McLEOD Gary Roderick(マクラウド ギャリー ロデリック)

An archive of rephotography projects along Tohoku’s recovering coast2023-01 -- 2024-12Gary McLeod公益財団法人DNP文化振興財団 グラフィック文化に関する学術研究助成/400,000円
Landscape Loading: a study of anticipated change, trust and photomedia literacy in "New Tohoku"2022-04 -- 2026-03Gary McLEOD日本学術振興会(JSPS) 科学研究費助成事業(KAKEN)/若手研究3,770,000円
視覚的方法論におけるグーグルストリートビューの役割の再調査2021-07 -- 2022-03Gary McLeod筑波大学/2021年度芸術系研究プロジェクト(研究基盤整備)200,000円
東京2020オリンピックにおける不確実性の再撮影2020-06 -- 2024-07Gary McLeod筑波大学/2020年度芸術系研究プロジェクト(研究基盤整備)249,000円
Finding Time: temporality and photomedia literacy as experienced during the "Recovery and Reconstruction Games"2019-10 -- 2022-03Gary McLeod日本学術振興会(JSPS) 科学研究費助成事業(KAKEN)/研究活動スタート支援2,470,000円
Finding Time in a Can: Time Poverty and Photomedia2019-06 -- 2020-03Gary McLeod筑波大学/2019年度芸術系研究プロジェクト(研究基盤整備)294,000円
2019-04 -- (現在)筑波大学芸術系助教
2016-09 -- 2021-09ファルマス大学写真学部講師
2017-04 -- 2019-03法政大学グローバル教養学部助教
2012-09 -- 2015-01イズミル経済学大学芸術系講師
2011-07 -- 2012-07Raffles Design Instituteビジュアルコミュニケーションデザイン講師
2011-01 -- 2011-05Canterbury Christ Church UniversityDepartment of MediaLecturer
2010-10 -- 2011-05Loughborough UniversityVisual Communication DesignLecturer
2009-09 -- 2016-06ロンドン芸術大学 写真 博士号
2006-09 -- 2008-07ロンドン芸術大学 デジタル芸術 修士号
1998-10 -- 2001-06ウィンブルドン美術学校 芸術 学士号
2020-09 -- (現在)International Visual Literacy Association
2018-07 -- 2021-03英国王立写真協会
2018-06 -- 2019-06International Visual Sociology Association
2018-06 -- 2019-06Society for Photographic Education
  • Slow glass: a case for photomedia literacy
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Journal of Visual Literacy/42(4)/pp.287-308, 2023-09
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Fotografija, 2023-11
  • Confessions of a Crap Visual Researcher
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Membrana/8(1)/pp.145-162, 2023-11
  • 'Reverse’ Ground Truthing: Looking again at rephotographing virtually
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    ADADA 2020 conference proceedings, 2020-12
  • Canning Time: Problematizing Time Poverty with Pinhole Cameras
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020 (TGSW2020) Art Session – Capacity for Depiction: the role of art and design in science proceedings/pp.7-11, 2020-11
  • Rephotograph (v)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Philosophy of Photography/10(1)/pp.89-99, 2019-04
  • Rephotography for photographers: discussing methodological compromises by post-graduate online learners of photography
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Journal of Visual Literacy, 2019-01
  • The Past is a Different Time Zone : notes on rephotography, place and time
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    GIS journal : the Hosei journal of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies/4/pp.1-20, 2018-03
  • Rephotographing Place Together: Japan and the Challenger expedition
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Cumulus 2016: In this Place/pp.381-391, 2016-04
  • Rephotographic Powers: revisiting rephotography at Photomedia 2014
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Martinsson Tyrone; Itälahti Mikk...
