雷 中方(ライ チュウホウ)

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Natural Science Building B306 (理科棟 B306)
+81 29 853 6703
+81 29 853 6703
Realizing Carbon Neutrality and Resource/Energy Self-sufficiency in Wastewater Treatment Plants by Integrating Three Functional Granular Sludges2024-04 -- 2029-03雷中方日本学術振興会/科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)46,930,000円
コロイド凝集の解析に基づく土壌・水環境の工学的新展開2022-04 -- 2027-03足立泰久Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences//科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)基盤研究(A)41,990,000円
Establishment of Stable Granular Symbiosis of Microalgae and Bacteria with Well Separated Oxygenic Photosynthesis and N2 Fixation in Its Layered Structure2022-06 -- 2025-03雷 中方日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)挑戦的研究(萌芽)6,240,000円
A Sustainable and Recycling-oriented Wastewater Industry by Maximizing Valuable Resources and Energy Recovery Using the Novel Al2018-04 -- 2022-03雷中方日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)(基盤研究B)15,860,000円
フロッキュレーション解析に基づく環境界面工学の展開2016-04 -- 2021-03足立泰久日本学術振興会/基盤研究S132,600,000円
バイオガス発電効率化に関する研究2015-11 -- 2018-08雷 中方株式会社フソウ/5,833,000円
Formation of Granules with High Phosphorus Content to Realize Efficient Phosphorus Recovery from Waste Activated Sludge by Using2015-04 -- 2018-03雷 中方日本学術振興会/科学研究費(基盤研究C)4,810,000円
有機性廃棄物からの窒素回収及びアンモニア阻害を抑制可能な乾式メタン発酵法の実現2013-04 -- 2016-03張 振亜日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究B)17,160,000円
The Demonstration Engineering Project on 'Pollution Control and Reclamation of Baimi Village’s Swine Wastes'2009-03 -- 2011-12雷 中方Kunshan municipal government, Jiangsu Province, China/
Investigation of Dry- and Wet-separated Anaerobic Fermentation of Livestock Wastes and Safe Disposal of Fermentation Effluent2009-03 -- 2012-12雷 中方Kunshan Asset Management Co., Ltd, China/
1997-01 -- 1998-12上海石化-復旦大学ポスドクワークステーションPostdoctoral Researcher
1999-01 -- 2012-03復旦大学環境科学与工程系Lecturer, Associate Professor
2012-04 -- (現在)筑波大学生命環境系准教授
1994-03 -- 1996-12中国同済大学 環境工学
2023-06 -- (現在)オーストラレーシア実践ゼロエミッション協会
2022-09 -- (現在)国際バイオプロセス・サステナビリティ学会
2018-06 -- (現在)日本生物工学会
2021-06 -- (現在)国際バイオプロセッシング協会
2017-01 -- (現在)国際水協会
2016-04 -- (現在)日本水環境学会
2011-04 -- (現在)日本水処理生物学会
2024-03-25学長賞(LI Zejiao)
2023-09-25学長賞(陳 星宇)
2023-2-102022 BEST FACULTY MEMBER(雷 中方)
2022-10研究群長特別表彰賞(Dominique Francoise Rocher)
2021-09-25学長賞(趙 佳敏)
2021-03-25研究科長賞(董 暁川)
2021-03-25研究科長賞(楊 暁静)
2020-09-25学長賞(汪 学志)
2020-03-25研究科長賞(張 毅豪)
2019-09-23Best Presentation in 2019 International Postgraduate Academic Forum(張 毅豪, Gold Prize)
2019-09-25学長賞(原 田)
2019-03-25研究科長賞(趙 子文)
2018-09-25学長賞(李 傑)
2018-09-25研究科長賞(于 洋)
2016-06-08Best Presentation in 2016 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability(Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad, First Prize)
2016-09-25学長賞(黄 薇薇)
2016-09-25研究科長賞(蔡 偉)
2015-07-25学長賞(黄 文力)
2002-12Outstanding Individual at Laboratory Management in Academies and Universities in Shanghai between 1998-2002(雷中方)
2004-06-20Best Teacher in the Hearts of Undergraduate Students(雷中方)
2009-01-12Best Teaching Material in the 9th China Petroleum and Chemical Industry(the Second Award)Publishment of the book ‘Experiments of Environmental Engineering'
2009-06-25Best Teacher in the Hearts of Undergraduate Students(雷中方)
2011-11日本水処理生物学会第14回論文賞受賞雷 中方;黄 映恩;清水 和哉;張 振亜
  • Progress in Biosynthesized of Silver Nanoparticles as Sustainable Approach for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment
    Mokhtar Mohamad Aizad Mohd; Ali Roshafima rasit; Jusoh ...
