TOFAEL Ahamed(トファエル アハメド)
- 所属
- 生命環境系
- 職名
- 准教授
- eメール
- +ID;6:Aa6=6B:9a<EXgcJaIHJ@J76a68a?En
- 研究室
- 生命環境系、農林工学(B420)
- 電話
- 029-853-4657
- Fax
- 029-853-7198
- 研究分野
農業環境・情報工学 - 研究キーワード
機械学習システム, ディープラーニング、人工知能 自律型農業機械・センシングシステム 精密農業、GIS リモートセンシング技術 - 研究課題
輸出に向けたナシの省力・省力樹形と自動走行SSを用いた農薬削減散布システムの現地実証 2024-04 -- 2027-03 代表 農研機構 伊東明子 分担:野口良造 京都大学 分担 筑波大学: Tofael Ahamed) 福島国際研究教育機構、農研機構 福島国際研究教育機構における農林水産研究の推進委託事業/ 62,500,000円 農薬散布状態のデジタルセンシングとAIフィードバック型農薬散布システムの開発 2023-04 -- 2026-03 野口良造、京都大学, 農研機構、Tofael Ahamed 筑波大内訳) 日本学振科研費:基盤研究(B)/基盤研究(B) 11,310,000円 熱画像の領域分割によるウズラ卵の非破壊鮮度評価法の検出精度向上 2024-04 -- 2025-03 Tofael Ahamed つくば産学連携強化プロジェクトの茨城県補助金に基づく 研究経費/ 1,000,000円 果樹園のスマート化に資する自動運転スピー 2022-04 -- 2024-03 野口良造 (京都大学)、臼井 善彦 (農研機構), Tofael Ahamed (筑波大内訳) 農研機構(革新工学センター)/ 20,828,000円 果樹園用自律型光性フェロモントラップ散布ロボットの開発 2021-04 -- 2024-03 Tofael Ahamed 日本学振科研費 基盤研究(C)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) 3,250,000円 Development of Autonomous Weeder for Cassava Plantation Field 2021-03 -- 2022-09 Tofael Ahamed SIAM IMPLEMENTS, THAILAND/ 1,000,000円 IoT and AI in Agriculture: Open Innovation for Micro-Scale Food Production System to Achieve Society 5.0 and SDG's. 2019-04 -- 2020-03 Tofael Ahamed 筑波大学/ 610,000円 複合センシングによる食品有機性油分含有排水の物理化学的管閉塞メカニズムの解明 2020-04 -- 2023-03 Noguchi Ryozo 日本学振科研費:基盤研究(B)/基盤研究(B) 11,950,000円 戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(スマートバイオ産業・農業基盤技術):マシンビジョンを活用した自動運転スピードスプレーヤーの開発 2019-10 -- 2020-09 農研機構(革新工学センター) 野口良造 (筑波大学)(無人SSグループ SIP2) Ministry of Agrculture (第二期SIP)/ 23,578,680円 農業におけるIoTとAI:世界的なSociey5.0とSDGs達成に向けた食料生産の自給自足 2019-10 -- 2019-10 トファエル アハメド TGSW, University of Tsukuba/ 400,000円 さらに表示... - 職歴
2010-05 -- (現在) University of TsukubaGraduate School of Life and environmental SciencesAssociate Professor 2008-06 -- 2010-04 University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignEnergy Biosciences InstituteResearcher 2007-12 -- 2008-06 Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityFaculty of Agricultural Engineering and TechnologyAssociate Professor 2007-07 -- 2008-03 University of TsukubaLife and Environmental SciencesResearcher 2003-12 -- 2007-11 Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityFaculty of Agricultural Engineering and TechnologyAssistant Professor 2000-11 -- 2003-11 Bangladesh Agricultural UniversityFaculty of Agricultural Engineering and TechnologyLecturer - 学歴
1992-07 -- 1996-06 Bangladesh Agricultural University Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology 2000-06 -- 2001-12 Bangladesh Agricultural University Department of Farm Power and Machinery 2003-04 -- 2006-03 筑波大学 Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences - 取得学位
2006-03 PhD University of Tsukuba - 所属学協会
2017-04 -- (現在) 農業情報学会 2008 -- (現在) American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 2010 -- (現在) International Society of Precision Agriculture 2018-04 -- (現在) 日本地域学会 2002 -- (現在) 農業機械学会 - 受賞
2022-02 BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2022 研究・教育・社会貢献・学内連携 2021-05 新農林社国際賞 農業情報研究と学会運営委員会の国際化における貢献 2016-02 BEST FACULTY MEMBER 2016 Education and Research 2003-02-05 University Gold Medal Outstanding Education Performance at Graduate Level 2001-07-04 Professor Karim Gold Medal Outstanding Education Performance at Undergraduate Level 2002-01 MEXT Award, Embassy of Japan Pursuing PhD on Agricultural Automation - 論文
