から考えるAIの活用・利用と未来の社会像
    秋山 肇
  • Legal Issues Associated with the Development of AI Technology and Solutions to Them: Thoughts on AI and Society (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Inter-Institute Academic Salon/2024-09-18
  • International Human Rights Standards and Japan’s (Un)Acceptance: Domestic Application and its Impact for the Future [Chair and Discussant]
    AKIYAMA Hajime
    2024 Academic Council on the United Nations System Annual Meeting/2024-06-22
  • 法・倫理・社会の視点から考えるイノベーション
    秋山 肇
    AIST Innovation School/2024-06-19--2024-06-19
  • Human Rights Protection in the Global Age: A Perspective from Statelessness (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    The 5th TRiSTAR Seminar/2024-03-13
  • ポスト・アントロポセンを語るボードゲームの開発
    鈴木 研悟; 浦山俊一; 平井悠介; 山口大空翔; 氏家清和; 秋山肇
  • Legal Issues of E-Voting (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    AY2023 University of Tsukuba Open Lecture "The Possibility of Digital Democracy: Do People Accept New Democracy?"/2023-02-14--2023-03-15
  • ポスト・アントロポセンを語るボードゲームの開発
    鈴木研悟; 浦山俊一; 平井悠介; 山口大空翔; 氏家清和; 秋山 肇
  • 「難民」の「帰還」に関する国際規範の批判的検討
    秋山 肇
  • 生成AIが人間・人権・社会に与える影響
    秋山 肇
  • Designing Educational Boardgames of Global Anthropogenic Issues through Interdisciplinary Collaboration
    Suzuki Kengo; Urayama Syun-ichi; Hirai Yusuke; Yamaguc...
    ICL2023 – 26th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning/2023-09-27
  • Legal and Critical Perspectives to Cosmetics: A Case of Animal Testing
    Akiyama Hajime
    Tsukuba Conference 2023 Session C-05 "The Role of Humanities and Social Sciences in the International Co-creative Strategies Beyond SDGs (CiC)"/2023-09-26
  • The Development of Human Rights, The Rights of Nature and AI Rights?
    Akiyama Hajime
    Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Seminario de studios Globales (Global Studies Seminar, National University of San Marcos)/2023-04-25
  • "Right to a Nationality" in International Law and Japanese Law (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Joint Seminar of Association of Lawyers in Japan and the Japan Civil Liberties Union/2023-01-28
  • Constitutional Law and Risk in Modern Society: A Perspective of Precautionary Principle (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    The 209th Risk Engineering Research Meeting/2023-01-19
  • (討論)人の移動をめぐるグローバルとローカルのポリティックス
    秋山 肇
    グローバル・ガバナンス学会 第15回研究大会/2022-11-12
  • 自然の権利から考える2030年の人権とAI権
    秋山 肇
  • The Right to Life in the Post-COVID-19 Society
    Akiyama Hajime
    3rd Research Conference of the AACC SRD (Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions Secretariat for Research and Development)/2022-06-16--2022-06-16
  • Whose Equality? Research on Statelessness and Post-Anthropocene (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    University of Tsukuba/2022-03-31
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2025-02Practical Training on Global Issues B-IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12General Introduction to Global IssuesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Methodology for Global IssuesUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Instruction: Graduation ThesisUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Instruction: Graduation ThesisUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Current Topics in LawUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Literacy in Global Issues (Human)University of Tsukuba.
2024-12 -- 2025-02Special Seminar on Area Studies IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Introduction to Inclusive Smart SocietyⅠUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Seminar on Public Policy IUniversity of Tsukuba.
