- Other educational activities
2021-06 -- 2021-06 筑波大学・明治大学合同ゼミ 秋山肇(筑波大学)・辻雄一郎(明治大学) 2020-12 -- 2020-12 Advisor of All Japan High School Forum 2020 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and University of Tsukuba 2020-12 -- 2020-12 Taught "COVID-19 and Law" in "Current Topics in Law" (College of Social Sciences) University of Tsukuba 2020-11 -- 2020-11 COVID-19 and Law Utsunomiya Higashi Senior High School, Tochigi Prefecture 2020-10 -- 2020-11 Taught Peace Studies in Seminars on Global Issues B, Bachelor's Program in Global Issues University off Tsukuba 2020-10 -- 2020-10 Olympic and Peace Ninomiya Elementary School, City of Tsukuba 2020-09 -- 2020-09 Shingata Korona Uirusu to Shakai [Novel Coronavirus and Society] Niigata Municipal Bandai Senior High School 2020-08 -- 2020-08 Novel Coronavirus and Society from the Constitutional Perspective (All Japan High School "Inquiry" Camp ONLINE) Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba 2019-07 -- 2019-07 無国籍に関する国際法:国際法は無国籍者を救えるか?[ゲストレクチャー] 早稲田大学エクステンションセンター 2018-06 -- 2018-06 International Human Rights: From the Perspective of Stateless Persons [Guest Lecture] 京都外国語大学 more...