HO Kai Wing Kevin(ホー カイ ウィング ケヴィン)
- 所属
- ビジネスサイエンス系
- 職名
- 教授
- 0000-0003-1304-0573
- 研究分野
商学 図書館情報学・人文社会情報学 - 研究キーワード
E-services E-commerce social media misinformation fake news - 研究課題
Social Impact of False Health Information and Privacy: A Comparative Study During and After COVID-19 2023-04 -- 2026-03 HO Kai Wing Kevin The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/基盤研究(C) 4,680,000円 「モバイル×ソーシャル時代」のSNS使用と幸福感等に関する総合的研究 2021-04 -- 2025-03 叶 少瑜 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/ 16,250,000円 - 職歴
2022-04 -- (現在) 筑波大学MBA-IB ProgramProfessor of Management Information Systems 2018-08 -- 2022-03 University of GuamSchool of Business and Public Administration - Business DivisionProfessor of Management Information Systems 2013-08 -- 2018-07 University of GuamSchool of Business and Public Administration - Business DivisionAssociate Professor of Management Information Systems. 2009-08 -- 2013-07 University of GuamSchool of Business and Public Administration - Business DivisionAssistant Professor of Management Information Systems - 学歴
2001-09 -- 2008-06 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management 1999-09 -- 2001-08 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology School of Business and Management 1994-12 -- 1996-12 University of Oklahoma Department of Economics 1992-07 -- 1994-06 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Science - Department of Chemistry 1989-09 -- 1992-06 Hong Kong Baptist College Faculty of Science - Department of Chemistry - 取得学位
2008-06 Ph.D. in Information Systems Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2001-08 M.Sc. in Information Systems Management Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 1996-12 M.A. in Managerial Economics University of Oklahoma 1994-06 M.Phil. in Chemistry The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1992-06 B.Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Chemistry Hong Kong Baptist College - 免許資格等
2021-08 Certified Management & Business Educator - 所属学協会
2023-05 -- (現在) American Psychological Association 2021-05 -- (現在) Phi Kappa Phi 2019-05 -- (現在) Omicron Delta Epsilon 2008-11 -- (現在) Beta, Gamma, Sigma 2016-01 -- (現在) Society of American Military Engineers 2022-05 -- (現在) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2021-07 -- (現在) ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) - 論文
- University students’ subjective well-being in Japan between 2021 and 2023: Its relationship with social media use
Ye Shaoyu; Ho K.W. Kevin
Future Internet/17(3), 2025-03 - Causal relationships between university students’ social media use and subjective well-being in Japan: Examination through two-wave panel survey
Ye Shaoyu; Ho K.W. Kevin
Current Psychology/Epub, 2025-1 - Would you be healthier if you had more social capital? Focusing on university students' social media use in Japan
Ye Shaoyu; Ho K.W. Kevin
BMC Psychology/12(776), 2024-12 - Guest editorial: Contemporary learning behaviors on mobile devices and social media–part II
Chen Chia-Chen; Hung Patrick CK; Egrioglu Erol; Chiu ...
LIBRARY HI TECH/42(2)/pp.381-391, 2024-05 - A Tale of Two Cities: How Can We Use Social Media to Engage Young People with an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle in Hong Kong and Guam?
HO Kai Wing Kevin; Chen Yaoqin; Sayama Kristina L. C.; ...
Sustainability/16(16)/p.Article 7182, 2024-08 - Critical success factors of users’ continuous intention of adopting cryptocurrency exchanges: LAS-VICT principle
Au Cheuk Hang; HO Kai Wing Kevin; Law Kris. M. Y.; Chi...
Electronic Markets/34(1)/p.Article 43, 2024-08 - Unveiling Formations and Outcomes of Digital Consumer Frauds: An Expanded Routine Activity Theory Perspective
Au Cheuk Hang; Chou Chih-Yuan; HO Kai Wing Kevin
Au Cheuk Hang; Chou Chih-Yuan; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce/34(3), 2024-04 - Fake news, misinformation and privacy: how the COVID-19 pandemic changes our society and how blockchain and distributed ledger technologies reduce their effects?
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Au Ch (Allen); ...
Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice, 2023-12 - The Role of Celebrities’ Personality Traits & Endorsement on Consumers’ Online Brand Defending and Purchase Behaviour
Kang Chen-Yuen; Li Gerrard; Au Cheuk Hang; Ho Kai Win...
