岩田 卓(イワタ スグル)

1次視覚野における神経活動の応答性及び方位選択性に対する細胞内輸送系の寄与の解明2024-04 -- 2026-03岩田卓日本学術振興会/科学研究費助成事業 若手研究4,680,000円
モータータンパク質の局所受容体分布調節による包括的多シナプス機能制 御システムの解明2023-10 -- 2028-03岩田卓武田科学振興財団/医学系研究助成(精神・神経・脳領域)2,000,000円
レーザー光を照射した際の生体細胞を介した光散乱の計測に基づく新規3次元計測解析システムの創出2023-04 -- 2024-03岩田卓筑波大学国際産学連携本部/系横断R&Dプロジェクト2,000,000円
発達期における視覚機能成熟に対する細胞内輸送系の寄与解明2022-04 -- 2024-03岩田卓日本学術振興会/若手研究4,680,000円
キネシン分子モーターによる神経突起内分子機構の解明2022-02 -- 2023-04岩田卓公益財団法人 上原記念生命科学財団/2021年度研究奨励金2,000,000円
特定のT細胞サブセットによる中枢神経障害の解明2019-04 -- 2022-03武井陽介日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) (分担者)4,420,000円
2021-03 -- (現在)筑波大学医学医療系 生命医科学域 解剖学・神経科学研究室助教
2018-04 -- 2021-02東京大学大学院医学系研究科 分子構造・動態・病態学講座特任研究員
2014-04 -- 2018-03東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 分子細胞生物学専攻 博士課程
2012-04 -- 2014-03東京大学 大学院医学系研究科 医科学専攻 修士課程
2008-04 -- 2012-03大阪大学 理学部 生物科学科 生命理学コース
2023-06 -- (現在)北米神経科学会
2021-02 -- (現在)日本神経科学学会
2021-01 -- (現在)日本解剖学会
  • Increased maternal expression of retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt intensifies the incidence of miscarriage triggered by polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid.
    Koki Higuchi; Sara Kamiya; Asumi Kubo; Kenyu Nakamura; Mo...
    Proceeding of the 112th Annual Meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Association of Anatomists./112(1)/pp.17-17, 2024-12-01
  • A case report of an Adachi-Williams type CG plus H aortic arch anomaly and implications for the development of the cervicothoracic circulation
    Yoshihara Masaharu; Watabe Yoshitoku; Morikawa Momo; I...
    Folia Morphologica, 2024-10
  • Microstructural abnormalities of the cerebral cortex and autism spectrum disorders: from human pathology to animal models
    Sae Sanaka; Koki Higuchi; Kenyu Nakamura; Momo Morika...
    Medical Sciense Digest, 2024-09
  • KIF4 regulates neuronal morphology and seizure susceptibility via the PARP1 signaling pathway
    Wan Yuansong; Morikawa Momo; Morikawa Manatsu; Iwata ...
    JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY/222(2), 2023-02-06
  • Cortical IL-17RA expression during postnatal development and its changes in an ASD model animal
    Yoshitoku Watabe; Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Haruka K...
    Japanese Association of Anatomists 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/110(1)/pp.13-13, 2022-10-01
  • Neonatal immune challenge-induced changes in KIF gene expression in the brain
    Yohei Soga; Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamar...
    Proceeding of the 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/110(1)/p.14, 2022-10
  • Expression of IL-17RA in the cerebral cortex of mice during postnatal development and its alteration by maternal immune activation.
    Sasaki Tetsuya
    Proceeding of the 127th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/127/pp.148-148, 2022-03
  • Introduction of Laboratory: Laboratory introduction: Laboratory of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
    Structure and Function/20(2)/pp.76-78, 2022-03
  • An activity-dependent local transport regulation via degradation and synthesis of KIF17 underlying cognitive flexibility
    Suguru Iwata; Momo Morikawa; Yosuke Takei; Nobutaka Hiro...
    Science Advances/6(51)/pp.eabc8355-eabc8355, 2020-12
  • Imaging of activity-dependent local translation in dendrite using photoconvertible protein
    Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Yosuke Takei
    Medical Science Digest/46(6)/pp.64-65, 2020-06
  • Analysis of the subcellular localization of the ASD risk gene Myosin Id
    Kenyu Nakamura; Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Sae Sanaka; ...
    The 112th Annual Meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Association of Anatomists./2024-12-01--2024-12-01
  • Distribution of IL-17RA mRNA in the developing cortex and its changes in animal models of ASD.
    Asumi Kubo; Sara Kamiya; Kenyu Nakamura; Koki Higuchi...
    The 112th Annual Meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Association of Anatomists./2024-12-01--2024-12-01
  • Increased maternal expression of retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt intensifies the incidence of miscarriage triggered by polyinosinic–polycytidylic acid.
    Koki Higuchi; Sara Kamiya; Asumi Kubo; Kenyu Nakamura...
    The 112th Annual Meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Association of Anatomists/2024-12-01--2024-12-01
  • Postnatal IL-17RA mRNA Dynamics in the Cerebral Cortex and Alterations in a Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Kamiya Sara; Kubo Asumi; Nakamura Ken...
    Neuroscinece2024 (Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience)/2024-10-05--2024-10-09
  • An activity-dependent local transport regulation via local synthesis of kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) underlying cognitive flexibility
    IWATA Suguru
    FENS Forum 2024/2024-06-25--2024-06-29
  • Dynamic Expression of IL-17 Receptors in the Postnatal Cerebral Cortex: Impacts of Maternal Immune Activation
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Kamiya Sara; Kishi Kyoko; Nakamura Ke...
