- Articles
- A framework for proofs and refutations in school mathematics: Increasing content by deductive guessing
Kotaro Komatsu
Educational Studies in Mathematics/92(2)/pp.147-162, 2016-06 - 証明のよみに関する数学者の実践から学ぶ
新しい算数研究/538/pp.32-33, 2015-11 - Rethinking the discovery function of proof within the context of proofs and refutations
Komatsu K.; Tsujiyama Y.; Sakamaki A.
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology/45(7)/pp.1053-1067, 2014-10 - Realizing explorative proving lessons in the unit "Using the relationship between Inscribed angles and central angles" of grade 9 (in Japanese)
小松孝太郎; 牧野圭介
Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education: Mathematics Education/96(9)/pp.26-29, 2014-09 - Invention of new statements for counterexamples
Komatsu K.; Sakamaki A.
Proceedings of the 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education and the 36th Conference of the North American Chapter of the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 4/pp.17-24, 2014-07 - Proof problems with diagrams: An opportunity for experiencing proofs and refutations
Komatsu K.; Tsujiyama Y.; Sakamaki A.; Koike N.
For the Learning of Mathematics/34(1)/pp.36-42, 2014-03 - 図をかいて確かめることから始まる数学的活動
理数啓林/4/pp.17-18, 2014-01 - Principles of task design to foster proofs and refutations in mathematical learning: Proof problem with diagram
Komatsu K.; Tsujiyama Y.
Task Design in Mathematics Education: Proceedings of ICMI Study 22/pp.471-479, 2013-07 - 数学的探究における操作的証明の活用の促進に関する研究(博士論文要旨)
学校教育学研究紀要/6/pp.88-92, 2013-03 - 数学的探究における操作的証明の活用の促進に関する研究(学位論文紹介)
日本数学教育学会誌 数学教育学論究/97-98/pp.43-52, 2012-09 - Lakatos’ heuristic rules as a framework for proofs and refutations in mathematical learning: Local-counterexample and modification of proof
Kotaro Komatsu
The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education/pp.2838-2847, 2012-07 - Potentials for spatial geometry curriculum development with three-dimensional dynamic geometry software in lower secondary mathematics
Miyazaki M.; Chino K.; Katoh R.; Arai H.; Ogihara F.; Ogu...
The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education/19(2)/pp.73-79, 2012-06 - Mathematical inquiry and its educational values from a Lakatosian fallibilist perspective: Focusing on proof and proving (in Japanese)
Journal of Science Education in Japan/35(3)/pp.272-286, 2011-09 - How do students generalize a conjecture through proving?: The importance of boundary cases between example and counterexample
Kotaro Komatsu
Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 3/pp.89-96, 2011-07 - An assessment framework for students’ abilities/competencies in proving
Chino K.; Fujita T.; Komatsu K.; Makino T.; Miyakawa T.; ...
The 5th East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, Vol. 2/pp.416-423, 2010-08 - Facilitating Pupils' Utilization of "Action Proof" in Mathematical Inquiry: A Case Study
Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education/93/pp.3-29, 2010-04 - Counter-examples for refinement of conjectures and proofs in primary school mathematics
Kotaro Komatsu
Journal of Mathematical Behavior/29(1)/pp.1-10, 2010-03 - A Study on Function of "Action Proof" in School Mathematics : Focusing on Discovery
小松 孝太郎
Journal of Japan Society of Mathematical Education/92(0)/pp.33-45, 2010-03 - Pupils’ explaining process with manipulative objects
Komatsu Kotaro
Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 3/pp.393-400, 2009-07 - What proving should be in school mathematics: Focusing on mathematical inquiry (in Japanese)
Bulletin of Institute of Education, University of Tsukuba/33/pp.1-14, 2009-03 - 図形の性質に関する証明を読む力について
教育科学数学教育/613/pp.98-102, 2008-11 - On the discovery function of action proofs in school mathematics (in Japanese)
Tsukuba Journal of Educational Study in Mathematics/27/pp.11-20, 2008-03 - The significance of action proofs in school mathematics (in Japanese)
学校教育学研究紀要/1/pp.69-85, 2008-03 - ヴィクトリア州の学校教育におけるテクノロジーの利用(1)-第11,12学年の数学カリキュラムに着目して-
小松孝太郎; 猿渡康文
教育科学/数学教育/602/pp.89-93, 2008-01 - ヴィクトリア州の学校教育におけるテクノロジーの利用(2)-視察した授業の様子より-
小松孝太郎; 猿渡康文
教育科学/数学教育/603/pp.99-103, 2008-01 - more...
- A framework for proofs and refutations in school mathematics: Increasing content by deductive guessing