DIGIT 2023 PROCEEDINGS, 2023-12 - Developmental Strategies of Proliferating Cryptocurrencies – A Case Study on Solana
Li Gerrard; Au Cheuk Hang; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
DIGIT 2023 PROCEEDINGS, 2023-12 - Social Media Analytics of User Evaluation for Innovative Digital Cultural and Creative Products: Experiences Regarding Dunhuang Cultural Heritage
Ai Ziyan; Chiu Dickson K W; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE/17(3), 2024-03 - The Use of Social Media in Sustainable Green Lifestyle Adoption: Social Media Influencers and Value Co-Creation
Li Jiaqi; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin; So S...
SUSTAINABILITY/16(3), 2024-01 - Editorial: Special selection on current bibliometrics and reviews
Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
LIBRARY HI TECH/42(1)/pp.1-7, 2024-02 - Using infographics in disseminating healthy lifestyle information on social media is likely to increase uptake and sharing
Chu Sin Ting; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Health Information & Libraries Journal/Epub, 2024-03 - Effects of social media posting time on university students’ subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing different use patterns
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu; Kato Yuuki
電子情報通信学会研究技術報告/123(408)/pp.92-97, 2024-03 - Factors affecting the formation of false health information and the role of social media literacy in reducing its effects
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
INFORMATION/15(2), 2024-02 - Social media use and subjective well-being among university students in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ye Shaoyu; Ho K.W. Kevin
LIBRARY HI TECH/Epub, 2024-02 - Contemporary learning behaviors on mobile devices and social media
Chen Chia-Chen; Hung Patrick C.K.; Egrioglu Erol; Chiu...
LIBRARY HI TECH/41(5)/pp.1265-1274, 2023-10 - Special selection on advances in learning technologies
Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Library Hi Tech./41(6)/pp.1621-1630, 2023-11 - Drivers of Perceived Value of Cryptocurrency: Comparing Stablecoins and Non-stable Cryptocurrency
Li Gérrard; Au Cheuk Hang; Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Law Kri...
WeB 2023: The Twenty-Second Workshop on e-Business, 2023-12 - The Impact of Online Health Misinformation on the Public
Chen Chung Fu; Au Cheuk Hang; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
WeB 2023: The Twenty-Second Workshop on e-Business, 2023-12 - Consumers’ Online Brand Attacking and Defending Under Ideological Polarisation: A Case of Cantopop Group “Mirror”
Au C.H.; Chou C.Y.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
ICIS 2023, 2023-12 - Contextualization of Data Analytics Education
Au C.H.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
ICIS 2023 TREOS, 2023-12 - Digital transformation in remote learning and work: An externality of the COVID-19 pandemic
Ho K. W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Sekiguch...
IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING/28(1)/pp.10-17, 2024-1 - さらに表示...
- University students’ subjective well-being in Japan between 2021 and 2023: Its relationship with social media use
- 著書
- Emerging Technology-Based Services and Systems in Libraries, Educational Institutions, and Non-Profit Organizations
HO Kai Wing Kevin; CHiu Dickson K.W.
IGI Publishing, 2023-08 - How Important Is It to Be Beautiful?: The Effect of Beauty Premium on Wages
Li Linyan; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Handbook of Research on Driving Socioeconomic Development With Big Data/IGI, 2023 - COVID-19 Fake News on Twitter: A Statistical and Sentimental Analysis
Lu Yuk Ho; Chiu Chin Fung; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Ho Kai Wi...
Handbook of Research on Driving Socioeconomic Development With Big Data/IGI/pp.244-259, 2023 - Social Media Analytics for Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case Study of Hong Kong Next Generation Arts
Li Shanghao; Chiu Dickson K. W.; Kafeza Eleanna; Ho Kai ...
Handbook of Research on Driving Socioeconomic Development With Big Data/IGI/pp.277-295, 2023 - Green Space Development in Academic Libraries: A Case Study in Hong Kong
Ho Choi Yee; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Global Perspectives on Sustainable Library Practices/IGI Publishing/pp.142-156, 2022-10 - Guam: The place where America's day begins
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
The Routledge Handbook of Comparative Territorial Autonomies/Routledge/pp.178-191, 2022-06 - The Relationships Between Users' Negative Tweets, Topic Choices, and Subjective Well-Being in Japan
Ye Shaoyu; Wakabayashi Kei; Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Khan Muha...
Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics/pp.288-300, 2022-03 - A Comparison of Deep Learning Models in Time Series Forecasting of Web Traffic Data From Kaggle
Wang Bingnan; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics/pp.301-319, 2022-03 - Weibo Analysis on Chinese Cultural Knowledge for Gaming
He Zhixuan; Chiiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics/pp.320-349, 2022-03 - The relationships between users' negative tweets, topic choices, and subjective well-being in Japan
Ye Shaoyu; Wakabayashi Kei; Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Khan Muha...
Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics/Publisher of Timely Knowledge/pp.288-300, 2022-02 - A big data analysis of the factors influencing movie box office in China
Gao Wentao; Lam Ka Man; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing K...
Intelligent Analytics With Advanced Multi-Industry Applications/pp.232-249, 2021-03 - Exploring cryptocurrency sentiments with clustering text mining on social media
Fang Jiwen; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Intelligent Analytics With Advanced Multi-Industry Applications/pp.157-171, 2021-01 - User adoption of Government-to-Employee portal of Hong Kong Government
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Yu Calvin C.; Lai Michael C. L.
Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management/IGI Global/pp.1767-1779, 2016 - Engaging and developing the community through social media: A pragmatic analysis in policing context in Hong Kong
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Yu Calvin; Lai Michael CL
Government e-Strategic Planning and Management: Practices, Patterns and Roadmaps/Springer/pp.263-285, 2014 - An exploratory study on the information quality satisfaction of Central Cyber Government Office of the Hong Kong Government
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy/pp.615-626, 2010-02 - An Exploratory Study on the User Adoption of Central Cyber Government Office of the Hong Kong Government
HO KAI WING KEVIN; Calvin C. Yu; Michael C.L. Lai
Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy/pp.603-614, 2010-02 - Information quality satisfaction of communication portals: A study of Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO) of the Hong Kong Government
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Business Web Strategy: Design, Alignment, and Application: Design, Alignment, and Application, 2008-11 - Internet Auctions
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition/pp.2195-2199, 2008-10
- Emerging Technology-Based Services and Systems in Libraries, Educational Institutions, and Non-Profit Organizations
- 会議発表等
- Misinformation, disinformation and fake news: Its Implication to our daily life and our society
HO Kai Wing Kevin
International Conference on Intelligent Science and Sustainable Development 2024/2024-07-08--2024-07-11 - Generative AI and University Education
HO Kai Wing Kevin; Noguchi Akihiro
International Conference on Business, Economics, and Information Technology (ICBEIT) 204/2024-03-14--2024-03-25 - Ask the Publisher! A Q&A with the Professionals
HO Kai Wing Kevin
Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Spring 2024 Webinar Series/2024-05-02--2024-05-02 - The creation, spreading, and slowing down of false health information: A conceptual model
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
International Conference on Business, Economics & Information Technology (ICBEIT)/2024-03-14--2024-03-15 - Effects of social media posting time on university students’ subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing different use patterns
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu; Kato Yuuki
ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会(HCS)/2024-03-02--2024-03-03 - Factors influencing the formation of false health information
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
The 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business/2023-10-19--2023-10-23 - University students’ social media usage and subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing different social media use patterns from 2021 to 2023
Ye Shaoyu; Ho K.W. Kevin
AP Conference 2023/2023-12-02--2023-12-03 - An extensive literature review on spreading false health information before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
AP Conference 2023/2023-12-02--2023-12-03 - Japanese university students’ well-being during COVID-19 and its relationship with social media use
Ho K.W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
15th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology/2023-07-13--2023-07-15 - INFORMATION MANAGEMENT NEED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Nicolas Roland San
ICBEIT 2023/2023-03-17--2023-03-17 - University students’ social media usage and subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic :Comparing similarities and differences from 2021 to 2022
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会(HCS)/2023-01-21--2023-01-22 - A comparative study of the home computer user security behavioral intention
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
ICIS TREO Talk 2018/2018-12--2018-12 - The use of social media for engaging people with environmentally friendly lifestyle: A conceptual model
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
SIG Green Pre-ICIS Workshop 2018/2018-12--2018-12 - Dissemination of Online (Fake) Health Information: Habits, Catalyst, and Barriers
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2020/2020-07 - Consumer E-service evaluation in Hong Kong online music subscription industry
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; See-To Eric W.K.; Chiu Billy; Wu Mandy
PACIS 2013/2013-06 - An exploratory study on the impact of trust on different e-payment gateways: Octopus Card Vs. credit card
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; See-To Eric W.K.
