IDE Risako

Researcher's full information

  • 「親しき仲にも礼儀あり:日韓敬語の微妙な違い」
    『月刊言語』/28(11)/p.48-51., 1999-01
  • 「あいさつ行動としての<すみません>」
    井出 里咲子
    『日本研究』/(14)/p.275-290, 1999-01
  • Small talk and the presentation of 'self' in American public discourse
    Ide Risako
    Journal of Korean Sociolinguistics/6(2)/p.31-50., 1998-01
  • ‘Sorry for your kindness’: Japanese interactional ritual in public discourse.
    Ide Risako
    Journal of Pragmatics/29/p.509-529, 1998-01
  • The historical origins of Japanese women’s speech: From the secluded worlds of ‘court ladies’ and ‘play ladies’
    Ide; Risako; Terada; Tomomi; +井出 里咲子
    International Journal of the Sociology of Language/129/p.139-156, 1998-01
  • “Friendly but strangers”: Self-disclosure and the creation of solidarity at service encounters in America.
    Ide Risako
    SALSA IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium about Language and Society-Austin/37/p.143-152, 1996-01
  • 言語とジェンダー研究のフロンティア
    『ことば』/(13)/p.22-27, 1992-01
  • Bilingual policies in Quebec, Canada: Its history and the impact on social issues.
    Risako Ide
    『ことばのモザイク』/p.249-263, 1992-01