    Environment and Sustainable Development/pp.3-16, 2023-11
  • Environmental sustainability-based comparison between biochar and hydrochar in respect of production, properties, applications and perspectives
    Liu Misha; Kavindi Gajasinghe Arachchige Ganga; Lei Zh...
    Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Biochar Towards Sustainable Environment (1st Edition)/Elsevier/pp.387-414, 2023-01
  • Environmental sustainability-based comparison between biochar and hydrochar in respect of production, properties, applications and perspectives (Chapter 14)
    Liu Misha; Kavindi Gajasinghe Arachchige Ganga; Lei Zhon...
    Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Biochar Towards Sustainable Environment/pp.387-414, 2023-01
  • 环境工程学实验
    Lei Zhongfang
    化学工業出版社, 2007-06
  • Response of Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge when Treating Nitrogen-deficient Wastewater.
    Fan Yunqiang; Zhao Yankai; Lathdavong Santisouk; Lei ...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Response of Photo-driven Algal-bacterial Granular Sludge to Extreme pH Shock: Insights into Granular Properties, Nutrients Removal, and Resource Recovery
    Gao Ge; Palomique Kimberly R.; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Ti...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Improved Poly (Vinyl Formal) (PVF) Foam for Microbial Immobilization
    Li Zhouyang; Gao Baoqi; Hu Jian; Zhang Aiyi; YUAN Ti...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Enhanced Methane Production and Phosphorus Recovery with MgFe Layered Double Hydroxides Addition in Anaerobic Digestion
    Shen Yiming; Liu Yi; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; Lei Zh...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Feasibility of PVF Foams as Biocarriers for Wastewater Treatment and Influence of Acclimation Environments on Microbial Immobilization
    Hu Jian; Gao Baoqi; Li Zhouyang; Zhang Aiyi; YUAN Ti...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Microbial Immobilization on PVA-based Composites for Enhanced Nitrogen Removal from Aquaculture Wastewater
    Gao Baoqi; YUAN Tian; Li Zhouyang; Hu Jian; Zhang Ai...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • A Review on Influence of Hydraulic Retention Time and Light Intensity on Algal-bacterial Symbiosis System during Wastewater Treatment.
    Cai Pei; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Optimization of Dissolved Oxygen Level in Photosynthetic-oxygen Supported Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge System to Coordinate Microalgae and Bacteria
    Li Zejiao; Wang Jixiang; Zhao Yankai; Liu Wenjun; Lei...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • A Review on Heavy Metal Contamination in Water Bodies in Lao PDR.
    Chanthavong Viengkhong; YUAN Tian; Lei. Zhongfang
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Changes in Cultivable Microbial Communities in Algal-bacterial and Bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge upon Exposure to Levofloxacin
    Zhang Chi; Miao Hanchen; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; Lei...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Effect of Different Light Intensities on the Growth and Stress Responses of Pseudanabaena Foetida Strains
    Zhang Ji; Miao Hanchen; Shen Qingyue; Zhang Zhenya; S...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Enhancement of Methane Recovery Efficiency in Anaerobic Digestion at High Organic Loads with Combination of Bioelectrochemical System and Biogas Recirculation
    Liu Yi; Xu Jing; Xie Zhuo; YUAN Tian; Zhang Zhenya; ...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Effect of Oxygen Injection on Biogas Generation and Sulfur Transformation in Dry Anaerobic Digestion
    Gu Wenbo; Xu Zhuoqi; Shi Yuwei; Li Baibing; Lei Zhon...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Effect of Sludge Retention Time on Phosphorus Accumulation from Wastewater by Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge
    Zhang Sicheng; Dong Xiaochuan; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024), Shanghai (China)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Performance of Algal Species Isolated from Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge
    Xie Zhuo; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Effect of Nanobubble Pretreatment on Methane Production during Anaerobic Digestion of Rice Husk.