    The 35th CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology/2024-05-23--2024-05-26
  • 細胞の3次元断面構造の深層学習による高確度・高速計測
    伊藤 雅英; 青木 貞雄; 星野 鉄哉; 岩田 卓; 武井 陽介
    Optics & Photonics Japan 2023/2023-11-27--2023-11-29
  • 神経突起内輸送動態を検知する光波散乱を用いた高速3次元解析システムの開発
    岩田 卓
  • IL-17A mRNA expression in the cerebral cortex during postnatal development and its alternations in an animal model of ASD.
    Kamiya Sara; Higuchi Koki; Nakamura Kenyu; Iwata Sugu...
    The 129th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists./2024-03-21--2024-03-23
  • An activity-dependent local transport regulation via local synthesis of kinesin superfamily proteins (KIFs) underlying cognitive flexibility
    Iwata Suguru
    Neuroscience 2023/2023-11-11--2023-11-15
  • Study of the function of molecular motor KIF5A in visual information processing during visual critical period
    Iwata Suguru
    The 49th Naito Conference/2023-07-04--2023-07-07
  • Role of IL-17A in cortical formation and its abnormalities in psychiatric disorders
    Sasaki Tetsuya; Kamiya Sara; Kishi Kyoko; Iwata Sugur...
    The 53rd Annual Meeting of the japanese society of Neuropsychopharmacology/2023-09-07--2023-09-08
  • 光波散乱計測を用いた分散培養ニューロンの3次元形態解析システム
    伊藤 雅英; 岩田卓; 星野鉄哉; 根東覚; 佐々木哲也; 武井陽介
  • 光波散乱計測を用いた分散培養ニューロンの3次元形態解析システム
    Iwata Suguru; Hoshino Tetsuya; Kondo Satoru; Sasaki Tets...
  • The function of axon guidance molecules in dendritic morphogenesis of cortical pyramidal cells
    Yoshitoku Watabe; Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Haruka K...
    The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20
  • Expression pattern of IL17RA in primary somatosensory cortex and its changes in animal models of autism
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Kyoko Kishi; Haruka Kanamaru; Yoshitoku ...
    The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20
  • Effects of T cell-specific retinoic acid orphan receptor factor-related nuclear receptor overexpression on poly(I:C)-induced abortion rate and central nervous system
    Yosuke Takei; Haruka Kanamaru; Suguru Iwata; Yoshitoku W...
    The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20
  • Mechanism of dendritic spine localization of myosin ld, a risk gene product for autism spectrum disorder
    Haruka Kanamaru; Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Yoshitoku ...
    The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20
  • Neonatal immune challenge-induced changes in the expression of KIFs in the brain
    Yohei Soga; Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamar...
    The 128th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/2023-03-18--2023-03-20
  • Cortical IL-17RA expression during postnatal development and its changes in an ASD model animal.
    Yoshitoku Watabe; Tetsuya Sasaki; Suguru Iwata; Haruka K...
    Japanese Association of Anatomists 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/2022-10-01--2022-10-01
  • Neonatal immune challenge-induced changes in KIF gene expression in the brain
    Yohei Soga; Suguru Iwata; Tetsuya Sasaki; Haruka Kanamar...
    Japanese Association of Anatomists 110th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/2022-10-01--2022-10-01
  • Distribution pattern of mRNA of Interleukin-17 receptor A in the murine primary somatosensory area during the postnatal period.
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Peiyi Bao; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
    The 33rd CINP World Congress of Neuropharmacology./2022-06-09--2022-06-12
  • Expression of IL-17RA in the cerebral cortex of mice during postnatal development and its alteration by maternal immune activation.
    Takei Yosuke; Bao Peiyi; Ohtsuka Masae; Suzaki Hiroko; Iw...
    The 127th Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists/2022-03-27--2022-03-29
  • Molecular motor Myosin Id localize to dendritic spines
    Tetsuya Sasaki; Masae Ohtsuka; Suguru Iwata; Yosuke Takei
    Japanese Association of Anatomists 109th Kanto Branch Academic Meeting/2021-09-11--2021-09-11
  • 記憶改変の基盤となる分子モーターKIF17の分解・合成を介した神経活動依存的な局所輸送制御機構
    Suguru Iwata; Momo Morikawa; Yosuke Takei; Nobutaka Hiro...
  • さらに表示...
  • 軟 X 線回折の波長依存性を用いた厳密な3次元断面形状計測
    伊藤 雅英; 岩田 卓; 武井 陽介; 青木 貞雄; 星野 鉄哉
2024-07 -- 2024-09神経科学実験・実習A筑波大学
2024-05 -- 2024-08人体構造学筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08キャリアプラン・研究者倫理・TFトレーニングセミナー筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02キャリアプラン・研究者倫理・TFトレーニングセミナー筑波大学
2024-07 -- 2024-07人体構造学実習筑波大学
2024-10 -- 2025-02キャリアプランセミナー筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-08キャリアプランセミナー筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-07機能形態学特論・同実習筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-06基礎医学総論筑波大学
2024-04 -- 2024-05神経科学基礎論A筑波大学
  • 局所的な樹状突起内輸送制御を基盤とした記憶書き換えメカニズムの解明
    Suguru Iwata

(最終更新日: 2024-09-27)