柏木 健一(カシワギ ケンイチ)

I"v*} .v| C"z% x} C{%:IE,C+*,",wvCvxC!'
共同研究棟A316, 3K223
029-853-3982, 029-853-7424
革新的オリーブ産地形成のためのナッジの実証的解明2024 -- 2028柏木健一日本学術振興会/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)47,450,000円
農産物・食品の輸出制限的措置が先進国とグローバルサウスの食料需給・貿易構造に及ぼす影響に関する研究2023 -- 2025柏木健一農林水産省/2023年度採択 連携研究スキームによる研究25,227,328円
革新的バリューチェーン構築による脱植民地型オリーブ産地育成研究2020 -- 2023柏木健一日本学術振興会/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)13,970,000円
平和と繁栄の回廊創設を目指したヨルダン川西岸・東岸におけるオリーブ産業育成研究2014 -- 2016柏木健一日本学術振興会/挑戦的萌芽研究3,510,000円
北アフリカ・地中海諸国における食薬資源の高度利用による地場産業育成研究2012 -- 2015柏木健一日本学術振興会/若手研究(A)19,240,000円
北アフリカ諸国における産業発展のルーツとプロセスの実態的解明2008 -- 2011柏木健一日本学術振興会/若手研究(B)4,420,000円
1991-04 -- 1996-03筑波大学 第二学群生物資源学類 生物資源生産学
1996-04 -- 2001-03筑波大学 国際政治経済学研究科 国際政治経済学専攻
2001 -- (現在)日本経済政策学会
2001 -- (現在)日本国際経済学会
2002 -- (現在)日本中東学会
2008 -- (現在)European Association of Agricultural Economists
2012 -- (現在)Middle East Economic Association
  • 都市と農村
    柏木 健一
    中東を学ぶ人のために/世界思想社/pp.113-127, 2024-06
  • Assessment of Drought Impact on Agricultural Production Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques in Kairouan Prefecture, Tunisia
    Kefi M.; Pham T. D.; Ha N. T.; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Applications of Space Techniques on the Natural Hazards in the MENA Region/Springer Nature Switzerland/pp.401-418, 2022
  • Crop Diversification and Its Efficiency in Rashda Village, Dakhla Oasis
    Iwasaki Erina; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Sustainable Water Solutions in the Western Desert, Egypt: Dakhla Oasis/Springer/pp.161-181, 2021-03
  • Farming Patterns in Date Palm Cultivation in Nefzaoua, Southern Tunisia
    Iwasaki Erina; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Date Palm: Composition, Cultivation and Uses/Nova Science Publisher, 2020-01
  • 農村の生活を支えるアルガン―南西部スース=マサ地方の女性協同組合の活躍
    柏木 健一
    地中海を旅する62章―歴史と文化の都市探訪/明石書店, 2018
  • Growing Import and Domestic Production of Olive Oil in Japan: Application of Gravity Model
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Handbook of Olive Oil: Phenolic Compounds, Production and Health Benefits/Nova Science Publishers Inc./pp.341-360, 2017-9
  • Reconsidering Modern and Traditional Oases – Productivity and Technical Efficiency of Dates Palm Farmers in Nefzaoua (Southern Tunisia)
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Sustainable North African Society: Exploring Seeds and Resources for Innovation/Nova Science Publishers Inc./pp.149-162, 2014-5
  • Regional Development based on Creation of Innovative Value Chain for Olive Oil between Tunisia and Japan
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Sustainable North African Society: Exploring Seeds and Resources for Innovation/Nova Science Publishers Inc./pp.117-128, 2014-5
  • GCC諸国への出稼ぎ労働移動が中東・南アジア諸国に及ぼす影響
    柏木 健一
    グローバライゼーションの中のアジア:新しい分析課題の提示/pp.231-265, 2013-03
  • Establishment of Integrative Research Base by Humanities and Sciences on Valorization of Useful Plants for Regional Development in North Africa III
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    The Alliance for Research on North Africa, University of Tsukuba, 2013-03
  • 政府雇用と海外出稼ぎへの依存:雇用・労働問題
    柏木 健一
    現代エジプトを知るための60章/明石書店/pp.345-348, 2012-08
  • "Valorization of Tunisian Olives and Japanese Consumer Preference for Olive Oil" in in M. Pusatieri and J. Cannamela eds., Tunisia: Economic, Political and Social Issues
    K. Kashiwagi; J. Han; H. Isoda
    Tunisia: Economic, Political and Social Issues/Nova Science Publishers, Inc./pp.63-92, 2012-06
