松井 健一(マツイ ケンイチ)

自然の権利から見た水ガバナンスの求心力2020 -- 2024松井 健一日本学術振興会/挑戦的研究(開拓)11,570,000円
先住民族の環境紛争解決のためのインフィニティ型ディプロマシー理論の実証2015 -- 2018松井 健一日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,810,000円
大学ネットワーク活用食料農業連携研究事業2009-12 -- 2010-03山田信博農林水産省/出資金による受託研究
水域開発に関わる環境や民族への影響を歴史、法律、環境倫理、生命倫理などからアプローチする。さらには、水域環境の利用や地域主体の環境ガバナンスのための伝統知の役割を解明する。1993-09 -- (現在)/
地域主体環境ガバナンスのための伝統知データベース構築2010 -- 2012日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B)16,120,000円
歴史と環境倫理を基盤にした水域環境研究の新分野創成2009 -- 2010日本学術振興会/挑戦的萌芽研究2,100,000円
2003-09 -- 2004-12サイモン・フレーザー大学歴史科Simon Fraser University, Sessional Instructor
2005-07 -- 2005-12マンデル・ピンダー法律事務所historical researcher
2007-05 -- 2007-08ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学歴史科sessional instructor
2008-01 -- 2012-10筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科助教
2012-10 -- 2013-02筑波大学生命環境系助教
2013-02 -- 2013-05筑波大学生命環境系准教授
2013-04 -- 2013-07ルードビッヒ・マクシミリアン大学レイチェルカーソン・センターカーソン・フェロー
1993-08 -- 1996-05アリゾナ州立大学 歴史・人類学研究科 歴史学科
1996-08 -- 2003-04ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学 大学院研究科 歴史学科
1999 -- (現在)日本文化人類学会
2004 -- (現在)American Society for Ethnohistory
2007 -- 2008Canadian Historical Association
2008 -- (現在)International Society for Environmental Ethics
2007 -- 2008International Water History Association
  • Water Governance Performance Assessment of Riparian Communities: A Case Study of the Volta River Basin
    Matsui Kenichi; Zakaria Abdul-Razak
    Sustainable Water Resources Management XI: Effective Approaches for River Basins and Urban Catchments/WIT Press/pp.23-34, 2021-05
  • 「生命にとっての水」の再考――水の価値を地域に根付かせるための提案
    松井 健一
    現代文明の危機と克服:地域・地球規模課題へのアプローチ/日本地域社会研究所/pp.149-163, 2014-04
  • 生物多様性維持へのカナダの挑戦――水利権と伝統知からのアプローチ
    松井 健一
    生物多様性を育む食と農:住民主体の種子管理を支える知恵と仕組み/コモンズ/pp.110-132, 2012
  • Reclaiming Indian Waters: Dams, Irrigation, and Indian Water Rights in Western Canada
    松井 健一
  • Americanizing Indian Water: Agrarianism and Irrigation Projects at Navajo, Salt River and Fort McDowell
    松井 健一
  • 北米先住民族の文化と主権
    筑波大学出版会, 2013
  • Native Peoples and Water Rights: Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada
    松井 健一
    McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009-05
  • Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
    Brian Ballantyne; Paul L.A.H. Chartrand; Louis A. Knafla...
    University of British Columbia Press, 2010-04
  • 生物多様性を育む食と農:住民主体の種子管理を支える知恵と仕組み(担当章:第5章:生物多様性へのカナダの挑戦)
    西川芳昭; 根本和洋; 冨吉満之; 森元泰行; 槇原大悟; 稲葉久之; 小谷美智子; 松井健一; 西村美彦; 藤川清史; 福田聖子; 渡...
    コモンズ, 2012-03
  • Investigating Barriers to Low-Carbon Policy Implementation among Mining Companies in Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Seth Adom
    International Conference on Arts and Humanities/2023-01-05--2023-01-08
  • Examining the Effects of Medical Ethical Practices on the Rights of Health Care Receivers in Liberian Hospitals
    Matsui Kenichi; Brent Josephine Yeanga
    International Conference on Medical Ethics and Professionalism/2023-02-27--2023-02-27
  • An Assessment of rice Yield Improvement among Smallholder Rice Farmers in Asunafo North Municipality of Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Diaka Isaac
    International Conference on Agriculture and Agricultural Irrigation Systems/2022-10-06--2022-10-07
  • Assessing Smallholder Rice and Vegetable Farmers' Constraints and Needs to Adopt Small-Scale Irrigation in south Tongu District, Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Tamekloe Michael
    International Conference on Agriculture and Agricultural Irrigation Systems/2022-10-06--2022-10-07
  • Climate Change Adaptation Interventions in Agriculture and Sustainable Development through South-South Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa
    Matsui Kenichi; Gali Nuhu Mohammed
    Berlin International Conference on Social Science & Humanities/2022-05-11--2022-05-12
  • Policy Implementation and Institutional Mechanism for Urban Green Space Development in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia
    Matsui Kenichi; Enkhbold Bayarmaa
    International conference on Sustainable Development and Planning/2022-06-08--2022-06-10
  • Water Governance Performance Assessment of Riparian Communities: A Case Study of the Volta River Basin
    Matsui Kenichi; Zakaria Abdul-Razak
    11th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resource Management/2021/05/18--2021/05/20
  • Damage Assessment in the Agriculture Sector: A Case Study the 2018 Floods in the Volta River Basin
    Matsui Kenichi; Zakaria Abdul-Razak
    International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences/2022/3/12--2022/3/12
  • Local Capacities and Challenges for Resettling Climate Victims in the Southeast Coast of Bangladesh
    Matsui Kenichi; Chakma Kisinger
    Online International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change/2021/11/15--2021/11/16