- Rapid Analysis of Soil Organic Carbon in Agricultural Lands: Potential of Integrated Image Processing and Infrared Spectroscopy
Senevirathne Nelundeniyage Sumuduni L.; Ahamed TOFAEL
AgriEngineering/6(3)/pp.3001-3015, 2024-08 - Nutrispace: A novel color space to enhance deep learning based early detection of cucurbits nutritional deficiency
Orka Nabil Anan; Haque Ehtashamul; Uddin M. Nazim; Aha...
COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE/225, 2024-08 - 3D Camera and Single-Point Laser Sensor Integration for Apple Localization in Spindle-Type Orchard Systems
Abeyrathna R. M. Rasika D.; Nakaguchi Victor Massaki; L...
Sensors 2024/24(12), 2024-06 - Faster-YOLO-AP: A Lightweight Apple Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv8 with A New Efficient PDWConv in Orchard
Liu Zifu; Sampurno Rizky Mulya; Nakaguchi Victor Massa...
COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE/223, 2024-08 - Recognition and Position Estimation of Pears in Complex Orchards Using Stereo Camera and Deep Learning Algorithm
Pan Siyu; Yorozu Ayanori; Ohya Akihisa; Ahamed Tofael
20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2023)/pp.632-639, 2023-11-13 - Intrarow Uncut Weed Detection Using You-Only-Look-Once Instance Segmentation for Orchard Plantations
Sampurno Rizky Mulya; Liu Zifu; Abeyrathna R. M. Rasik...
SENSORS/24(3), 2024-01 - Sooty Mold Detection on Citrus Tree Canopy Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Apacionado Bryan Vivas; Ahamed Tofael
SENSORS/23(20), 2023-10 - A Life Cycle Assessment of Cofiring in a Coal Power Plant to Estimate Purchasing Cost of Empty Fruit Bunch Pellets
Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman; Munawar Sasa Sofyan; Aries...
JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF ENERGY/102(8)/pp.84-95, 2023-04-01 - Comparative Analysis of Paddy Harvesting Systems toward Low-Carbon Mechanization in the Future: A Case Study in Sri Lanka
Kahandage P. D.; Piyathissa S. D. S.; Ariesca Reza; Na...
PROCESSES/11(6), 2023-06 - A Comparison of EFB to Ethanol Production by Integrating Between RBD Palm Oil and EFB Pulping Plant: An Assessment for Energy, Environmental and Economical Advantages
Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman; Putri Ary Mauliva Hada; Ba...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY/14(4)/pp.877-887, 2023-06-28 - Detection of Defective Lettuce Seedlings Grown in an Indoor Environment under Different Lighting Conditions Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Hamidon Munirah Hayati; Ahamed Tofael
SENSORS/23(13), 2023-07 - A Systematic Framework for Studying Two Sugarcane Harvesting Systems Based on National Policy Implementation in Sri Lanka
Ariyawansha Thilanka; Abeyrathna Dimuthu; Kodithuwakku ...
SUGAR TECH/25(4)/pp.846-861, 2023-08 - Near-real-time drought monitoring and assessment for vineyard production on a regional scale with standard precipitation and vegetation indices using Landsat and CHIRPS datasets
Arab Sara Tokhi; Ahamed Tofael
ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE/7(2:SI)/pp.591-614, 2023-06 - Rice Husk Handling and Combustion in Rural Areas: Assessment of Household Proximity to Exposure Risk in Nigeria
Abah Emmanuel O.; Inalegwu Jackson; Ariyawansha Kumara...