Other educational activities
2024-08 -- 2024-08日常生活から考える平和(全国高校「探究」キャンプ ONLINE)筑波大学人文社会系
2024-08 -- 2024-08Learning Peace through Discussion(全国高校「探究」キャンプ ONLINE)筑波大学人文社会系
2024-05 -- 2025-02筑波大学開講の「憲法I」、「比較憲法」、「平和と法」、「憲法II」、「Introduction to International Law」を令和6年度茨城県立高校生徒を対象とした公開授業として実施筑波大学
2024-02 -- 2024-02Thinking State from Comparison between Switzerland and Japan (in Japanese)Higashi Elementary School, City of Tsukuba
2023-12 -- 2023-12「2023年度全国高校生フォーラム」テーマ別分科会においてアドバイザーを務めた文部科学省・筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2023-10高校生と考える国際平和(出前講座)常磐大学高等学校
2023-08 -- 2023-08日常生活から考える平和(全国高校「探究」キャンプ ONLINE)筑波大学人文社会系
2023-08 -- 2023-08Learning Peace through Discussion(全国高校「探究」キャンプ ONLINE)筑波大学人文社会系
2023-07 -- 2024-02筑波大学開講の「TSUKUBAポスト・コロナ学」、「ポスト・アントロポセン」、「比較憲法」、「平和と法」、「International Human Rights Law」を令和5年度茨城県立高校生徒を対象とした公開授業として実施筑波大学
2022-12 -- 2022-12「2022年度全国高校生フォーラム」テーマ別分科会においてアドバイザーを務めた文部科学省・筑波大学
  • "Infectious Diseases," Human Rights and Society (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    The Leprosy Issues from Three Perspectives/2025-02-24--2025-02-24
  • AI, Law, Constitutional Law and SDGs (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Tsukuba Lectures on SDGs/2024-10-18--2024-10-18
  • AI、人権と人間の「かけがえのなさ」:AIを活用する際に考えるべきこと
    秋山 肇
  • Application of AI and Human Rights (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    情報モラル啓発セミナーin高知 「AIの活用と人権への対応」/2024-01-31--2024-01-31
  • AI and Human Rights (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Lecture at Central Library, City of Ushiku/2023-09-10--2023-09-10
  • なぜ専門分野を超えるのか ~異分野との交流から見えるもの~
    秋山 肇
  • Russian Invasion of Ukraine from International and Constitutional Legal Perspectives (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Lectures on SDGs/2023-02-03--2023-02-03
  • ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻から、国際法・憲法をあらためて考える
    秋山 肇
  • Nationality, Statelessness and SDGs
    秋山 肇
  • Presentation on Dissertation: The Norm of Preventing Statelessness in International Law and Its Influence on Japanese Nationality Law
    秋山 肇
    Stateless Network/2021-11-06--2021-11-06
  • COVID-19 Measures and Japanese Law
    Akiyama Hajime
    International Symposium: Social Impacts and Responses in the COVID-19 Crisis (University of Tsukuba and National Taiwan University)/2021-07-27--2021-07-27
  • COVID-19’s Implications to Social Science and Post-Anthropocene
    Akiyama Hajime
    Joint Academic Seminar between the University of Tsukuba and the Universidad Nacional De San Marcos "SDGs and Transdisciplinary Challenges: Covid-19, Economic Growth, and the Environment in the Post-Human Era"/2021-06-11--2021-06-11
  • Chosen-seki and Statelessness (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    Book Launch Seminar "What is Chosen-seki? From the Transnational Perspective"/2021-03-14--2021-03-14
  • COVID-19 Measure and the Japanese Constitution (in Japanese)
    秋山 肇
    ICR Seminar "COVID-19 and Humanities and Social Sciences 2"/2021-02-08--2021-02-08
