- Articles
- Research on Situation Grasp of Female Student Badminton Player : Possibility of a Multi-Viewpoint Image
渡邉 秀幹 吉川 文人 白井 克佳 高橋 英幸 大門 芳行
日本女子体育大学スポーツトレーニングセンター紀要/9/pp.47-52, 2006-03 - Effect of individual difference in 1RM on the relationship between 1RM and the number of repetitions at relative intensity
池田 達昭; 村岡 誠; 向井 直樹; 高橋 英幸; 高松 薫
Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences/51(6)/pp.783-791, 2006-01 - The Effect of Sprint Training on Skeletal Muscle Carnosine in Humans
Suzuki Yasuhiro; Ito Osamu; Takahashi Hideyuki; Takamatsu...
International Journal of Sport and Health Science/2(0)/pp.105-110, 2004-01 - Coactivation pattern in human quadriceps during isokinetic knee-extension by muscle functional MRI
Akima H; Takahashi H; Kuno S; Katsuta S
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/91(1)/pp.7-14, 2004-01 - The relationship between muscle cross-sectional area and strength in various isokinetic movements among soccer players
Masuda K; Kikuhara N; Takahashi H; Yamanaka K
JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES/21(10)/pp.851-858, 2003-10 - Evaluations of cooling exercised muscle with MR imaging and P-31 MR spectroscopy
Yanagisawa O; Niitsu M; Takahashi H; Goto K; Itai Y
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/35(9)/pp.1517-1523, 2003-09 - Relationships between joint torque of lower during sprint running and muscle cross-sectional area
尾縣 貢; 渡邉 信晃; 榎本 靖士; 高橋 英幸
Research Quarterly for Athletics/2003(52)/pp.2-11, 2003-01 - Effect of Simulated Altitude Training and Climbing on Soft parts Tissue of Thigh
高橋 早苗 浅野 勝己 高橋 英幸 岡崎 和伸
The bulletin of Nihonbashi Gakkan University/2/pp.53-59, 2003-01 - High level of skeletal muscle carnosine contributes to the latter half of exercise performance during 30-s maximal cycle ergometer sprinting
高松 薫; Suzuki Yasuhiro; Ito Osamu; Mukai Naoki; Takahashi ...
Japanese Journal of Physiology/52(2)/pp.199-205, 2002 - エベレスト峰登頂のための高所順応トレーニングの有気的作業能に及ぼす影響―7大陸最高峰登山最年少記録を樹立した男子登山家についてのCase Study―
星川雅子 髙橋英幸 中村夏実 大庭治雄 熊井康こ 禰屋光男 川原貴 浅野勝己
登山医学/22/pp.107-118, 2002-01 - Effects of resistance training on CO2 excess and swimming performance in competitive swimmers
高松 薫; 鈴木 康弘; 高橋 英幸; 板井 悠二
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE/49(3)/pp.355-363, 2000 - The effect of strength training in muscle and nerve is memorized and reinforced by retraining
大森 肇; 渡邉 彰人; 大山卞 圭悟; 佃 文子; 高橋 英幸; 久米 俊郎; 白木 仁; 岡田 守彦; 板井 ...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE/49(3)/pp.385-392, 2000-01 - Physiological Characteristics of Elderly Elite Athletes
勝田 茂; 安田俊広; 高橋 英幸; 久野譜也; 鰺坂隆一; 向井直樹; 相馬りか; 西嶋尚彦
Bulletin of Institute of Health and Sports Sciences,University of Tsukuba/23/pp.81-88, 2000-01 - Early phase adaptations of muscle use and strength to isokinetic training
Akima H; Takahashi H; Kuno SY; Masuda K; Masuda T; Shimoj...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/31(4)/pp.588-594, 1999-04 - The effect of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia training on aerobic and anaerobic capacities and cycle performance in elite cyclists(共著)
田中 喜代次; 藤牧 利昭; 浅野 勝己; 高橋 英幸; 水野 康; 竹田 正樹; 三村 達也
Japan Society of Exrcise and Sports Physiology/6(1)/pp.55-62, 1999-01 - The difference between effects of "power-up type" and "bulk-up type" strength training exercise - with special reference to muscle cross-sectional area, muscular strength, anaerobic power and anaerobic endurance -
高松 薫; 崔 鳥淵; 高橋 英幸; 板井 悠二
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE/47(1)/pp.119-129, 1998 - Morphological Characteristics of the Achilles Tendon and Jump Performance in Female Athletes and Untrained Women
勝田 茂 高橋 英幸 中林 真知子
Bulletin of Institute of Health and Sports Sciences,University of Tsukuba/(21)/pp.23-34, 1998-01 - Relationship between the morphological features of adductor muscles and sprinting performance in sprinters
宮下 憲; 狩野 豊; 高橋 英幸; 森丘 保典; 秋間 広; 久野 譜也; 勝田 茂
Japan Journal of Physical Education/41(5)/pp.352-359, 1997 - Investigation on Muscle Energetics, Cross-Sectional Area and Isokinetic Strength in Adolescent with High Motor Performance
藤本 浩一; 高橋 英幸; 秋間 広; 久野 譜也; 勝田 茂
Memoirs of the Japan Women's University. Faculty of Home Economics/44(0)/pp.95-100, 1997-03 - Mapping of Muscle Activation Patterns in the M.Quadriceps Femoris after Knee Extension Exercise
秋間 広; 高橋 英幸; 久野 譜也; 阿武泉; 板井悠二; 勝田茂
Bulletin of Institute of Health and Sports Sciences,University of Tsukuba/(20)/pp.145-151, 1997-03 - バレーボール選手と非鍛錬者におけるアキレス腱の形態的特性とジャンプパフォーマンスとの関係
勝田茂; 秋間広; 神原奈津紀; 髙橋英幸; 図子浩二; 都澤凡夫
筑波大学体育科学系紀要/20/pp.159-166, 1997-01 - MR IMaging of the Knee Extension and Flexion : Diagnostic Value for Reconstructed Anterior Cruciate Ligament
新津 守; 池田 耕太郎; 福林 徹; 越後 純子; 高橋 英幸; 女屋 博昭; 吉岡 大; 阿武 泉; 松本 ...
日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌/15(6)/pp.196-202, 1995 - トップジュニア選手における大腿部筋組成の経時的変化―1992年から1993年まで―
勝田茂 稲木光晴 狩野豊 藤本浩一 久野譜也 髙橋英幸 宮丸凱史 加藤謙一
筑波大学体育科学系紀要/18/pp.141-148, 1995-01 - Sex difference of muscle energy metabolism during exercise
稲木 光晴 高橋 英幸 久野 譜也
Bulletin of Institute of Health and Sport Science, the University of Tsukuba/18/pp.135-139, 1995-01 - 生体内で評価された筋の有酸素的能力と全身性の有酸素的能力との関係
稲木光晴 髙橋英幸 久野譜也 西嶋尚彦 勝田茂
体育学研究/39/pp.417-425, 1995-01 - more...
- Research on Situation Grasp of Female Student Badminton Player : Possibility of a Multi-Viewpoint Image