AMA-AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION IN ASIA AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA/53(3)/pp.15-23, 2022-07 - Using Precision Agriculture (PA) Approach to Select Suitable Final Disposal Sites for Energy Generation
Seminar Kudang Boro; Nelwan Leopold Oscar; Budiastra I...
INFORMATION/14(1), 2023-01 - Navigation of an Autonomous Spraying Robot for Orchard Operations using LiDAR for Tree Trunk Detection
Jiang Ailian; Ahamed Tofael
SENSORS/23(10), 2023-05 - Development of a 3D Printed New Metering Mechanism for a Multi-Crop Seed Broadcasting System Using an Autonomous Small-Scale Vehicle
Minn Arkar; Abeyrathna R. M. Rasika D.; Nakaguchi Vict...
INVENTIONS/8(3), 2023-05 - Development of an IoT-Based Precision Irrigation System for Tomato Production from Indoor Seedling Germination to Outdoor Field Production
Seyar Mohammad Hussain; Ahamed Tofael
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL/13(9), 2023-04 - Climate-Adaptive Potential Crops Selection in Vulnerable Agricultural Lands Adjacent to the Jamuna River Basin of Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing and a Fuzzy Expert System
Alam Kazi Faiz; Ahamed Tofael
REMOTE SENSING/15(8), 2023-04 - Development of a near-infrared band derived water indices algorithm for rapid flash flood inundation mapping from sentinel-2 remote sensing datasets
Islam Md. Monirul; Ahamed Tofael
ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE/7(2:SI)/pp.615-640, 2023-04 - Erosion vulnerable area assessment of Jamuna River system in Bangladesh using a multi-criteria-based geospatial fuzzy expert system and remote sensing
ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE/7(2:SI)/pp.433-454, 2023-04 - Recognition and Counting of Apples in a Dynamic State Using a 3D Camera and Deep Learning Algorithms for Robotic Harvesting Systems
Abeyrathna R. M. Rasika D.; Nakaguchi Victor Massaki; M...
Sensors/23(8), 2023-04 - Near‑real‑time drought monitoring and assessment for vineyard production on a regional scale with standard precipitation and vegetation indices using Landsat and CHIRPS datasets
Arab Sara Tokhi; Ahamed Tofael
ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE, 2023-04 - Techno-economic analysis of algal fuel from native polyculture microalgae based on utilization of palm oil mill effluent and excess energy
Rani Devitra Saka; Danang Sismartono Supriyanto Makoto ...
Bioresource Technology Reports/21(101343), 2023-02 - Land Swap Option for Sustainable Production of Oil Palm Plantations in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Ariesca Reza; Sau Andi Adriana We Tenri; Adinugroho Wa...
Sustainability/15(3), 2023-01 - さらに表示...
- Rapid Analysis of Soil Organic Carbon in Agricultural Lands: Potential of Integrated Image Processing and Infrared Spectroscopy
- 著書
- IoT and AI in Agriculture
Springer Singapore, 2024-07 - Remote Sensing Applications II: Climate Change Perspectives in Agriculture
Ahamed Tofael
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Drought Monitoring and Rice Yield Loss Assessment using Various Drought Indices and the SPI by an Integrated Approach of the AHP in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar
Htun Aung Myint; Arab Sara Tokhi; Ahamed Tofael
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Rice Land Suitability and Insurance Premiums: A GIS-based Multicriteria Analysis Approach for Sustainable Rice Production in Bangladesh
Islam Md Monjurul; Ahamed Tofael; Noguchi Ryozo
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Land Suitability Assessment for Arabica Coffee Plantations in Central Aceh Indonesia using Fuzzy Membership Theory
Pangaribuan1 Ivana Joy Pauline; Araaf Raka Thoriq; Aham...
