TOGOOBAATAR Ganchimeg(トゴバタラ ガンチメゲ)
- 所属
- 医学医療系
- 職名
- 助教
- eメール
- +<6C8=>B:<aI7Xgc<B6>Aa8DB
- 電話
- 029-853-3425
- 研究課題
Promotion of the respectful care childbirth in Mongolia: an exploratory study of the effects of facility-based intervention in a large public maternity hospital 2019-04 -- 2023-03 トゴバタラ ガンチメゲ 日本学術振興会/若手研究 4,160,000円 The effect on patient outcomes of a nursing intervention for Mongolian patients with heart failure 2019-04 -- 2025-03 Asako Katsumata Takekuma 文部科学省/ 4,420,000円 Women's experiences of maternity health care in Mongolia: Listening to Mothers survey 2016-04 -- 2019-03 TOGOOBAATAR Ganchimeg 日本学術振興会/科学研究費 若手研究(B) 3,770,000円 - 学歴
2010-04 -- 2013-03 The University of Tokyo Global Health Policy 2008-04 -- 2010-03 The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of International Health Global Health Policy 2005-10 -- 2007-06 Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences School of Medical Sciences 1995-09 -- 2001-07 Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences - 取得学位
2007/07 Master of Medical Science Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences 2010/03 Master of Health Science The University of Tokyo 2013/03 Ph.D in International Health The University of Tokyo - 受賞
2018-12 The Best educator, Mongolia contribution to nursing education and research 2018-12 Best health care provider, Mongolia contribution to health science and care - 論文
- Quality of life of mothers of children and adolescents with mental health problems in Mongolia: associations with the severity of children's mental health problems and family structure
Aoki Ai; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Tseveenjav Anudari; Ny...
GLOBAL MENTAL HEALTH/9/pp.298-305, 2022-04-01 - Factors associated with mental health among undergraduate nursing students early in the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative review
Sugimoto Keiko; Fukuzawa Rieko; Ganchimeg Togoobaatar; ...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP/20(1), 2023-07 - Validation of the person-centered maternity care scale at governmental health facilities in Cambodia
Naito Yuko Takahashi; Fukuzawa Rieko; Ganchimeg Togoob...
PLOS ONE/18(7)/pp.1-22, 2023-01 - Handwashing Practice among Elementary Schoolchildren in Urban Setting, Mongolia: A School-Based Cross-Sectional Survey
Enkhbat Munguntuul; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Erdenee Oyu...
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH/2022, 2022-09 - Exercise Intervention for Academic Achievement Among Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Takehara Kenji; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Kikuchi Akihito; L...
PEDIATRICS/148(5)/p.e2021052808, 2021-11 - Translation and validation of the Mongolian version of the Childbirth Experience Questionnaire
Parchaa Tsetsegmaa; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Fukuzawa Riek...
Journal of Patient Experience/8, 2021-11 - Socioeconomic and lifestyle factors associated with mental health problems among Mongolian elementary school children
Aoki Ai; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Tseveenjav Anudari; Ny...
SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY/57(4)/pp.791-803, 2022-04 - Validation of the parent version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to screen mental health problems among school-age children in Mongolia
Aoki Ai; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Naranbaatar Nyam; Khishig...
BMC Psychiatry/21(1), 2021-04 - アメリカICU最前線からの手紙と学生たちの反応
福澤 利江子; 杉本敬子; ガンチメゲ トゴバタラ; 竹熊カツマタ麻子
看護教育/61(10), 2020-10 - Provision of intensive care to severely ill pregnant women is associated with reduced mortality: Results from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health
Soares Fabiano M.; Pacagnella Rodolfo C.; Tuncalp Oezge; ...
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics/150(3)/pp.346-353, 2020-05 - The effectiveness of exercise intervention for academic achievement, cognitive function, and physical health among children in Mongolia: a cluster RCT study protocol
Takehara Kenji; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Kikuchi Akihito; G...
BMC Public Health/19(697), 2019-06 - モンゴルとの助産交流② モンゴルでのドゥーラワークショップ
福澤 利江子; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
助産雑誌/72(6)/pp.446-450, 2018-06 - モンゴルとの助産交流① モンゴルの助産教育事情
福澤 利江子; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; 杉本敬子; 岡山久代; Takekuma Katsum...
助産雑誌/72(5)/pp.370-373, 2018-05 - Risk of maternal mortality in women with severe anaemia during pregnancy and post partum: a multilevel analysis
Daru Jahnavi; Zamora Javier; Fernández-Félix Borja M; ...