    Photographic Powers: Helsinki Photomedia 2014,/pp.45-83, 2015-09
  • Rephotographic Powers: Teaching Rephotography as a Platform for Visual Communication in Turkey
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2015 Official Conference Proceedings, 2015-04
  • Aliens & Creativity: the Visual Practice-led Inquiries of a Foreigner
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Art of Research V conference, 2014-11
  • The User’s Point of View: Borrowing a rephotographic approach towards using user-generated images in experience driven design
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Mura Gökhan
    5th International Congress: Consilience & Innovation in Design/pp.4510-4521, 2013-09
  • In the wake of SNS Challenger: Rephotographing collectively online with informal learners
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education/11(2)/pp.177-197, 2012-12
  • Magic Brewing: Coffee and Visual Literacy in the Darkroom
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Book of Selected Readings 2023/International Visual Literacy Association/pp.100-112, 2024-07
  • Visual Literacy and Virtual Rephotography
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Book of Selected Readings 2021/International Visual Literacy Association/pp.81-93, 2021-07
  • Vilém Flusser: Play/Read/Write/See
    McLEOD Gary Roderick
    Connecting Visual Literacy to Theory: Revisiting the Disruptions of Visual Thinkers in Education and Beyond/Routledge/pp.23-37, 2024-07
  • Rephotography: Expanding Conversations about Place over Time
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Routledge, 2025-06
  • Photomedia Literacy in Ruins? contemporary formal learner attitudes toward digital and analogue photomedia when creating an archive for the future
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Hara Tad
    Teaching Visually: A Guidebook to Visually Immersed Higher Education/Brill/Sense, 2022-12
  • An Unfolding Voyage: Rephotography and the Challenger Expedition
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • Other Days, Other Ways: an introduction to rephotography
    McLEOD Gary Roderick
    【リフォトグラフィ× 復興する東北沿岸部】オンラインシンポジウムのご案内/2024-12-14--2024-12-14
  • コーヒー・イン・ザ・ダーク:カフェノールの環境影響と、環境に優しい暗室のあり方を 模索する上での重要性
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Ibañez Sandoval Marita
    2023 年度 日本写真学会年次大会/2023-07-17--2023-07-19
  • ILC の風景におけるリフォトグラフィーと不確実性について
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    2023 年度 日本写真学会年次大会/2023-07-17--2023-07-19
  • Caffenol in the Darkroom: Exploring its Potential as a Tool for Teaching Visual Literacy
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Ibañez Sandoval Marita
    55th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Ways of Seeing/2023-10-02--2023-10-08
  • Seen being made: the magic in photomedia literacy
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    55th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Ways of Seeing/2023-10-02--2023-10-08
  • Between Lay and Me: Navigating representations of change in rephotographing Challengers Japan
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Beyond the Ocean Depths: Revisiting the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876)/2023-11-07--2023-11-08
  • Yokai in the Machine: reconsidering a gesture of 3D scanning in modelling formative qualities of artwork for the visually impaired
    McLeod Gary Roderick; Miyasaka Shinji
    Helsinki Photomedia 2024/2024-04-11--2024-04-13
  • Welcome to Neo-Tohoku: Rephotography and Models of Uncertain Change
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Photomedia 2024/2024-04-11--2024-04-13
  • Magic that Works: three photomedia literacy strategies for digital art and design education
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    20th International Conference for Asia Digital Art and Design 2022/2022-11-26--2022-11-27
  • Between Dimensions: an alternative tactile approach for visually impaired art appreciation
    Miyasaka Shinji; McLeod Gary; EMURA Tadahiko; Takemoto H...
    ICOM Prague 2022– International Committee for Education and Cultural Action/2022-08-20--2022-08-28
  • A time travelling first-person armchair detective adventure into photomedia
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    54th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Seeing Across Disciplines‒Visual Literacy and Education/2022-08-10--2022-08-12
  • Street Re-View: Problematizing Google Street View through participatory rephotography in Kamaishi, Japan
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    The 7th International Visual Methods Conference: Decolonizing Design/2021-12-13--2021-12-14
  • Slow Glass: Temporality & Photomedia literacy
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    53rd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Seeing Across Disciplines‒Visual Literacy and Education/2021-11-04--2021-11-06
  • Shared Glass: Photomedia And Visual Communication At The ILC
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    ILC workshop experiments 2022/2021-10-26--2021-10-29
  • Finding Time in Iwate
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    The 11th Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia2020)/2020-11-12--2020-11-14
  • Learning not to go there (again): virtual rephotography and visual literacy
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    52nd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association: Visual Literacy in the Virtual Realm/2020-09-24--2020-09-26
  • Art and Design through Corona: The Role of Art in Global Issues
    Fujita Naoko; 貴広 森尾; 美希 山本; McLeod Gary
    Tsukuba Global Science Week 2020/2020-09-18--2020-10-18
  • The ‘Decommissioning’ of SNS Challenger: a Case Study of Contemporary Obstacles Facing Collective Use of Archival Imagery in the Age of Participatory Media
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    ICOM Maizuru Meeting 2018/2018-09-30--2018-09-30
  • Right Here, Right Now: Teaching rephotography in an era of post-truth.