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Integrating Analytical Hierarchy Process with GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing to Assess Land Suitability for Sustainable Tea Production in Bangladesh
Das Animesh Chandra; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed Tofael
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Land Suitability Analysis for Potential Vineyards Extension Using a Fuzzy Expert System and Remote Sensing Datasets at a Regional Scale
Arab Sara Tokhi; Ahamed Tofael
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Application of Introducing Damaged Area Index for Cultivated Agricultural Lands Affected by Recurrent Tropical Cyclones Bulbul and Amphan Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Shamsuzzoha Md; Ahamed Tofael
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - A Damage-based Crop Insurance System for Flash Flooding: A Satellite Remote Sensing and Econometric Approach
Islam Md. Monirul; Ahamed Tofael; Matsushita Shusuke; ...
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Assessment of Shoreline and Agricultural Land Use Changes in the Onshore Coastal Region of Bangladesh Delta Using Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS
Shamsuzzoha Md; Ahamed TOFAEL
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - Assessment of Land Use Land Cover Changes and Prediction of Vulnerable Agricultural Land in River Basins of Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing and a Fuzzy Expert System
Alam Kazi Faiz; Ahamed TOFAEL
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - An Assessment of Drought Stress in Tea Plantation Areas in Bangladesh Using Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing: A Climate Change Perspective
Das Animesh Chandra; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed TOFAEL
Remote Sensing Application II: A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, 2024-06 - A Web-Based IoT Monitoring and Service System for Agricultural Applications
Nakaguchi Victor Massaki; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Development of IoT-based Platform for Biomass Utilization toward Low Carbon Economic Society: Case of Oil Palm Residue
Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman; Bardant Teuku Beuna; Aries...
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Smart Automation for End-Effectors in the Development of Horticultural Robots
Zifu Liu; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Approaches for Improving Fruit Detection and Gripping Mechanisms in Orchard Robotic Fruit Harvesting
Abeyrathna R.M. Rasika D.; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Enhancement of Cottage Mushroom Cultivation in Tropical and Subtropical Regions with IoT and AI Applications
Kahandage P.D.; Senevirathne N.D.S.L.; Noguchi Ryozo; ...
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - AI-based IoT Greenhouse Control System for Environmental Parameters
Lulu Chen; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Optimization of Soil-Based Irrigation Scheduling Through the Integration of Machine Learning, Remote Sensing, and Soil Moisture Sensor Technology
Seyar Mohammad Hussain; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Investigating the Pesticide Spraying Characteristics of Plant Protection UAV and Designing a Variable Spraying System for Improving the Spraying Uniformity
Zhang Hao; Piyathissa SDS; Ahamed Tofael; Ryozo Noguchi
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Challenges in Orchard Weed Management: Perspectives on the Use of 3D Cameras and LiDAR to Develop a Low-Cost Small-Scale Robotic Weeder
Sampurno Rizky Mulya; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Digital Transformation of Horticultural Crop Production Systems Toward Sustainable Agricultural Productivity
Apacionado Bryan Vivas; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Revolutionizing Agriculture: Embracing Modern Strategies for the Management of Coffee Leaf Rust Disease
Araaf Raka Thoriq; Ahamed Tofael; Pangaribuan Ivana Jo...
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping Techniques in Controlled Environments
Hamidon Munirah Hayati; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - Navigation System for Autonomous Agricultural Vehicles for Indoor Farms
Shiran Wu; Ahamed Tofael
IoT and AI in Agriculture: Smart Automation Systems for Increasing Agricultural Productivity to Achieve SDGs and Society 5.0/Springer-Nature, 2024-07 - さらに表示...