The Lancet. Global health/6(5)/pp.e548-e554, 2018-03 - Provider-initiated delivery, late preterm birth and perinatal mortality: a secondary analysis of the WHO multicountry survey on maternal and newborn health
Naho Morisaki; Zhang Xun; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Vogel Jo...
BMJ Global Health/2(2), 2017-05 - Impact of stillbirths on international comparisons of preterm birth rates: a secondary analysis of the WHO multi-country survey of Maternal and Newborn Health.
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Naho Morisaki; JP Vogel; J Zetitl...
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 2017-02 - Impact of stillbirths on international comparisons of preterm birth rates: a secondary analysis of the WHO multi-country survey of Maternal and Newborn Health
Morisaki N; Ganchimeg T; Vogel J P; Zeitlin J; Cecatti J...
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology/124(9)/pp.1346-1354, 2017-02 - Prevalence of early initiation of breastfeeding and determinants of delayed initiation of breastfeeding: secondary analysis of the WHO Global Survey
Takahashi Kenzo; Ganchimeg Togoobaatar; Ota Erika; Vogel ...
Scientific reports/7, 2017-03 - Pregnancy and childbirth outcomes among adolescent mothers: a World Health Organization multicountry study
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Ota E; Morisaki N; Laopaiboon M; Lumb...
BJOG, 2014-03 - Use of antenatal corticosteroids and tocolytic drugs in preterm births in 29 countries: an analysis of the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health
Vogel JP; Souza JP; Gulmezoglu A M; Mori R; Lumbiganon P; Q...
LANCET, 2014-11 - Survey of non-prescribed use of antibiotics for children in an urban community in Mongolia
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Ikeda N; Ali M; Sonomjamts M; Dashd...
Bull World Health Org, 2010-12 - Moving beyond essential interventions for reduction of maternal mortality (the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health): a cross-sectional study
Souza JP; Gulmezoglu A M; Vogel JP; Carroli G; Lumbiganon ...
LANCET, 2013-05 - A global reference for caesarean section rates (C-Model): a multicountry cross-sectional study
Souza JP; Betran A P; Dumont A; de Mucio B; Gibbs Pickens...
BJOG, 2016-02 - Risk factors and adverse perinatal outcomes among term and preterm infants born small-for-gestational-age: secondary analyses of the WHO Multi-Country Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health
Ota E; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Morisaki N; Vogel JP; Pileggi ...
PLOS ONE, 2014-08 - Risk factors for spontaneous and provider-initiated preterm delivery in high and low Human Development Index countries: a secondary analysis of the World Health Organization Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health
Morisaki N; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Vogel JP; Rowland Hogue ...
BJOG, 2014-03 - さらに表示...
- Quality of life of mothers of children and adolescents with mental health problems in Mongolia: associations with the severity of children's mental health problems and family structure
- 著書
- Төрөлтийн хамтрагчийн гарын авлага
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Parchaa Tsetsegmaa; Dashzeveg Sar...
2020-03 - Эх Хүүхэд-Гэр бүлд ээлтэй, хүндэтгэлтэй эх барихын тусламж, үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх 12 алхам
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Tsetsegmaa Parchaa; Tsetsegsuren ...
Translation: The International Childbirth Initiative: 12 steps to safe and respectful MotherBaby–Family maternity care, 2020-02 - ДЭМБ-ын удирдамж Төрөлтийн эерэг туршлагыг сайжруулахад чиглэсэн төрөх үеийн тусламж үйлчилгээ
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Parchaa Tsetsegmaa; Tumenjargal A...
- Төрөлтийн хамтрагчийн гарын авлага
- 会議発表等
- Hospital-based doula support in Mongolian maternity care
Doulas & Birth Companions - A Global Discussion/2024-04-10--2024-04-10 - Implementation of ICI 12 steps for Safe and Respectful MotherBaby-Family Maternity care in Mongolia.
Pre-conference workshop: International Confederation of Midwives Congress 2023/2023-06-10--2023-06-10 - Mongolian women's experience of maternity care: a cross sectional study
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
32nd International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Virtual Triennial Congress/2021-06-16--2021-06-30 - Performance improvement: Defining the problems and understanding the roof causes
Asako Takekuma Katsumata; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
Quality improvement of the nursing care/2019-08-15--2019-08-15 - Quality improvement of nursing care: Clinical Nurse Leader
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Asako Takekuma Katsumata
International conference: Oncology Nursing Research/2019-08-12--2019-08-12 - Doula training for nurse assistants
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
Maternity care quality program: hospital-based doula/2020-01-09--2020-01-10 - Doula training course for midwifery bachelor program
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
Respectful maternity care/2019-09-09--2019-09-19 - Nursing intervention of self-care management for patients with heart failure
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Asako Takekuma Katsumata
Heart failure management/2019-10-15--2019-10-15 - Respectful maternity care: A concept analysis
Parchaa Tsetsegmaa; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Fukuzawa Riek...