  • Post-Harvest Losses and Farmers' Coping Strategies in the Ashanti Region of Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Kyei Kofi
    Online International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change/2021/11/15--2021/11/16
  • An Assessment of Vegetable Farmers' Perceptions about Post-Harvest Loss Sources in the Shanti Region of Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Kyei Kofi
    International Conference on Post-Harvest Losses and Food Waste/2021/4/29--2021/4/30
  • Small and Medium Entreprenuers' Perceptions of Flood Loss and Damage in Sri Lanka
    Matsui Kenichi; Hewawasam Vindya
    International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change/2021/11/15--2021/11/16
  • Assessing Community Perceptions about Climate Disaster Resilience in Flood Prone Urban Sri Lanka
    Matsui Kenichi; Hewawasam Vindya
    International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses/2021/4/7--2021/4/9
  • Tips for PhD Students
    Matsui Kenichi
    Japan International Cooperation Center special lecture for new JDS PhD fellows/2020-10-22--2020-10-27
  • A Study on Current Challenges Hindering Urban Park Development in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia
    Matsui Kenichi; Enkhbold Bayarmaa
    International Conference on Municipal Engineering and Maintenance of Public Parks/2021-03-29--2021-03-30
  • Local People and Water Culture after Three Gorges Dam Construction in Zigui County, China
    Matsui Kenichi; Xu Yuke
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • A Study on Government Officials’ Perceptions towards Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Bangladesh
    Matsui Kenichi; Tanjim Md
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Improving Loss and Damage Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in the Kyrgyz Republic
    Matsui Kenichi; Sekimov Adilet
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Understanding Dairy Farmers’ Perceptions about Raw Milk Safety in the Kyrgyz Republic
    Matsui Kenichi; Kyzyl Gulzada Kuttubek
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Equitable Resilience in Flood Prone Urban Areas in Sri Lanka: A Case Study in Colombo Divisional Secretariat Division
    Matsui Kenichi; Hewawasam Vindya
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Community-based Urban Park Planning and Maintenance System in Mongolia
    Matsui Kenichi; Enkhbold Bayarmaa
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Policies for Engaging Local Women in Responding to Climate Change Events in the Bengal Delta, Bangladesh
    Matsui Kenichi; Chakma Kisinger
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Constrains of Rice Value Chain Upgrading: The Case of Smallholder Rice Farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Adegle Stephen
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Examining Socio-economic Constraints of Smallholder Rice Farmers in Ghana: A Case Study of Garu and Tempane Districts
    Matsui Kenichi; Abdulai Yakubu
    18th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Honolulu/2020-01-09--2020-01-11
  • Smallholder Rice Farmers' Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change in the Bawku Zone of Ghana
    Matsui Kenichi; Zakaria Abdul-Razak
    International Conference on New Energy and Applications/2019-11-09--2019-11-11
  • さらに表示...
  • カナダ先住民族の伝統儀式参加
    松井 健一
  • アメリカ灌漑開発の歴史と先住民族の水域利用について
    松井 健一
  • メキシコ、マヤ文明の水問題の歴史
    松井 健一
  • カナダ先住民族と生物多様性について
    松井 健一
2023-04 -- 2023-08Paper Preparation筑波大学
2023-04 -- 2023-08Special Exercise of Sustainable Environmental Studies I (A) [English Class] (持続環境学特別演習IA)筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2024-02研究演習A筑波大学
2023-04 -- 2023-08環境学実践実習I筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2024-02環境学実践実習I筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2024-02Intership in Environmental Studies I [English Class] (環境学実践実習I)筑波大学
2023-04 -- 2023-08Intership in Environmental Studies I [English Class] (環境学実践実習I)筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2024-02Internship in Environmental Studies II [English class] (環境学実践実習II)筑波大学
2023-04 -- 2023-08Internship in Environmental Studies II [English class] (環境学実践実習II)筑波大学
2023-10 -- 2024-02研究演習B筑波大学
  • Household Environmental Ethics for Our Living Standard
    松井 健一
    JDS Follow Up Seminar/2023-02-16--2023-02-16
  • Welcoming Remark: Professor from Accepting University
    Matsui Kenichi
    JDS Alumni Meeting, Mongolia/2023-02-16--2023-02-16
  • A history of industrial pollution in Japan and beyond
    Matsui Kenichi
    Sustainability Science/2022-04-27--2022-04-27
  • A possible future of the university as a happy global institution
    Matsui Kenichi
    Borderless Online Meeting/2022-11-3--2022-11-3
  • Tips for PhD 博士の心得
    Matsui Kenichi
    JDS project/2022-10-30--2022-10-30
  • Toward the Indigenized Value of Water: The Case of Canada and the United States
    松井 健一
    国連大学 高等研究所セミナー/2009-05-28

(最終更新日: 2024-04-18)