  • Establishment of Integrative Research Base by Humanities and Sciences on Valorization of Useful Plants for Regional Development in North Africa II
    Kenichi Kashiwagi
    The Alliance for Research on North Africa, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2012-03
  • Empirical Investigation on Roots and Process of Industrial DEvelopment in North African Countries
    Kenichi Kashiwagi
    The Alliance for Research on North Africa, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2012-03
  • “Valorization of Tunisian Olives and Japanese Consumer Preference for Olive Oil”(chapter 3)
    kenichi Kashiwagi; Junkyu Han; Hiroko Isoda
    Tunisia Economic, Political and Social Issues/Nova Science Publishers/pp.63-92, 2012-01
  • Establishment of Integrative Research Base by Humanities and Sciences on Valorization of Useful Plants for Regional Development in North Africa I
    Kenichi Kashiwagi
    The Alliance for Research on North Africa, University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2011-03
  • 「エジプト労働市場における民間部門の発展と構造的課題」『中東アラブ諸国における民間部門の発展と課題』
    アジ研選書, 2010-12
  • 沙漠の事典
    丸善株式会社, 2009-06
  • Advanced Processing of Useful Food Material for the Establishment of a Regional Development Model in Arid Areas
    Kenichi Kashiwagi
    The Alliance for Research on North Africa (ARENA), University of Tsukuba, Japan, 2009-03
  • "Japanese Olive Oil Consumer Behavior: A Conjoint Analysis Approach" in F. Saito ed., Consumer Behaviour
    N. Mtimet; K. Kashiwagi; L. Zaibet; M. Nagaki
    Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009-03
  • 「イスラーム社会における経済発展とサステイナビリティ」『サステイナブルな社会を目指して』
    春風社, 2008-03
  • 「社会・労働政策」『現代エジプトの政治と経済』
    アジ研選書No.13、アジア経済研究所, 2008-03
  • エジプト労働市場の構造とメカニズム
    柏木 健一
  • Willigness to pay of Japanese consumers for argan oil-based cosmetic products
    Lahrech Taha; Maruyama Yuki; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Ibnezz...
    International Congress Arganier 7th Edition/2024-05-10--2024-05-12
  • Innovative Olive Farmers under Water Scarcity in the Mediterranean Region
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    ARENA Special Seminar: Sustainable Strategy based on Valorization of Agro-food Products under Water Scarcity and Climate Change/2024-03-18--2024-03-18
  • Visualizing the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Its Influence on the Behavior of Palestinian Farmers
    Nakamura Tomoki; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    2023 Fieldnet Symposium: Visualizing Diverse Socio-Environmental Systems: Toward Robustness Beyond Resilience/2023-12-03--2023-12-03
  • 機能性成分によるオリーブオイルの高付加価値化と新市場の創出
    柏木 健一
  • 革新的食薬サプライチェーン構築によるオリーブ産業育成研究
    柏木 健一
    GRIPS開発フォーラムウェビナー:日本と北アフリカの産官学連携の最前線: 食薬資源総合研究から産業育成まで/2023-06-14--2023-06-14
  • Does Synchronization of Biennial Bearing in Olive Production Exist?: Evidence from the Mediterranean Countries
    Kashiwagi Kenichi; Sato Marie; Kamiyama Hajime
  • Evaluation of needs shift for edible argan oil in Japan: Application of a choice experiment
    Maruyama Yuki; Lahrech Taha; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Almoustap...
    The 2nd edition of the International Congress Valorisation of Natural Resources: Role of Scientific Research in the New Model of Development (VARENA 2022)/2022-06-30--2022-07-02
  • Analyse des préférences des consommateurs japonais pour certains produits cosmétiques à base d’huile d’argan par un modèle logit multinomial
    Almoustapha Chaibou Basso; Maruyama Yuki; Lahrech Taha; K...
