BUZAS Diana Mihaela(ブザス ディアナ ミハエラ)

Iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis
Cellular memory
Flowering Locus C
DNA glycosylase
DNA demethylation
Polycomb and Tritorax group proteins
アブラナ科葉根菜類晩抽性品種育成のための技術開発2023-10 -- 2026-03藤本 龍JST/37,375,000円
Genetic evidence for the role of cold-induced factors and Flowering Locus C in perennial growth of Arabidopsis halleri gemmifera2020-04 -- 2023-03BUZAS Diana Mihaela日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C)4,290,000円
2019 Joint Research Meeting National Institute of Genetics2019-08 -- 2019-08Diana Buzas Taisuke NishimuraNational Institute of Genetics/300,000円
THE PLANT EPIGENETICS CONSORTIUM IN JAPAN- SECOND MEETING2017 -- 2017Diana Buzas, Ryo FujimotoCollaborative Research Meeting, National Institute of Genetics/280,000円
The DNA elements of vernalization insensitive 3 gene for quantitative and priming epigenetic memory of cold2016 -- 2017ブザス ディアナ・ミハエラ独立行政法人日本学術振興会/新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)10,660,000円
Role of a novel DNA demethylation enzyme in epigenetic memory2015 -- 2017ブザス ディアナ・ミハエラ独立行政法人日本学術振興会/平成27年度科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B)4,290,000円
1st Meeting of the Plant Epigenetic Consortium in Japan2015 -- 2015ブザス ディアナ・ミハエラCollaborative research meeting, National Institute of Genetics/340,000円
Ecological study of winter memory in Brassicaceae2015 -- 2015ブザス ディアナ・ミハエラCollaborative research, Center for Ecological Research Kyoto University/500,000円
Does mithocondria fine-tune nuclear epigenetic functions?2015 -- 2015ブザス ディアナ・ミハエラTokyo Agricultural University/1,000,000円
1999-09 -- 1999-12Durham UniversityVisiting Scientist
1998-07 -- 1998-10Romanian AcademyBiochemistry InstituteResearch Scientist
2000-10 -- 2001-08クイーンズランド大学客員研究員
2004-03 -- 2004-06クイーンズランド大学助手
2005-09 -- 2005-12クイーンズランド大学Plant Biotechnology Laboratory研究官
2006-07 -- 2009-07オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構Plant Industry, Program Xポストドクトラル・フェロー
2009-09 -- 2011-09奈良先端科学技術大学院大学学振PD特別研究員
2011-09 -- 2013-06奈良先端科学技術大学院大学ポストドクトラル・フェロー
2013-06 -- 2014-03長浜バイオ大学ポストドクトラル・フェロー
2014-04 -- 2015-03横浜市立大学木原生物学研究所助教
2002-08 -- 2006-06The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia) Biochemistry and Cell Biology Ph.D.
1995-09 -- 2000-06The University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (Bucharest, Romania) Bachelor of Engineering Horticulture
1995-06Mathematics and Physics Baccalaureate DiplomaMircea cel Batrin High School
2000-06Bachelor of Engineering HorticultureThe University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine (Bucharest, Romania)
2006-06Biochemistry and Cell Biology Ph.D. The University of Queensland (Brisbane, Australia)
2020-06Hofstedeh Insights: Introduction to Cross-Cultural Management Level 1+2
2018-10The Interchange Institute:Crossing Cultures with Competence
2015-07日本語能力試験 N3
2000-06Horticulture Engineer
2010-04 -- 2019-04日本植物生理学会
2012-04 -- 2019-04日本遺伝学会
2017/09GGS prize 2017
2012-09日本遺伝学会第84回大会BP審査委員特別賞Recipient of the Best Paper Special Recognition Award
  • The flowering season-meter at FLOWERING LOCUS C across life histories in crucifers
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Nishio Haruki; Kudoh Hiroshi
  • Repressive chromatin modification underpins the long-term expression trend of a perennial flowering gene in nature
    Nishio Haruki; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Nagano Atsushi J.; Iw...
    Nature Communications/11, 2020-05
  • Mutants in the Fe-S biogenesis component AtDRE2 develop twin embryos and are defective in DNA demethylation in the vegetative phase
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Kinoshita Test
    Molecular Life, 2018-06
  • Capturing environmental plant memories in DNA, with a little help from chromatin
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Plant cell Physiology/58(8)/pp.1302-1312, 2017-06
  • Ecological study of epigenetic memory of winter in crucifers
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    京都大学生態学研究センター Newsletter No. 133, 2016-07
  • DRE2を介した核ゲノムのエピジェネティック制御
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; 木下 哲
    生物資源ゲノム解析拠点ニュースレター No.3, 2015
  • Long-distance signaling in nodulation directed by a CLAVATA1-like receptor kinase
    Searle IR; Men AE; Laniya TS; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Iturbe-Orm...
