HARVEY BENJAMIN Paul(ハーベイ ベンジャミン ポール)
- 所属
- 生命環境系
- 職名
- 助教
- 0000-0002-4971-1634
- 性別
- 男性
- 生年月
- 1986-08
- 科研費番号
- 70785542
- eメール
- Gy|'E!x+/|2<KG,!"&({xE-,.$.yxExzE#)
- 研究分野
環境影響評価 - 研究キーワード
Climate Change Ocean Acidification Marine Heatwaves Community Shifts Community Ecology - 研究課題
Demonstrating ocean acidification-driven changes in the ecological role of benthic macroherbivores in controlling algal habitats 2023-04 -- 2027-03 Harvey Benjamin Paul 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 18,590,000円 岩礁域の生物群集に対する海洋酸性化の間接効果の実証 2022-04 -- 2026-03 今 孝悦 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 17,290,000円 海洋酸性化が沿岸生態系の炭素隔離能(ブルーカーボン)に及ぼす影響 2022-04 -- 2026-03 和田 茂樹 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(A) 41,860,000円 海洋酸性化に対する海藻藻場生態系のエネルギーフローの応答 2019-04 -- 2023-03 和田 茂樹 日本学術振興会/Kiban (B) 17,290,000円 海洋酸性化に対する生物群集の応答評価:直接効果と間接効果の統合理解 2018-04 -- 2022-03 Koetsu Kon 日本学術振興会/基盤研究 (B) 17,160,000円 Habitat choice and settlement of coral larvae of high latitude coral species under ocean acidification 2018-01 -- 2020-03 Sylvain Agostini 日本学術振興会/二国間交流事業共同研究 Sakuraプログラム 2,000,000円 酸性化が引き起こす殻の溶解は巻貝の生存にとって脅威となるのか 2017-04 -- 2018-03 Benjamin Paul Harvey 財団法人日本科学協会/Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant 630,000円 海洋酸性化が生態系サービスに及ぼす影響-未来の海:CO2 シープを利用した解析 2017-04 -- 2020-03 Shigeki Wada 環境省/ 18,768,000円 Understanding the Impacts of Ocean Acidification: from Biodiversity to Ecosystem Functioning 2017-04 -- 2020-03 Benjamin Paul HARVEY 日本学術振興会/若手研究(B) 3,250,000円 - 職歴
2016-05 -- (現在) 筑波大学下田臨海実験センター助教 2015-09 -- 2015-12 Aberystwyth UniversityInstitute of Biological, Environmental and Rural SciencesLecturer 2015-05 -- 2015-09 Aberystwyth UniversityInstitute of Biological, Environmental and Rural SciencesPost-Doctoral Researcher 2011-04 -- 2011-08 Bangor UniversitySchool of Ocean SciencesResearch Technician 2010-10 -- 2011-03 Bangor UniversitySchool of Ocean SciencesResearch Assistant - 学歴
2011-09 -- 2015-05 Aberystwyth University Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences PhD: Marine Climate Change Ecology 2009-09 -- 2010-09 Bangor University School of Ocean Sciences MSc: Marine Environmental Protection 2005-09 -- 2008-06 University of Plymouth School of Marine Science and Engineering BSc (Hons): Ocean Science - 取得学位
2015-05 PhD Marine Climate Change Ecology Aberystwyth University 2010-09 MSc Marine Environmental Protection Bangor University 2008-06 BSc (Hons) Ocean Science University of Plymouth - 所属学協会
2013-07 -- (現在) Global Ocean Acidification - Observation Network 2013-07 -- 2015-12 UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme - 論文
- Are physiological and ecosystem-level tipping points caused by ocean acidification? A critical evaluation
Cornwall Christopher E.; Comeau Steeve; HARVEY BENJAMIN...
Earth System Dynamics/15(3)/pp.671-687, 2024-06 - Crustose coralline algae can contribute more than corals to coral reef carbonate production
Cornwall Christopher E.; Carlot Jeremy; Branson Oscar; ...
COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT/4(1), 2023-04 - High abundances of zooxanthellate zoantharians (Palythoa and Zoanthus) at multiple natural analogues: potential model anthozoans?
Reimer James Davis; Agostini Sylvain; Golbuu Yimnang; ...
CORAL REEFS/42(3)/pp.707-715, 2023-06 - Ocean acidification stunts molluscan growth at CO2 seeps
Zhao Liqiang; Harvey Ben P.; Higuchi Tomihiko; Agostin...