    The 2nd edition of the International Congress Valorisation of Natural Resources: Role of Scientific Research in the New Model of Development (VARENA 2022)/2022-06-30--2022-07-02
  • Effect of Agricultural Extension on Behavior of Palestinian Farmers under Israeli Occupation in the West Bank
    Nakamura Tomoki; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Ujiie Kiyokazu
    Western Economic Association International: Session of Middle East Economic Association/2022-06-29--2022-07-03
  • 国産オリーブ事業体の生産及び販売に対する意識-ベストワーストスケーリングによる接近-
    相馬拓宜; 氏家清和; 柏木 健一
  • An interval regression analysis of Japanese consumer’s preference forcosmetic argan oil
    Lahrech M. Taha; Maruyama Y.; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Nahri H...
    DTXIV International Conference of Arid Land Studies/2021-09-07--2021-09-10
  • エジプト西部砂漠オアシス社会における農家戦略としての沙漠・地下水開発
    岩崎えり奈; 柏木 健一
  • 日本におけるチュニジア産オリーブオイルの消費者選好評価
    丸山優樹; 柏木 健一; 相馬拓宜; 喜田川たまき; Lamia Arfa; Erraach Yamna; Lokman...
  • Efficiency Analysis on Organic and Conventional Olive Farms in the Mediterranean Region
    Kashiwagi Kenichi; Kamiyama H.
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Technical Efficiency Among Farmers in Lebna Dam Irrigated Perimeter, Nabeul, Tunisia
    Dridi C.; Kefi M.; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Technical and Water Use Efficiency among Olive Orchards in Kairouan, Tunisia
    Kamiyama H.; Kefi M.; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Analysis of the willingness to pay for the cosmetic argan oil products: study case of the Japanese consumers
    Lahrech T.; Maruyama Y.; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Benabdellah ...
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Consumer preference for edible argan oil in the Japanese consumers
    Maruyama Y.; Lahrech T.; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Benabdellah ...
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Valorization of essential oils: a case of a symbiotic association of women and forests for inclusive development
    Arfa L.; Erraach Y.; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Zaibet L.
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Ecotourism and solidarity tourism, a sustainable vision to develop the Argan territory
    Arrahmouni I.; Benabdellah M.; Bahili I.; Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Living Religion and Sainthood: Tunisia and Japan
    Kitagawa Tamaki; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Isoda Hiroko
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • Valorisation of essential oils in the Tunisian market
    Erraach Y.; Marzougui F.; Arfa L.; Kashiwagi Kenichi; Zai...
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society and Technology: Building Academic Research with Industry for a sustainable Social Development (TJASSST 2019)/2019-11-29--2019-12-2
  • 中東・北アフリカにおける水資源の希少性と持続可能な農業発展の課題:パレスチナのオリーブ農家の事例
    柏木 健一
  • Technical Efficiency of Intensive Farming of Olive Production in Tunisia
    Kashiwagi Kenichi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium Innovation discovery for sustainable water resource management (TJS 2018)/2018-11-23--2018-11-27
  • Japanese Consumer Behaviour on Argan Oil and Development of Women’s Cooperative in Morocco
    Kashiwagi; Benabdellah Majid; Isoda Hiroko
    The 4th Congres International sur L'Arganier/2017-12-15--2017-12-17
  • さらに表示...
2024-10 -- 2024-12中東・北アフリカ研究特別演習AII筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション博士研究Ⅰ筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12筑波大学特別講義―大学と学問―筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08国際公共政策プロジェクト演習I筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02国際公共政策プロジェクト演習I筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション修士研究Ⅲ筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション修士研究Ⅳ筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション博士研究Ⅴ筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-06中東・北アフリカ研究特別演習AI筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-06中東・北アフリカ論特別演習IA筑波大学
  • Technical Efficiency Measures and its Determinants for Textile Firms in Egypt
    K. Kashiwagi; E. Iwasaki; H. Kato
    Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA)/Allied Social Scinece Associations/2012-01-07