    Science, 2003-01
  • Transformation of Lotus japonicus using the herbicide resistance bar gene as a selectable marker
    Lohar DP; Schuller K; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Gresshoff PM; Stil...
    Journal of Experimental Botany, 2001-08
  • Promoter trapping in Lotus japonicus reveals novel root and nodule GUS expression domains
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Lohar D; Sato S; Nakamura Y; Tabata S; Vi...
    Plant Cell Physiology, 2005-08
  • Short- and long-distance control of root development by LjHAR1 during the juvenile stage of Lotus japonicus
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Gresshoff PM
    Journal of Plant Physiology, 2007-04
  • UBIQUITIN-SPECIFIC PROTEASE 26 is required for seed development and the repression of PHERES1 in Arabidopsis
    Luo M; Luo MZ; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Finnegan J; Helliwell C; D...
    Genetics, 2008-09
  • Polycomb proteins regulate the quantitative induction of VERNALIZATION INSENSITIVE 3 in response to low temperatures
    Jean Finnegan E; Bond DM; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Goodrich J; He...
    Plant Journal, 2011-02
  • Transcription-dependence of histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation at the Arabidopsis polycomb target gene FLC
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Robertson M; Finnegan EJ; Helliwell CA
    Plant Journal, 2011-01
  • Vernalization-repression of Arabidopsis FLC requires promoter sequences but not antisense transcripts
    Helliwell CA; Robertson M; Finnegan EJ; Buzas Diana Mihaela; ...
    PLoS One, 2011-06
  • FLC: A Hidden Polycomb Response Element Shows Up in Silence
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Tamada Y; Kurata T
    Plant Cell Physiology, 2012-05
  • The role of Arabidopsis thaliana NAR1, a cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly component, in gametophytic gene expression and oxidative stress responses in vegetative tissue
    Nakamura M; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Kato A; Fujita M; Kurata N; K...
    New Phytologist, 2013-09
  • Arabidopsis Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 binding sites contain putative GAGA factor binding motifs within coding regions of genes
    Deng W; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Ying H; Robertson M; Taylor J; Pe...
    BMC Genomics, 2013-08
  • Epigenetic role for the conserved Fe-S cluster biogenesis protein Dre2 in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Nakamura M; Kinoshita T
    PNAS, 2014-09
  • Emerging links between iron sulfur clusters and 5 methyl cytosine base excision repair in plants
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Genes and Genetics Systems/91(2)/pp.51-62, 2016
  • From the laboratory to the field: assaying histone methylation at FLOWERING LOCUS C in naturally growing Arabidopsis halleri
    Nishio H; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Nagano AJ; Suzuki Y; Sugano S; ...
    Genes and Genetics Systems/91(1)/pp.15-26, 2016-07
  • Integrated functional genomics to define the plant’s function in symbiotic nodulation
    Gressfoff PM; Stiller J; Maguire T; Lohar D; Ayanru S; Buzas D...
    CAB international Nitrogen fixation, 2002
  • Systemic regulation of nodulation by a leaf-controlled LRR-receptor kinase
    Gresshoff PM; Buzas Diana Mihaela; Titeki Laniya; Artem Men; ...
    International Congress of Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 2005
  • Functional assessment and epigenetic editing of Brassica rapa FLC in Arabidopsis thaliana
    BUZAS DIANA Mihaela
    International Plant Molecular Biology/2024/06/24--2024/06/28
  • Determinism to chaos: 20 decades of science ongoing
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Science Ongoing/2021-03-13--2021-03-13
  • Determinism to chaos:two decades of science ongoing
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Science Ongoing/2021-03-13
  • Exploring Contrasting Attitudes Toward Working Online (Contrast Culture Method SIG)
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    SIETAR Japan 35th Annual Conference/2020-11-07--2020-11-08
  • Epigenetics and Culture: Are there emerging links?
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    The 3rd meeting of the Plant Epigenetics Consortium in Japan, NIG 2019/2019-08-29--2019-08-30
  • Epigenetics and Culture: Are there emerging links?