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Photomedia 2018: Reconsidering the “Post-truth Condition”: Epistemologies of the photographic image/2018-03-26--2018-03-28
  • Then and Again: Can rephotography deepen critical visual skills in the classroom
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    The 4th Japan Conference of the Asia Digital Art and Design Association,/2017-11-03--2017-11-03
  • Reveling in Difference: A critical look at the illustrative power of ‘rephotography’.
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Mediasia 2017: "History, Story, Narrative"./2017-10-27--2017-10-29
  • Shared Sight/s: Reconsidering an application of participatory rephotography.
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    The 5th International Visual Methods Conference: Visualizing the City,/2017-08-16--2017-08-18
  • リフォトグラフィーのアーカイブ -復興する東北沿岸部-
    McLEOD Gary Roderick
  • EPSITE Epson Imaging Gallery, Tokyo「WALL ENDINGS」PHOTO INSTALLATION (2024)
    McLEOD Gary Roderick
  • 釜石市展ホールTETTO Exhibition: [Finding Time in Kamaishi Vol. 3] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2024)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • 2023年度日本写真学会年次大会サロン(オンライン) [Landscape Loading], VIDEO
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • University of Tsukuba Art & Design Street 2023 [Sunburn] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2023)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • University of Tsukuba Art Space [Tell 'em I Tried] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2023)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • 釜石市展ホールTETTO Exhibition: [Finding Time in Kamaishi Vol. 2] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2023)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • IVSA exhibiton 2022: What is an Image? [ダイヤ乱れ (Schedule Disruption)] VIDEO (2022)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • IVLA Expo 2022: Views and Visions: Connecting and Sharing the Visual: [GSV rephotographs] DIGITAL IMAGES (2022)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • 釜石市展ホールTETTO Exhibition: [Finding Time in Kamaishi] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2022)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • 7th International Visual Methods Conference, Film Festival: [Once in a Lifetime] VIDEO (2021)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • IVLA Expo 2021: Seeing Across Disciplines: [Finding Time] DIGITAL IMAGES (2021)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • IVLA Expo 2020: Visual Messages virtual exhibition: [Tokyo 2020+0] DIGITAL IMAGES (2020)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • 1839 Gallery, Taipei: [Shared Sight/s] SOLO PHOTO EXHIBITION (2016)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • Siggraph Aisa 2015, Kobe: [At Home with Others] PHOTO INSTALLATION (2015)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
  • Izmir with Mark Klett – EXHIBITION CATALOGUE (2013)
    McLeod Gary Roderick
2024-04 -- 2024-08インターンシップ(日本芸術)筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08構成オムニバス講座I筑波大学
2024-08 -- 2024-09フォトメディア演習A筑波大学
2024-11 -- 2025-02構成特別演習II筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08構成特別演習I筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2024-11構成特別演習I筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08ビジュアルデザイン領域研究II筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08芸術学特別演習IA筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02ビジュアルデザイン領域特別演習III筑波大学
2024-11 -- 2024-12大学を開くデザインプロデュースC筑波大学
2023-06 -- 2023-06High School Talk: Introduction to Photomedia LiteracyUniversity of Tsukuba
2023-10 -- 2023-10High School Talk: Seeing SlowlyKamaishi Compass
2024-02 -- 2024-02Messy Magic: a photomedia literacy workshopKamaishi Compass
2022-06 -- 2022-06High School talk: Introduction to Photomedia LiteracyUniversity of Tsukuba
2022-05 -- 2022-05High School Talk: Introduction to Photomedia LiteracyOsaka Jogakuin High School
2022-12 -- 2022-12High School Talk: Seeing SlowlyKamaishi Compass
  • Finding Time in Kamaishi
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Izmir University of Economics/2021-05-21--2021-05-21
  • Virtual Rephotography
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Falmouth University/2020-04-29--2020-04-29
  • The Past is a Different Time Zone
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    MEDIT Seminar/2018-03-29--2018-03-29
  • Participatory Rephotography: expanding conversations about place over time
    McLeod Gary Roderick
    Hosei University/2017-11-07--2017-11-07

(最終更新日: 2025-01-08)