  • Nihonniokeru Kokkai Shinginimiru Mukokuseki: Jiyuken Kiyakuwomegutte [Statelessness and the ICCPR in a Deliberation of the Japanese Diet]
    秋山 肇
    Talk Event of Stateless Network/2016-07-03--2016-07-03
  • Mukokusekito Kokusaihou [Statelessness and International Law]
    秋山 肇
    Talk Event of Stateless Network/2016-06-29--2016-06-29
  • "REEL TIME: BANISHED KIDS" (Guest Commentator)
    秋山 肇
    UNHCR Refugee Film Festival- University Partners (Rikkyo University, Meiji University and International University of Japan)/2016-06-29--2016-06-29
Professional activities
2024-12 -- (current)Tsukuba ConferenceMember, Future Shapers Working Group
2024-01 -- (current)Stateless NetworkRepresentative Director
2023-04 -- (current)Tsukuba 3E Forum Committee, Tsukuba Science City NetworkCommittee Member
2023-04 -- (current)Early-Career Researchers' Network for Human RightsRepresentative
2022-05 -- (current)Center for S&T Foresight and Indicators, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan)Expert Investigator
2022-04 -- (current)茨城県弁護士会綱紀委員会予備委員
2022-04 -- (current)水戸地方裁判所委員会委員
2021-04 -- 2022-09日本国際連合学会委員
2021-01 -- 2021-12International Human Rights Law Association"COVID-19 and Human Rights" Forum Organising Committee
University Management
2024-04 -- (current)学術院総合戦略本部人文社会ビジネス科学部会構成員(デザインチーム)
2024-04 -- (current)社会・国際学群チュートリアルプログラム運営委員会委員
2024-04 -- (current)社会学類FD委員会委員長
2024-04 -- (current)社会学類3学年クラス担任・学年主任
2024-04 -- (current)社会学類広報委員会委員
2024-01 -- (current)Committee for the Promotion of TutorialMember
2023-07 -- (current)新学術院設置検討委員会委員
2023-07 -- 2023-09創基151年筑波大学開学50周年記念式典実施プロジェクト委員会委員
2023-04 -- 2024-03社会学類シラバス作成委員会委員長
2023-04 -- (current)国際公共政策学位プログラム 学生委員会委員長
Other activities
2024-11 -- 2024-11ニッポン放送『阿部亮のNGO世界一周!』(ゲスト:NPO法人無国籍ネットワーク共同代表 秋山肇さん・長谷川留理華さん/2024年11月4日)に出演
2024-10 -- 2024-10Participated in the Young Leaders Program at the Annual Meeting 2024, STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum
2024-09 -- 2024-09徳島新聞(2024年9月7日ウェブ配信、2024年9月8日紙面掲載)に、AIに関する講演の様子が「想像力働かせて活用を 徳島市でAIと人権をテーマに研修会」(ウェブ版)、「AIと人権テーマ 筑波大助教が講演 徳島市で研修会」(紙面)が掲載された。ウェブ版は以下。https://www.topics.or.jp/articles/-/1124696
2024-08 -- 2024-08Appeared on a film on vegetables and agriculture in Japanese created by ACADEMIJAN exhibited in Hakodate International Science Festival 2024
2024-07 -- 2024-07Sharing Expertise for "August 2050, Kodomo no Kagaku [Science for Kids] (Appendix, August 2024, Kodomo no Kagaku [Science for Kids])"
2024-05 -- 2024-05Participant, the 11th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium
2024-03 -- 2024-03「Researcher+シンポジウム2024〜世界で活躍できる研究者育成プログラムの開発と普及〜」のパネルディスカッションI 「世界で活躍するために研究者は何をするべきか 何を支援してほしいか」にパネリストとして参加
2023-12 -- 2023-12日韓みらいファクトリーアワード2023 最終発表会審査委員
2023-12 -- 2023-12『筑波大学新聞』第380号(2023年12月18日)「筑波時評」に「死を語る お互いの苦痛を理解すること 「生」を考えることに他ならない」を寄稿した。
2023-11 -- 2024-012023年度サイエンスインパクトラボ(科学技術振興機構(JST)社会技術研究開発センター(RISTEX))参加
Affiliated Educational Organisations: College of Social Sciences, Bachelor's Program in Global Issues, Master's Program in International Public Policy Other Affiliated Organisations: Center for Artificial Intelligence Research

(Last updated: 2025-03-02)