- IoT and AI in Agriculture
- 会議発表等
- Recognition and Position Estimation of Pears in Complex Orchards Using Stereo Camera and Deep Learning Algorithm
Pan Siyu; Yorozu Ayanori; Ohya Akihisa; Ahamed Tofael
20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO2023)/2023-11-13--2023-11-15 - An Apple Object Detection Algorithm in Orchard Environment based on Yolov8
Zifu Liu; Ahamed Tofael
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Development of Navigation System for Autonomous Tractor in the Road Using Deep Learning Algorithm
Yuxin Liu; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Development of Navigation System for Autonomous Spraying Robot Using LiDAR and Thermal Camera in Orchard
Ailian Jiang; Ahamed Tofael
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Development of Navigation System Based on ArUco Marker and GNSS for Mechanical Weeder in Cassava Field
Ithiphat Opasatian; Ahamed Tofael
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Automated Defective Seedling Detection of Hydroponic Lettuce using YOLO Algorithm to Enhance Indoor Farming Transplanting System
Munirah Hayati Hamidon; Tofael Ahamed
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Feed Intake Monitoring System for In-cage Breeding Quail Smart Management
Victor Massaki Nakaguchi; Tofael Ahamed
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-4--2023-09-8 - Coffee Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix) Detection, Using Deep Learning Algorithm
Araaf Raka Thoriq; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Detection of Sooty Mold on Citrus Canopy Using Deep Learning Algorithms
Apacionado Bryan V; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Rice Crop Change Detection from Satellite-derived RGVI Due to Extreme Climatic Events Using Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Techniques
Md Shamsuzzoha; Tofael Ahamed
Joint Conference on Environmental Engineering in Agriculture 2023/2023-09-04--2023-09-08 - Development of Smart Orchard Management System Using Zigbee Sensor Network and SLAM Algorithm in Autonomous Ground Vehicle System
Jiawei Sun; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Development of a Global Navigation System for Autonomous Vehicle Using UAV and LIDAR for Orchard Management
Yan Wang; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Development of WebSocket Protocol System for Remote Autonomy of Multi-Cluster Agricultural Machinery Control System Using YOLO Deep Learning Algorithm
Chencong Zhang; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Apple Position Estimation for Robotic Harvesting Using YOLO and Deep-SORT Algorithms
Abeyrathna R.M. Rasika D.; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Spatial Mapping of Diversity for Important Food Plants of Gayo Lut Communities in Central Aceh of Indonesia
Pangaribuan Ivana Joy Pauline; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Machine Learning-based Vulnerability Classifier Development from Satellite Remote Sensing Datasets in Flood Prone Areas
Alam Kazi Faiz; Ahamed Tofael
Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, Annual Meeting/2023-05-27--2023-05-28 - Deep Learning and Object Detection Applications in Agriculture
Ahamed Tofael
International Conference on Intelligent Agriculture (ICIA2023)/2023-05 - Recognition of Tip Burn Disorder on Hydroponic Lettuces using Deep Learning Algorithm
Hamidon Munirah Hayati; Ahamed Tofael
The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum/2022-09-27--2022-09-28 - Shoreline Change Assessement of Bangladesh Coast in the Bay of Bengal using Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Shamsuzzoha Md.; Ahamed Tofael
The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum/2022-09-27--2022-09-28 - Early Embryo Detection of Quail Eggs Methodology using Thermal camera and Deep Learning Based YOLOv4 Algorithm
Massaki Nakaguchi Victor; Ahamed Tofael
The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum/2022-09-27--2022-09-28 - Development of an Autonomous Spraying Robot for Orchard Using Thermal Camera and LiDAR
Ailian Jiang; Ahamed Tofael
The 14th Japan-China-Korea International Postgraduate Academic Forum/2022-09-27--2022-09-28 - Tip-burn Detection of Lettuces Grown in Indoor Environment Using YOLO-based Deep Learning Algorithm
Hamidon Munirah Hayati; Massaki Nakaguchi Victor; Ahamed ...
農業情報学会2022年度年次大会プログラム/2022-05-21--2022-05-22 - Heat Spectrum Profile of Quail Eggs Using a Thermal Micro Camera for Early Detection of Embryo
Massaki Nakaguchi Victor; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed Tofael
農業情報学会2022年度年次大会プログラム/2022-05-21--2022-05-22 - Development of Seed Metering Mechanism System for Small-scale Autonomous Multi-Crops Seed Broadcaster
Minn Arkar; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed Tofael
農業情報学会2022年度年次大会プログラム/2022-05-21--2022-05-22 - Development of a Precision Watering System for Germination of Tomato Seeds in Controlled Environment
Seyar Mohammad Hussain; Noguchi Ryozo; Ahamed Tofael
農業情報学会2022年度年次大会プログラム/2022-05-21--2022-05-22 - さらに表示...