5th International Nursing Conference: Nursing history and development/2019-10-10--2019-10-11 - Women's childbirh experience survey: Postpartum depression in Mongolia
Batsuuri Sukhbat; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Parchaa Tsetseg...
5th International Nursing Conference: Nursing History and development/2019-10-10--2019-10-11 - Children's handwashing practice at school: an urban area
Enkbat Munguntuul; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Keiko Sugimoto...
5th International Nursing Conference: Nursing history and development/2019-10-11--2019-10-11 - モンゴルで行われた看護学生の国際看護学研修報告
石川 博隆; Takekuma katsumata Asako; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
日本国際看護学会 第3回学術集会/2019-09-14 - 国際学術アライアンスによる国際看護のリーダーシップ開発の試み
Takekuma katsumata Asako; 杉本 敬子; 福澤 利江子; Togoobaatar Ganch...
日本国際看護学会 第3回学術集会/2019-09-14 - Innovative Global Nursing Education at University of Tsukuba
Keiko Sugimoto; Rieko Fukuzawa; Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; As...
2019 Asian and Pacific Alliance for Nursing Education (APANE) International Congress/2019-09-6 - Жирэмсний хяналтын талаарх эхчүүдийн сэтгэл ханамж
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
Эмэгтэйчүүд, эх хүүхдийн эрүүл мэндийн төлөөх дэлхийн түншлэл/2018-10-19--2018-10-19 - Эхчүүдийн сэтгэл ханамжын байдалд хийсэн үнэлгээ
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg
Эрүүл мэндийн тусламж үйлчилгээнд сувилагч, эх баригчийн оролцоо/2018-8-24--2018-8-24 - Only 3 min SPARTS gymnastics intervention for elementary school children in Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar city: construction of supervise system for exercise intervention
Fukuie Takemune; Kikuchi Akihito; Suwabe Kazuya; Takehara...
ARIHHP Human High Performance International Forum/2019-03-05--2019-03-06 - ”Doula” дэмжлэг Тодорхойлолт болон нийгэм/шинжлэх ухааны үндэслэл
Fukuzawa Rieko; Ganchimeg Togoobaatar
Doula workshop: The Perinatal doula’s practice and contribution to modern Maternity care and current situations and challenges in Mongolian maternity care/2017-12-18--2017-12-19 - A cross sectional study of maternal "near-miss" cases amd perinatal severe outcomes Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ganchimeg Togoobaatar; Uranchimeg Tsegmid; Tsolmon Khada...
Togoobaatar Ganchimeg; Ota E; Mori R
- Hospital-based doula support in Mongolian maternity care
- 担当授業科目
2024-04 -- 2024-05 看護専門英語 筑波大学 2025-02 -- 2025-03 ヘルスケア実習I(介護施設) 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 看護科学研究 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 看護科学研究 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 国際ヘルスケア学術協定校研修 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 国際ヘルスケア学術協定校研修 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 看護研究方法論 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 看護研究方法論 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 システマティックレビュー・メタアナリシス入門 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-07 社会医学概論 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 授業以外の教育活動
2023-06 -- 2023-06 Implementation of the Safe and Respectful MotherBaby Family Maternity care, Mongolia 1st International Childbirth Initiative Workshop, Bali, Indonesia 2024-04 -- 2024-04 Implementation of Hospital-based doula at the public maternity hospital International Childbirth Initiative 2023-10 -- 2023-10 12 steps of Safe and respectful Mother Baby Family Friendly maternity care School of Nursing, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences 2022-10 -- 2022-11 Respectful Maternity care and doula support School of Nursing, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences - 一般講演
- Implementation of childbirth doula support and its impact of women's experience
女性や家族に寄り添う ドゥーラについて知ろう/2024-03-09--2024-03-09
- Implementation of childbirth doula support and its impact of women's experience
- 学内管理運営業績
2016-04 -- (現在) SGU委員会(Japan Expert) 委員 2017-04 -- (現在) 学生委員会(看護学類) 2017-04 -- (現在) 学生支援委員会(看護科学専攻) 委員 2016-04 -- (現在) ICT国際活動委員会 委員 - その他の活動
2021-08 -- (現在) Editorial Board Member of Tropical Medicine and Health
(最終更新日: 2024-08-30)