- Articles
- Effect of a 5-week static stretching program on hardness of the gastrocnemius muscle
Akagi R.; Takahashi H.
SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS/24(6)/pp.950-957, 2014-12 - Measurement of muscle architecture concurrently with muscle hardness using ultrasound strain elastography
Kentaro Chino Ryota Akagi Michiko Dohi Hideyuki Takahashi
ACTA RADIOLOGICA/55(7)/pp.833-839, 2014-09 - Muscle Hardness Of Lower Leg In Subjects With Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Kei Akiyama; Ryota Akagi; Kuniaki Hirayama; Hideyuki Tak...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/46(5)/p.205, 2014-05 - Strength and size ratios between reciprocal muscle groups in the thigh and lower leg of male collegiate soccer players
Ryota Akagi Yukihiro Tohdoh Hideyuki Takahashi
CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING/34(2)/pp.121-125, 2014-03 - ACTN3 R577X genotype is associated with sprinting in elite Japanese athletes
Mikami E.; Fuku N.; Murakami H.; Tsuchie H.; Takahashi H...
International Journal of Sports Medicine/35(2)/pp.172-177, 2014-02 - Relationships Among Swimming Velocity, Stroke Indices and Intra-abdominal Pressure during Maximal Front Crawl Swimming
森山 進一郎 金沢 翔一 山縣 慧子 北川 幸夫 荻田 太 高橋 英幸 平野 裕一
日本運動生理学雑誌/21(1)/pp.9-15, 2014-02 - Comprehensive analysis of common and rare mitochondrial DNA variants in elite Japanese athletes: a case-control study
Eri Mikami Noriyuki Fuku Qing-Peng Kong Hideyuki Takah...
JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS/58(12)/pp.780-787, 2013-12 - Polymorphisms in the control region of mitochondrial DNA associated with elite Japanese athlete status
Mikami E.; Fuku N.; Takahashi H.; Ohiwa N.; P. Pitsiladis...
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports/23(5)/pp.593-599, 2013-10 - Acute Effect of Static Stretching on Hardness of the Gastrocnemius Muscle
Ryota Akagi Hideyuki Takahashi
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/45(7)/pp.1348-1354, 2013-07 - Sex Difference in Strength and Size Ratios between Reciprocal Muscle Groups in the Lower Leg
Akagi R.; Tohdoh Y.; Takahashi H.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE/34(5)/pp.449-452, 2013-05 - Relationship between muscle morphological characteristics and pedaling power for elite track cyclists
池田 祐介 高嶋 渉 本間 俊行 高橋 英幸 村田 正洋
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/58(2)/pp.539-555, 2013-01 - Reliability and Validity of Quantifying Absolute Muscle Hardness Using Ultrasound Elastography
Kentaro Chino Ryota Akagi Michiko Dohi Senshi Fukashir...
PLOS ONE/7(9)/p.e45764, 2012-09 - Muscle Strength and Size Balances between Reciprocal Muscle Groups in the Thigh and Lower Leg for Young Men
Akagi R.; Tohdoh Y.; Takahashi H.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE/33(5)/pp.386-389, 2012-05 - Relationships between muscle size and hardness of the medial gastrocnemius at different ankle joint angles in young men
Ryota Akagi Kentaro Chino Michiko Dohi Hideyuki Takahashi
ACTA RADIOLOGICA/53(3)/pp.307-311, 2012-04 - Mitochondrial haplogroups associated with elite Japanese athlete status
Eri Mikami Noriyuki Fuku Hideyuki Takahashi Nao Ohiwa ...
Kon Michihiro; Iizuka Taro; Maegawa Taketeru; Hashimot...
JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH/24(8)/pp.2249-2254, 2010-08 - Effects of different cooling treatments on water diffusion, microcirculation, and water content within exercised muscles: Evaluation by magnetic resonance T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging
Osamu Yanagisawa Hideyuki Takahashi Toru Fukubayashi
JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES/28(11)/pp.1157-1163, 2010-01 - Visualization of the Human Skeletal Muscle Fibers by Diffusion Tensor Tractography
柳澤 修; 高橋 英幸; 福林 徹; 新津 守
Japanese journal of clinical sports medicine/17(1)/pp.129-133, 2009-01 - 航空機での長距離移動が一流ジュニアスピードスケート選手の唾液中SIgAおよびコンディションに及ぼす影響
今有礼 前川剛輝 鈴木なつ未 飯塚太郎 谷所慶 湯田淳 青柳徹 髙橋英幸
トレーニング科学/21/pp.203-209, 2009-01 - Appropriate slice location to assess maximal cross-sectional area of individual rotator cuff muscles in normal adults and athletes
Osamu Yanagisawa Michiko Dohi Toru Okuwaki Noriyuki Ta...
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences/8(2)/pp.65-71, 2009-01 - Maximal isokinetic trunk rotation strength, difference of trunk muscle cross-sectional area and gender difference of elite athletes
池田 祐介 立 正伸 高橋 英幸
Journal of training science for exercise and sport/20(4)/pp.261-272, 2008-01 - The development of trunk muscles in male wrestlers assessed by magnetic resonance imaging
Junjiro Kubo Akemi Ohta Hideyuki Takahashi Takeshi Kuk...
JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH/21(4)/pp.1251-1254, 2007-11 - Effects of cooling on human skin and skeletal muscle
Osamu Yanagisawa Toshiyuki Homma Toru Okuwaki Daisuke ...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/100(6)/pp.737-745, 2007-08 - MRIを用いたコンディションの指標―スピードスケート選手を対象とした身体組成の分析―
渡邉耕太 高尾良英 向井直樹 飛田格子 油井直子 村上成道 片寄正樹 奥脇透 本間俊行 柳澤修 ...
臨床スポーツ医学/24(2)/pp.173-178, 2007-02 - Effect of individual difference in 1RM on the relationship between 1RM and the number of repetitions at relative intensity
池田 達昭; 村岡 誠; 向井 直樹; 高橋 英幸; 高松 薫
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/51(6)/pp.783-791, 2006-11 - more...
- Effect of a 5-week static stretching program on hardness of the gastrocnemius muscle