- Articles
- Issues of Language Assessment in Japan: Past, Present and Future: Editorial by Guest Editors of the Special Issue INTRODUCTION
In’nami Y; Koizumi R; Sawaki Y; Watanabe Y
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/14(3)/pp.189-191, 2017 - Providing Test Performance Feedback That Bridges Assessment and Instruction: The Case of Two Standardized English Language Tests in Japan
Sawaki Y; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/14(3)/pp.234-256, 2017 - Using EIKEN, TOEFL, and TOEIC to Award EFL Course Credits in Japanese Universities
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/14(3)/pp.274-293, 2017 - A multifaceted Rasch analysis of rater reliability of the Speaking Section of the GTEC CBT
Koizumi R; Okabe Y; Kashimada Y
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan/28/pp.241-256, 2017-03 - Development of a paired oral test for Japanese university students
Koizumi R; In’nami Y; Fukazawa M
British Council New Directions in Language Assessment: JASELE Journal Special Edition/pp.103-121, 2016-10 - Multifaceted Rasch analysis of paired oral tasks for Japanese learners of English
Koizumi R; In’nami Y; Fukazawa M
Q. Zhang (Ed.), Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2015 Conference Proceedings/pp.89-106, 2016-09 - Task and rater effects in L2 speaking and writing: A synthesis of generalizability studies
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE TESTING/33(3)/pp.341-366, 2016-07 - Validity evidence of Criterion® for assessing L2 writing proficiency in a Japanese university context
Koizumi R; In’nami Y; Asano K; Agawa T
Language Testing in Asia/6(5)/pp.1-26, 2016-07 - Factor structure of the Test of English for Academic Purposes (TEAP®) test in relation to the TOEFL iBT® test.
In’nami Y; Koizumi R; Nakamura K
Language Testing in Asia/6(3)/pp.1-23, 2016-02 - Second language vocabulary assessment studies: Validity evidence and future directions.
小泉 利恵
Vocabulary Learning and Instruction/4(1)/pp.36-46, 2015-10 - Assessing L2 proficiency growth: Considering regression to the mean and the standard error of difference.
Koizumi R; In'nami Y; Azuma; J. Asano K; Agawa T; Ebe...
Shiken/19(1)/pp.3-15, 2015-04 - Factor structure and four-skill profiles of the TOEIC® tests among Japanese university learners of English.
小泉 利恵
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan/26/pp.109-124, 2015-03 - Vocabulary Knowledge: Human Ratings and Automated Measures
Koizumi Rie
LANGUAGE TESTING/32(1)/pp.124-126, 2015-01 - Effects of verbalization on L2 listening test performance
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
Journal of Shinawatra University/1(1)/pp.22-41, 2014 - Modeling complexity, accuracy, and fluency of Japanese learners of English: A structural equation modeling approach
Koizumi R; In’nami Y
JALT Journal/36(1)/pp.25-46, 2014 - Research synthesis and meta-analysis in second language learning and testing
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
English Teaching & Learning/38(3)/pp.1-27, 2014 - Review of Sample Size for Structural Equation Models in Second Language Testing and Learning Research: A Monte Carlo Approach
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
International Journal of Testing/13(4)/pp.329-353, 2013-10 - Validation of Empirically Derived Rating Scales for a Story Retelling Speaking Test
Hirai Akiyo; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/10(4)/pp.398-422, 2013-10 - Vocabulary knowledge and speaking proficiency among second language learners from novice to intermediate levels
Koizumi R; In’nami Y
Journal of Language Teaching and Research/4/pp.900-913, 2013 - Structural equation modeling in educational research: A primer
In'nami Yo; Koizumi Rie; S. Khine M.
Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice/pp.23-51, 2013-01-01 - Effects of text length on lexical diversity measures: Using short texts with less than 200 tokens
Koizumi R; In’nami Y
SYSTEM/40(4)/pp.554-564, 2012-12 - Comparing the Story Retelling Speaking Test with other speaking tests
Koizumi R; HIRAI Akiyo
JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching) Journal/34(1)/pp.35-59, 2012-05 - A quantitative reanalysis of data on the structure of L1 and L2 language ability in multitrait-multimethod studies.
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
Asian EFL Journal/14(3)/pp.214-265, 2012 - Relationship between depth of collocation knowledge and L2 proficiency using the Depth Test of Collocation Knowledge
Kasahara K; Koizumi R
ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan)/23/pp.329-344, 2012 - Reproduction of structural equation models in second language testing and learning research
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
Reports of 2011 Studies in Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, Kansai Chapter, Methodology Special Interest Groups (SIG)/2/pp.15-40, 2012 - more...
- Issues of Language Assessment in Japan: Past, Present and Future: Editorial by Guest Editors of the Special Issue INTRODUCTION