PACIS 2010/2010-07 - Adoption of Mobile Services Upgrade: New and Current Users
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
AMCIS 2008/2008-08 - The effects of web personalization on influencing users' switching decisions to a new website
Ho Shuk Ying; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
PACIS 2008/2008-07 - An empirical analysis on factors affecting the success of different formats of online auction
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Yu Seunghee; Yoo Byungjoon
6th Workshop on e-Business (WEB 2007)/2007-12 - Panel: Fake News, Misinformation and Privacy: How COVID-19 Pandemic Change our Society
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Au C.H. (Allen); Da...
2022 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2022)/2022-10-18--2022-10-20 - Prediction of Mobile Coupon Use: Data Analytics of Influencing Factors
Liu Shiqi; Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
THECOG 2022/2022-10-21--2022-10-21 - A Study on the effects of product types and culture on the level of use of BIN auctions by sellers
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Yoo Byungjoon; Yee Seunghee; Tam Kar Yan
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, PACIS 2006/2006-07-06--2006-07-09 - The impact of information in electronic auctions: An analysis of buy-it-now auctions
Yoo Byungjoon; Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Tam Kar Yan
39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences/2006-01-04--2006-01-07 - Panel: AI and Library
Chiu Dickson K.W.; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Institute on AI and Blockchain (ICAIB 2022) for Information and Library Science - Challenges and Possibilities 2022/2022-05-25--2022-05-27
- Misinformation, disinformation and fake news: Its Implication to our daily life and our society
- 担当授業科目
2024-07 -- 2024-08 Seminar II 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Seminar II 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-11 Seminar V 筑波大学 2024-07 -- 2024-08 Seminar V 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 International Conference Seminar I 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 International Conference Seminar I 筑波大学 2024-05 -- 2024-07 Management Information Systems 筑波大学 2024-11 -- 2025-02 Seminar III 筑波大学 2024-05 -- 2024-06 Seminar I 筑波大学 2024-11 -- 2024-12 Fake news, Misinformation and Disinformation 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
2022-12 -- 2022-12 Library Hi Tech Webinar (December 9, 2022) Emerald Publishing Limited 2023-04 -- 2025-08 External Examiner for the MS in Library and Information Management, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong - 一般講演
- The social impact of false health information: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Invited Presentation at National Cheng Chi University, Taiwan/2023-10-20--2023-10-20 - Young generations' social media usage and mental health in Japan
Ye Shaoyu; Ho Kai Wing Kevin
Invited speech at Tajen University/2023-10-23--2023-10-23 - The social impact of false health information: Before and during the COVID 19 pandemic
Ho Kai Wing Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
Invited speech at Tajen University/2023-10-23--2023-10-23
- The social impact of false health information: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 学内管理運営業績
2022-04 -- (現在) MBA-IB Open Campus Committee Member 2023-04 -- (現在) MBA-IB Education Committee Member 2023-03 -- (現在) University of Tsukuba MBA-IB ABEST21 Accreditation Team Team Member - その他の活動
2023-10 -- (現在) Secretary, Society of American Military Engineers - Japan Post 2023-04 -- (現在) Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 2020-01 -- (現在) Co-Editor, Library Hi Tech - メッセージ
Prof. Kevin K.W. Ho joined the MBA Program in International Business, Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, at the University of Tsukuba in April 2022. He received his Ph.D. in Information Systems from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. Over the past twelve years, he has been teaching at the University of Guam. Kevin’s research focuses on electronic service, information systems and social media commerce strategy, fake news and misinformation, and sustainability management. His research has been published in Behaviour & Information Technology, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, Decision Support Systems, Government Information Quarterly, Health Policy, IEEE IT Professional, Information Systems Frontier, Information & Management, Internet Research, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Sciences, etc. He is currently the Co-Editor(-in-chief) of Library Hi Tech.
(最終更新日: 2024-08-29)