- Recognition and Position Estimation of Pears in Complex Orchards Using Stereo Camera and Deep Learning Algorithm
- 作品
- Smart Farm Mechanization (10 Modules e-learning course in Online for Asian Productivity Organization)
Ahamed Tofael
- Smart Farm Mechanization (10 Modules e-learning course in Online for Asian Productivity Organization)
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar in Biosystems Engineering and Technology 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 生物資源生産科学実習 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 生物資源生産科学実習 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生物環境工学演習IIF(春) 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 生物資源工学技術演習 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Mathematics 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生物環境工学特別研究IIF(春) 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 機械・食品工学実験 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 生物機械工学 筑波大学 2024-05 -- 2024-07 応用国際農業科学研究法 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
2018-04 -- 2023-03 MoU & Student Exchange Program Coordinator ボゴール農業大学 2012-10 -- 2022-10 MoU & Student Exchange Program Coordinator プトラマレーシア大学 2017-10 -- 2022-09 MoU & Student Exchange Program Coordinator バングラデシュ農業大学 2008-06 -- 2010-05 Openhouse and Technology Showcase Presenter 学外 - 一般講演
- Precisions Agronomics: Future of Smart Agriculture and Bioproduction Systems
Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Development of Bioresource Engineering/2023-03-10 - Sustainability Indicators in Practices for Agriculture
Ahamed Tofael
APO Workshop 2022/2022-07-12--2022-07-14 - Paradigms and Professionals in Agricultural, Food Sectors to Achieve Sustainability
Ahamed Tofael
APO Workshop 2022/2022-07-12--2022-07-14 - Smart Tools and Techniques Towards Big Data Analytics for Achieving Sustainability in Agri-food Industries
Ahamed Tofael
APO Workshop 2022/2022-07-12--2022-07-14 - Advanced Automation in Agricultural Machinery Development for Orchard-based Plantation Crops
Ahamed Tofael
1st International Conference on Plantation Technology 2021/2021-11-23--2021-11-24 - Smart Control System for Multi-Agent on Industrial and and Agriculture (Smart Farming) in Covid-19 Era
Ahamed Tofael
Webminar International World Class Professor 2021/2021-10-25 - Remote Sensing Technology & Knowledge Management Autonomous Machineries
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk,/2021-04-02--2021-04-03 - Digitizing Farm Machinery Adoption System for Small-Scale Farmers: Case Studies
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk, Workshop on Empowerment of Small-scale Farmers in Adopting Internet of Things Technologies/2021-03-17 - Basic Infrastructure and Facilities Needed for The Adoption of Smart Farming for Small-Scale Farmers
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk, Workshop on Empowerment of Small-scale Farmers in Adopting Internet of Things Technologies/2021-03-16 - Key Concepts and Global Trends in Smart Farming and Opportunities Offered by The IoT In Rice Production
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk, Workshop on Empowerment of Small-scale Farmers in Adopting Internet of Things Technologies/2021-03-16 - Robots & Drones for Agriculture
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk, The ASEAN Workshop on 4th Industrial Revolution/2020-11-24 - Smart Automation and Deep Learning Information System to Adapt Precision Agricultural Technologies in Asian Countries
Ahamed Tofael
Keynote Speaker, The 13th TSAE International Conference & The 21st TSAE National Conference/2020-07-30 - Smart Agricultural Mechanization Technologies to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Resource Person Talk, Conference on Smart Agriculture for Sustainable, Inclusive Productivity/2018-06-06 - Precision Agronomics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Ahamed Tofael
Keynote Speaker, 4th RUSS National and International Conference/2018-05-04 - Agricultural Research Methodology for Food Security Research and Sustainability
Ahamed Tofael
Invited Inbound Mobility Resource Person Talk to National Universities in Indonesia/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - New Developments and Emerging Trends in Agricultural Mechanization Technologies to improve Agricultural Productivity for Ensuring Food Security