    Li Baibing; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Ammonium Supplementation Enhanced Lettuce Growth in Hydroponic Cultivation.
    Xu Jing; Luo Yun; YUAN Tian; Che Gongye; Liu Yi; Xu ...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • The Effect of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon on Hydroponic Lettuce Growth
    Yan Junqi; Xu Jing; YUAN Tian; Luo Yun; Liu Yi; Lei ...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Preferable and Feasible Tests on Phosphorus Release and Recovery from Anaerobically Digested Bacterial and Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludges
    Chen Xingyu; Wang Xinyue; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; S...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Simultaneous Enhancement of Sludge Dewaterability and Phosphorus Reclamation with Addition of Layered Double Hydroxide
    Gao Baoqi; YUAN Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang Zhenya; Sh...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Improved Microalgae Growth and Nutrient Removal in Anaerobic Digestate with Sodium Hypochlorite Pretreatment
    Zhao Xiaoyu; Yuan Tian; Lei Zhongfang; Zhang. Zhenya
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • The Synchronous Recovery of Volatile Fatty Acids and Alginate-like Extracellular Polymers from Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste
    Zeng Rungen; YUAN Tian; Shi Chen; Lei Zhongfang; Zhan...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Effects of Coexisting Microorganism from Kasumigaura Lake on Geosmin Production in Dolichospermum Smithii
    Miao Hanchen; Zhang Chi; Zhang Ji; YUAN Tian; Lei Zh...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Continuous-flow Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge System for Land-based Recirculating Aquaculture Industry: Reactor Configuration and Performance Evaluation.
    Liu Wenjun; Dong Jian; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; Utsu...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • Use of Continuous-flow Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge Reactor to Treat Saline Aquaculture Wastewater.
    Dong Jian; Liu Wenjun; Lei Zhongfang; YUAN Tian; Utsu...
    The 2nd International Conference on Bioprocess and Sustainability (ICBS2024)/2024-08-09--2024-08-11
  • さらに表示...
2024-10 -- 2024-12Renewable Energy and Bioresource Recycling Technologies筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12生物資源再利用循環論筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション博士後期演習I秋筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07機械・食品工学実験筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07環境科学実習筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1F筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02Lab Seminar in Environmental Sciences 2F筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-03ライフイノベーション博士後期演習II秋筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08Thesis Seminar in Environmental Sciences 1S筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02環境学実践実習II筑波大学
2017-05 -- 2017-062017 上海国際インターンシップ筑波大学
2016-09 -- 2016-092016 米軍子弟教育高大連携プロジェクト筑波大学
2016-09 -- 2016-09モンゴルインターンシップ筑波大学
2016-05 -- 2016-062016 上海国際インターンシップ筑波大学
2015-06 -- 2015-062015 Shanghai International Field Appraisal/Special InternshipUniversity of Tsukuba
2014-09 -- 2014-09Minamata Field Exercise: Minamata Unit 2014Kyushu University
2014-09 -- 2014-092014米軍子弟教育高大連携プロジェクト筑波大学
2014-02 -- 2014-02Hakkaido InternshipUniversity of Tsukuba
2013-12 -- 2013-12Vietnam International InternshipUniversity of Tsukuba
2013-09 -- 2013-092013米軍子弟教育高大連携プロジェクト筑波大学
  • 廃水処理法における吸着及び好気性顆粒汚泥プロセスの安定性
    Lei Zhongfang; zhang zhenya
  • Stabilization and Reclamation of Organic Solid Wastes - with Sewage Sludge and Swine Manure as Examples
    Lei Zhongfang
    English Class for Wastewater and Waste Treatment and Recycling/2014-05-02--2014-05-07
