矢野 貴大(ヤノ タカヒロ)
- 所属
- 医学医療系
- 職名
- 助教
- 0000-0001-9364-454X
- 研究室
- 医学数理情報学研究室
- 職歴
2021-05 -- (現在) 筑波大学医学医療系助教 2020-01 -- 2021-04 筑波大学医学医療系研究員 2019-04 -- 2019-12 筑波大学人工知能科学センター研究員 - 学歴
2015-04 -- 2019-03 筑波大学 大学院システム情報工学研究科 コンピューターサイエンス専攻 博士後期課程 2013-04 -- 2015-03 筑波大学 大学院システム情報工学研究科 コンピューターサイエンス専攻 博士前期課程 2011-04 -- 2013-03 筑波大学 情報学群 情報科学類 2006-04 -- 2011-03 鈴鹿工業高等専門学校 電子情報工学科 - 取得学位
2019-03 博士(工学) 筑波大学 2015-03 修士(工学) 筑波大学 2013-03 学士(情報科学) 筑波大学 - 所属学協会
2018-08 -- (現在) 日本応用数理学会 - 論文
- Risk of postoperative pneumonia after extubation with the positive pressure versus normal pressure technique: a single-center retrospective observational study
Shimada Kensuke; Gosho Masahiko; Ohigashi Tomohiro; Ku...
Journal of anesthesia/Epub, 2024-09-12 - Toward a Patient-Centered Care Supporting System: Integration of Multidisciplinary Health Records in Breast Cancer Care
Sugiyama Atsuko; Utsunomiya Kazuki; Okumiya Hayato; Fu...
Studies in health technology and informatics/316/pp.1719-1723, 2024-08-22 - Integrated Electronic Health Record of Multidisciplinary Professionals Throughout the Cancer Care Pathway: A Pilot Study Exploring Patient-Centered Information in Breast Cancer Patients
Sugiyama Atsuko; Okumiya Hayato; Fujimoto Katsuhiko; U...
JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTHCARE/17/pp.2069-2081, 2024-04-01 - Integrated Electronic Health Record of Multidisciplinary Professionals Throughout the Cancer Care Pathway: A Pilot Study Exploring Patient-Centered Information in Breast Cancer Patients
Sugiyama Atsuko; Okumiya Hayato; Fujimoto Katsuhiko; U...
SSRN, 2023-11 - Efficient Implementation of a Dimensionality Reduction Method Using a Complex Moment-Based Subspace
Yano Takahiro; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai ...
Proceedings of HPC Asia 2021: the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region/pp.83-89, 2021-01 - A real-valued block conjugate gradient type method for solving complex symmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Futamura Yasunori; Yano Takahiro; Imakura Akira; Sakurai ...
Applications of Mathematics/62(4)/pp.333-355, 2017-08 - Performance evaluation of the Sakurai-Sugiura method with a block Krylov subspace linear solver for large dense Hermitian-definite generalized eigenvalue problems
Yano Takahiro; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai ...
JSIAM LETTERS/10/pp.77-80, 2018 - Multi-GPU Scalable Implementation of a Contour-Integral-Based Eigensolver for Real Symmetric Dense Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
Yano Takahiro; Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing/pp.121-127, 2013-12
- Risk of postoperative pneumonia after extubation with the positive pressure versus normal pressure technique: a single-center retrospective observational study
- 会議発表等
- 単一病院データを活用した研究開発
島田憲佑; 町野毅; 野口裕史; 増田典之; 松田高明; 古城公佑; 渡邉真哉; 鞍馬岳吏; 久米慶太郎; 矢野貴...
つくば医工連携フォーラム2025/2025/01/24--2025/01/24 - Toward a Patient-Centered Care Supporting System: Integration of Multidisciplinary Health Records in Breast Cancer Care
Sugiyama Atsuko; Utsunomiya Kazuki; Okumiya Hayato; Fu...
34th Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2024)/2024-08-25--2024-08-29 - Efficient Implementation of a Dimensionality Reduction Method Using a Complex Moment-Based Subspace
Yano Takahiro; Futamura Yasunori; Imakura Akira; Sakurai ...
The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPC Asia 2021)/2021-01-20--2021-01-22 - Multi-GPU Scalable Implementation of a Contour-Integral-Based Eigensolver for Real Symmetric Dense Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
Yano Takahiro; Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2013)/2013-10-28--2013-10-30
- 単一病院データを活用した研究開発
(最終更新日: 2025-01-16)