- Articles
- Factor structure of the revised TOEIC (R) test: A multiple-sample analysis
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE TESTING/29(1)/pp.131-152, 2012-01 - Structural equation modeling in language testing and learning research: A review
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
Language Assessment Quarterly/8(3)/pp.250-276, 2011-07 - Development and Validation of a Diagnostic Grammar Test for Japanese Learners of English
Koizumi R.; Sakai H.; Ido T.; Ota H.; Hayama M.; Sato M....
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/8(1)/pp.53-72, 2011 - Holistic ratings of speech presentation by the ALT and the JTE: Compared with the objective measures of accuracy, fluency, and complexity, and with students’ peer evaluation
藤森 千尋; 小泉 利恵
KATE (Kanto-koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English) Journal/25/pp.21-31, 2011 - Examining the effectiveness of placement tests: Comparison between two tests and investigation of students’ reactions
小泉 利恵
Tokiwa international studies review/15(15)/pp.1-15, 2011 - Test-taking processes of the Lexical Organisation Test: Comparing it with the Word Associates Test
小泉 利恵
ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan)/22/pp.153-168, 2011 - Toward validity argument for test interpretation and use based on scores of a diagnostic grammar test for Japanese learners of English
Koizumi R.; Sakai H.; Ido T.; Ota H.; Hayama M.; Sato M....
Japanese Journal for Research on Testing/7(1)/pp.99-119, 2011 - Development and validation of the PC version of the Mochizuki Vocabulary Size Test
Koizumi R; Mochizuki M
JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Journal/53(53)/pp.35-55, 2011 - Can structural equation models in second language testing and learning research be successfully replicated?
In'nami Y; Koizumi R
International Journal of Testing/10(3)/pp.262-273, 2010-07 - Multi-Facet Vocabulary Tests Workshop : What do These Tests Actually Measure?(workshop,Tomorrow's Learners, Tomorrow's Teachers : Autonomous Development in College English Language Learning and Teaching)
望月 正道; 石川 慎一郎; 小泉 利恵; 磯 達夫
JACET全国大会要綱/49/pp.54-55, 2010 - Acquisition of past tenses and past participles of irregular verbs
小泉 利恵
Tokiwa international studies review/14(14)/pp.213-220, 2010 - An exploration of the measures to detect changes in speaking performance: A case study based on picture description.
Koizumi R; Fujimori C
JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Journal/50(50)/pp.81-91, 2010 - Characteristics of Neural Test Theory: Comparison with Classical Test Theory and Rasch Modeling
小泉 利恵; 飯村 英樹
JLTA Journal/13/pp.91-109, 2010 - Gaps between four skills assessed by the TOEIC® Test: Examining learner groups and predictor variables
小泉 利恵
Proceedings of a symposium co-sponsored by Kobe University Shin Ishikawa Laboratory and Institute for International Business Communication (IIBC)/pp.99-115, 2010-03 - Database Selection Guidelines for Meta-Analysis in Applied Linguistics
In'nami Y; Koizumi R
TESOL QUARTERLY/44(1)/pp.169-184, 2010-03 - Exploring the Quality of the Story Retelling Speaking Test : Roles of Story Length, Comprehension Questions, Keywords, and Opinions
小泉 利恵; 平井 明代
ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan)/21(0)/pp.211-220, 2010-03 - Estimating English Proficiency by Multi-dimensional Vocabulary Test Battery (Vocabulary,College English Curriculum Innovation in the 'New' Age of International Exchange)
相澤 一美; 清水 伸一; 小泉 利恵; 杉森 直樹
JACET全国大会要綱/48/pp.178-179, 2009 - Characteristics of the spoken English of Japanese students at the College of Applied International Studies at Tokiwa University: Comparisons with Japanese proficient learners of English and native speakers of English
小泉 利恵
Tokiwa international studies review/13(13)/pp.53-70, 2009 - Development of a Practical Speaking Test with a Positive Impact on Learning Using a Story Retelling Technique
Hirai Akiyo; Koizumi Rie
LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY/6(2)/pp.151-167, 2009-04 - A meta-analysis of test format effects on reading and listening test performance: Focus on multiple-choice and open-ended formats
In’nami Y; Koizumi R
LANGUAGE TESTING/26(2)/pp.219-244, 2009-04 - Changes in speaking performance of Japanese high school students: Longitudinal and cross-sectional studies at a SELHi.
Koizumi R; Katagiri K
ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan)/20/pp.51-60, 2009-03 - Validation of an EBB scale: A Case of the Story Retelling Speaking Test.
Hirai A; Koizumi R
JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal/11/pp.1-20, 2008 - Changes in speaking performance of Japanese high school students: The case of an English course at a SELHi.
Koizumi R; Katagiri K
ARELE (Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan/18/pp.81-90, 2007 - Attainment levels of speaking ability of Japanese junior high school students
Koizumi Rie
JLTA (Japan Language Testing Association) Journal/7/pp.31-50, 2005 - 日本人中高生における発表語彙知識の広さと深さの関係
小泉 利恵
STEP Bulletin/17/pp.63-80, 2005 - more...
- Factor structure of the revised TOEIC (R) test: A multiple-sample analysis