  • Research Activities in Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Conversion in Year 2013
    Lei Zhongfang
    The 3rd SUSTEP Consirtium Meeting/2014-03-21--2014-03-23
  • Welcome to Join University of Tsukuba
    Lei Zhongfang
    Japanese University Fair in Danang, Vietnam/2012-11-22--2012-11-22
2024-01 -- (現在)エルゼビア国際ジャーナルChemical Engineering Journalの編集委員
2021-11 -- (現在)AKS University, Satna国際ジャーナルJournal of Innovation in Applied Researchの編集委員
2021-06 -- 2022-05国際バイオプロセッシング協会日本メンバーの代表
2021-01 -- (現在)エルゼビア国際ジャーナルBioresource Technologyの編集委員
2020-06 -- (現在)エルゼビア国際ジャーナルJournal of Water Process Engineeringの編集委員
2017-04 -- 2017-10The 15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Side Event III - Workshop on Anaerobic Fermentation Biotechnology for Orga学会国際運営委員会/運営委員
2019-03 -- 2019-11International Conference on Advances in Food and Industrial Biotechnology学会国際運営委員会/運営委員
2019-03 -- 2019-11International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology (NHBT-2019)学会国際運営委員会/運営委員
2019-09 -- 2021-03第4回畜産廃棄物と農村環境における持続可能な管理の進捗に関する国際会議学会運営委員会/運営、実行委員
2017-08 -- (現在)エルゼビア国際ジャーナルBioresource Technology Reportsの編集委員
2020-04 -- 2021-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2019-04 -- 2020-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2018-04 -- 2019-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2017-04 -- 2018-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2016-04 -- 2017-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2015-04 -- 2016-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2014-04 -- 2015-03SUSTEP Program副委員長
2013-04 -- 2014-03SUSTEP Program委員
2013-11 -- 2013-11During Nov 13-15, guided 11 students to attend the 50th Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Water Treatment Biology in Kobe, Japan.
2013-04 -- 2014-03Assisted Prof ZHANG Zhenya in the guidance of 13 Doctoral and 24 Master program students in addition to supervising 1 Master student of my own. During the past year 2013, 6 students obtained their Doctoral degree and 14 students got their Master degree; among them three of them were honored with the Principal Award (from University of Tsukuba) and one of them was awarded with the Dean Award (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences)
2012-11 -- 2013-03As one of the coordinators with Vietnamese and Chinese Universities and co-operated with Prof Higano and Prof Yabar, be responsible for the establishment of the MoUs with Fudan University (China) and Danang University (Vietnam). Now the two MoUs are in progress.
2013-03 -- 2013-03Together with Prof Miyamoto, Prof Mizunoya and Prof Kaida, visited Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. On 27 March, 2013, delivered a speech titled as’ Research on Wastewater Treatment and Recycling’ and sought the chance of cooperation with the Professors in UGM.
2012-11 -- 2012-11Guided two graduate students to take part in the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Water Treatment Biology, and delivered two presentations: 1) Nitrite removal from synthetic wastewater by electrical method; and 2) Adsorption removal of phosphate from aqueous solution through Kanuma clay.
2012-11 -- 2012-11Together with Prof Higano, visited Hanoi University of Science, JICA Vietnam Office, Vietnam International Education Development (VIED), and Danang University, Vietnam. Did preparation for SUSTEP program. On 22 Nov, 2012, gave an introduction of University of Tsukuba titled as ‘Welcome to Join University of Tsukuba’ to the Vietnamese students and young teachers at the Japanese University Fair held in Danang University
2012-05 -- 2012-05Together with Prof Masuda, visited Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam and JICA Vietnam Office. On 11 May, 2012, introduced one Master program of Environmental Sciences (UT) titled ‘Master’s Level English Program in Waste Management’ to the related departments of HUS, and started the coordination between UT and HUS.

(最終更新日: 2024-09-20)