Ahamed Tofael
Keynote Speaker, 1st International Conference of Food Security Innovation ICFSI 2017/2017-10-18--2017-10-20 - Stand-alone and On-the-go Sensing Systems for Crop Management
Tofael Ahamed
University Putra Malaysia/2012-03-29 - Monitoring of Plant Growth Using Laser Range Finder
Tofael Ahamed
American Society of Biological and Agricultural Engineers/2011-08-21 - Engineering Solutions for Biomass Feedstock Production - Pre-harvest Crop Monitoring System
Tofael Ahamed
American Society of Agricultural Engineers/2009-06-22 - Landmark-based Navigation for Autonomous Tractor
Tofael Ahamed
Annual Paper Meet, Agricultural Engineering Division/2008-06-14 - Community Based Resource Management: A GIS Approach
Tofael Ahamed
First Annual Conference on Regional Scienc/2007-03-17 - GIS Database Management Systems for Farm Power Assessments in Bangladesh
Tofael Ahamed
Fifth International Conference of the Asian Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture/2006-11-09 - Role of GIS in Policy Planning for Sustainable Development of Agriculture: Bangladesh Perspective
Tofael Ahamed
Regions on a Global Platform 9th PRSCO Summer Institute/2006-07-18 - Navigation of Tractor towards Hitching Position and Possibility of Automatic Coupling.
Tofael Ahamed
International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural Systems/2005-09-15 - Navigation of an Autonomous Tractor Using Multiple Sensors
Tofael Ahamed
International Conference on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural System/2005-09-15 - さらに表示...
- Precisions Agronomics: Future of Smart Agriculture and Bioproduction Systems
- 学協会等委員
2007 -- (現在) Bangladesh Regional Science Association Joint Secretary - 学内管理運営業績
2016-04 -- 2018-03 Tsukuba Journal of Agricultural and Forestry Editorial Board Member 2013-05 -- 2015-05 Scientific Research Editorial Board Member 2007-06 -- (現在) Adhoc Reviewer , Energy, Elseiver Serving as Reviewer 2009-06 -- (現在) Adhoc Reviewer, Environment Development and Sustainability, Springer Serving as Reviewer 2009-10 -- (現在) Adhoc Reviewer , Transactions of the ASABE Serving as Reviewer 2006-10 -- (現在) Joint Secretary, Bangladesh Regional Science Association (BRSA) Organizing Meetings, Seminars 2011-06 -- 2011 University Putra Malaysia External Examiner for Graduate Thesis - メッセージ
Tofael Ahamed is an Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, which is one of the leading universities in Japan relocated at the Tsukuba Science City in 1973 from Tokyo University of Education. Dr. Ahamed has also teaching and research experiences as Lecturer, Assistant, and Associate Professor in the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, established with academic support from the Texas A&M University during 1961. He received PhD from the University of Tsukuba and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Dr. Ahamed performs research in the field of precision agriculture technology, agricultural robotics and decision support systems using GIS and satellite remote sensing. In the sensing system development, Dr. Ahamed focuses on enabling smart application of IoT in agriculture, where crop production varies spatially and temporally within the field boundaries depending on the soil and environmental conditions. Besides teaching and research activities, Dr. Ahamed supervises graduate students in the field of precision agriculture technology, agricultural robotics and decision support systems. Most of his research articles have published in the reputed journals like Transactions of ASABE, Biosystems Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Design, Sensors, Biomass and Bioenergy and Energy. Dr. Ahamed is a lead author of three textbooks: Bioproduction Engineering: Automation and Precision Agronomics for Sustainable Agricultural Systems; Data to Knowledge: Interdisciplinary Research Methodology for Agricultural Sciences; and Sustainability: Integrating Environment, Agriculture and Renewable Energy for Food Security. He has awarded University Gold Medal from Bangladesh Agricultural University for outstanding academic results and Best Faculty Member Award from University of Tsukuba for his contributions in teaching and research.
(最終更新日: 2024-11-16)