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    The 3rd meeting of the Plant Epigenetics Consortium in Japan, NIG 2019/2019-08-29--2019-08-30
  • Opening- Bridging cultures in an academic environment: Soujourners meet interculturalists
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    TGSW 2018/2018-09-20--2018-09-20
  • Bridging cultures in an academic environment: Soujourners meet interculturalists"
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Tsukuba Global Science Week/2018-09-20--2018-09-20
  • Vernalization upstream and downstream of FLC: from annuals to perennials and from lab to field
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Plant Epigenetics Consortium in Japan- second biannual meeting
  • Plant Epigenetics Consortium in Japan- second biannual meeting
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Plant Epigenetics Consortium in Japan- second biannual meeting/2017-08-31--2017-09-01
  • Quantitative and priming memory of cold at Vernalization Insensitive locus 3
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    International Symposium on Environmental Stress Adaptation & Memory in Plants/2017-02-27--2017-02-28
  • Uncovering biological roles of AtDRE2 as a cytosolic iron-sulfur biogenesis component and beyond
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    The Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Latest Advances in Plant Development & Environmental Responses/2016-11-29--2016-12-2
  • 35S::GUS gene expression in independent transgenic lines of Lotus japonicus
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Ion Nicolae; Peter Gresshoff; Simona Ra...
    XXIX Annual Meeting of European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research/1999--1999
  • A promoter trap jumps into the ENOD40 spotlight; Second European Conference on model legumes
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Peter Gresshoff; Dasharath Lohar; Shuse...
    Max Planck Institute Conference Berlin/2001--2001
  • Polycomb protein binding sites associated with distinct epigenetic states of a floral repressor in Arabidopsis
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Liz Dennis; Chris Helliwell
    Epigentics, Perth/2007-11-04--2007-11-07
  • Legume nodulation: taking a leaf from Arabidopsis; Plant Genomes: From Sequence to Phenome
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Peter Gresshoff; Bernie Carroll
    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Conference series/2004-12-09--2004-12-12
  • An experimental system to investigate sequential steps in Polycomb gene repression
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Jean Finnegan; Chris Helliwell
    EMBO conference series on Chromatin and Epigenetics/2009-05-13--2009-05-17
  • A genetic dissection of DNA de-methylation using Arabidopsis thaliana endosperm
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Yoko Ikeda; Yuki Kinoshita; Tetsu Kinos...
    21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research/2010-06-06--2010-06-10
  • A genetic dissection of DNA de-methylation using Arabidopsis thaliana endosperm. Epigenetics: Mechanisms, Development and Disease
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Gordon Conference series/2011-08-07--2011-08-11
  • An epigenetic role for the conserved Fe-S cluster biogenesis protein Dre2 in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    JSPP 52 Annual meeting Toyama/2014-03-20--2014-03-22
  • A Universal redox sensor control DNA methylation dynamics
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Genetics Society of Japan 85 meeting, Yokohama/2013-09-21--2013-09-23
  • DNA de-methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana female gametophyte: is DEMETER alone?
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Genetics Society of Japan 84 meeting, Fukuoka/2012-09-24--2012-09-24
  • Role of ALAC4 in DNA methylation dynamics of endosperm imprinted genes
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    JSPP 50 Annual meeting/2012-03-16--2012-03-18
  • FLC: A Hidden Polycomb Response Element Shows Up in Silence
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Top Runners - Women’s life in Science workshop NAIST/2012-01-19--2012-01-19
  • Epigenetic role for the conserved Fe-S cluster biogenesis protein AtDre2 in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Buzas Diana Mihaela; Yoko Ikeda
    平成26年度 岡山大学資源植物科学研究所 第2回共同利用・共同研究ワークショップ/2015-01-31--2015-01-31
  • さらに表示...
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学演習IIF(春)筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-12グローバルフードセキュリティー特論筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IIF(春)筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02エピジェネティクス特論筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08エピジェネティクス特論筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IIS筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02生物圏資源科学講究III筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08生物圏資源科学講究III筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02農林生物学特別研究IIF筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08農林生物学特別研究IS筑波大学
2019-12 -- 2019-12A day with a scientist - the pilot programBuzas Diana Mihaela
2017-07 -- 2017-07How Foreigners Can Avail of Health Services in Tsukuba
2017-04 -- 2017-06Communication Techniques (01AB007)Diana Buzas
  • CCM SIG: The Actor's Studio: Acting Out Real Life with Intercultural Goals
    Buzas Diana Mihaela
    Facing Uncertain Times Together: Strengthening Intercultural Connections/2018-08-08--2018-08-11
2019-01 -- 2019-01T-PIRCInternational collaboration
2015-04 -- (現在)Committee for English ProgramMember
2015-04 -- (現在)遺伝子実験センター 全国共同利用・共同研究拠点「形質転換植物デザイン研究拠点」拠点第一部門受入教員
2015-04 -- (現在)生物圏資源科学専攻国際連携Member
2012 -- (現在)Reviewer for Scientific Reports, Plant Cell, PLOS Genetics, Biologia Planetarium, Journal of Plant Physiology, New Physiologist, Frontiers in Plant Science, Acs Synthetic Biology
2015-04 -- 2016-04Faculty Social Interaction Initiative (HANAKIN)

(最終更新日: 2024-08-30)