  • The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis and Technical Efficiency for Textile Industry in Egypt
    K. Kashiwagi; E. Iwasaki; H. Kato
    11th Edition of Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Sciences and Technology (TJASSST 2011)/2011-11-13
  • 経済のグローバル化とエジプト繊維産業
    岩崎えり奈; 柏木健一; 加藤博
  • Returns to Education and their Impact on Income Stratification in Rural Tunisia
    E. Iwasaki; K. Kashiwagi
    Colloque Scientifique International: Première Recontre Méditerranéenne Internationale, Nouveaux enjeux, Nouvelles perspectives économiques et sociales des pays de la rive sud/2011-09-30
  • The Role of Information and Country of Origin on Japanese Olive Oil Consumer: A Choice Experiment Approach
    N. Mtimet; K. Ujiie; K. Kashiwagi; L. Zaibet; M. Nagaki
    XIIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists: Change and Uncertainty/2011-09-02
  • 1月25日革命とエジプト経済
  • アラブの春の社会経済的背景と北アフリカ研究センターの取組
    橘田正造; 礒田博子; 柏木健一
  • Technical Efficiency for Olive Growing Farms in Tunisia and Potential Demand of Olive Oil in Japan
    K. Kashiwagi; A. Kawachi; S. Sayadi; H. Isoda
    1st International Conference on Arid Land, DT-X/2011-05-25
  • Technical Efficiency of Production of Textile Industry in Egypt
    K. Kashiwagi
    International Symposium, Construction of Longitudinal Network with Middle East Countries: Towards the Mutual Understanding and Development of Joint Research/2011-01-29
  • Total Factor Productivity Growth and Its Determinants for Olive Oil Manufacturing in Tunisia
    K. Kashiwagi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium, Regional Development and Water Resources: New Vision for the Sustainable Society/2010-11-29
  • Technical Efficiency of Agricultural Production in the Tunisian Regions
    Erina; I.; K. Kashiwagi
    Tunisia-Japan Symposium, Regional Development and Water Resources: New Vision for the Sustainable Society/2010-11-29
  • Challenges of Industrialization in the Southern Mediterranean Countries under the Barcelona Process
    K. Kashiwagi
    1st Algeria-Japan Academic Conference: Towards the Promotion of Mutual Academic Cooperation/2010-11-09
  • Technical Efficiency of Olive Oil Manufacturing and Efficacy of Modernization Programme in Tunisia
    Kashiwagi; K.; N. Mtimet; L. Zaibet; and M. Nagaki; +柏木 健一
    3rd Annual Conference of African Association of Agricultural Economists/2010-09-22
  • Economic Development and Useful Plants in North Africa
    K. Kashiwagi
    Seminar on JSPS Asia Africa Science Platform Program: Valorization of Argan: Perspective of Research Collaboration between Japan and Morocco/2010-07-12
  • Propositions for Academic Cooperation in Humanities and Social Sciences between Tunisia and Japan
    柏木 健一
    Cross-cultural Dialogue: Identity and Challenges for Development in Tunisia and Japan/2010-01-24
  • A Decomposition of Total Factor Productivity Growth: The Case of Egyptian Economic Growth
    柏木 健一
    10th Edition of Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Sciences and Technology (TJASSST 2009)/2009-11-12
  • Consumption of Tunisian Olive Oils in Japan: Analysis on Japanese Olive Oil Consumer Behavior
    柏木 健一
    CERES Workshop: Connectivité et Mirco-Région dans le Méditerranéen/2009-03-25
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Progress in North Africa: An Empirical Analysis on Egypt
    柏木 健一
    Kantaoui Forum: Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Society, Sciences and Technology (TJASSST 2008)/2008-11-11
  • Innovation and Sustainable Economic Development by Advanced Utilization of Bio-resources in East Asia: Implications to Egypt
    柏木 健一
    Nano-Biotechnology Workshop, Faculty of Science, Cairo University/2008-11-08
  • Exploring Japanese Olive Oil Consumer Behavior
    柏木 健一
    XIIth Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists/2008-08-29
2022-09 -- 2023-08日本中東学会第39回年次大会実行委員会委員長
2021-04 -- (現在)日本中東学会学会誌編集委員
2022-04 -- (現在)国際総合学類学類長
2021-04 -- 2022-03地中海・北アフリカ研究センターセンター長
2018-04 -- 2022-03全学学群教育課程委員会委員
2018-04 -- (現在)社会・国際学群運営委員会委員
2018-04 -- 2022-03国際総合学類運営委員会委員
2020-04 -- (現在)国際公共政策学位プログラム運営委員会委員
2020-04 -- 2022-03国際公共政策学位プログラムカリキュラム委員会委員長
2018-04 -- 2022-03国際総合学類カリキュラム委員会委員長
2012-06 -- (現在)地中海・北アフリカ研究センター運営委員会委員
2020-04 -- 2024-03つくば市オンブズマン

(最終更新日: 2024-09-24)