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT/873, 2023-05 - Potential ecosystem regime shift resulting from elevated CO2 and inhibition of macroalgal recruitment by turf algae
Seto Mayumi; Paul Harvey Benjamin; Wada Shigeki; Agost...
THEORETICAL ECOLOGY/16(1)/pp.1-12, 2023-01 - Ocean acidification increases the impact of typhoons on algal communities
Hudson J. Callum; Agostini Sylvain; Wada Shigeki; Hall...
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT/865, 2023-03 - Recurrent disease outbreak in a warm temperate marginal coral community
Heitzman Joshua M.; Caputo Nicole; Yang Sung-Yin; Harv...
MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN/182, 2022-09 - Whole community and functional gene changes of biofilms on marine plastic debris in response to ocean acidification
Kerfahi Dorsaf; Harvey Ben P.; Kim Hyoki; Yang Ying; ...
MICROBIAL ECOLOGY/Epub, 2022-04-04 - Institute Profile: Shimoda Marine Research Center, University of Tsukuba
Sasakura Yasunori; Harvey Benjamin Paul
Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 2021-08 - Decreased Diversity and Abundance of Marine Invertebrates at CO2 Seeps in Warm-temperate Japan
Hall-Spencer Jason M.; Belfiore Giuseppe; Tomatsuri Mo...
ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE/39(1)/pp.41-51, 2022-02 - Species turnover underpins the effect of elevated CO2 on biofilm communities through early succession
Allen Ro J.; .Summerfield Tina C; Harvey Ben P.; Agostini...
Climate Change Ecology, 2021-12 - Predicting responses to marine heatwaves using functional traits
Harvey Ben P.; Marshall Katie E.; Harley Christopher D...
TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION/37(1)/pp.20-29, 2022-01 - Understanding coralline algal responses to ocean acidification: Meta-analysis and synthesis
Cornwall Christopher E.; Harvey Ben P.; Comeau Steeve; ...
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY/28(2)/pp.362-374, 2022-01 - Fitness of Marine Calcifiers in the Future Acidifying Ocean
Leung Jonathan Y. S.; Harvey Ben P.; Russell Bayden D.
Hall-Spencer Jason; Harvey Ben; Wada Shigeki; Porzio Luc...
PHYCOLOGIA/60(1:SI)/pp.59-59, 2021-07 - Major loss of coralline algal diversity in response to ocean acidification
Pena Viviana; Harvey Ben P.; Agostini Sylvain; Porzio ...
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY/27(19)/pp.4785-4798, 2021-10 - Simplification, not "tropicalization", of temperate marine ecosystems under ocean warming and acidification
Agostini Sylvain; Harvey Ben P.; Milazzo Marco; Wada ...
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY/27(19)/pp.4771-4784, 2021-10 - Ocean acidification increases phytobenthic carbon fixation and export in a warm-temperate system
Shigeki Wada; Sylvain Agostini; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Yuk...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science/250(5), 2021-03 - Ocean acidification alters bacterial communities on marine plastic debris
Harvey Ben P; Kerfahi Dorsaf; Jung YeonGyun; Shin Jae-Ho...
Marine pollution bulletin/161(Pt B), 2020-12 - Feedback mechanisms stabilise degraded turf algal systems at a CO seep site
Harvey Ben P; Allen Ro; Agostini Sylvain; Hoffmann Linn ...
Communications biology/4(1)/p.219, 2021-09 - Greater Mitochondrial Energy Production Provides Resistance to Ocean Acidification in "Winning" Hermatypic Corals
Agostini Sylvain; Houlbreque Fanny; Biscere Tom; Harve...
FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE/7, 2021-01 - Ocean acidification locks algal communities in a species-poor early successional stage
Harvey Ben P.; Kon Koetsu; Agostini Sylvain; Wada Shi...
GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY/Epub, 2021-05 - Diatoms Dominate and Alter Marine Food-Webs When CO2 Rises
Harvey Ben P.; Agostini Sylvain; Kon Koetsu; Wada Shigek...
Diversity/11(12), 2019-12 - Changes in fish communities due to benthic habitat shifts under ocean acidification conditions
Carlo Cattano; Agostini Sylvain; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Sh...
Science of The Total Environment/725/p.138501, 2020-07 - Validation of carbon isotope fractionation in algal lipids as a pCO2 proxy using a natural CO2 seep (Shikine Island, Japan)
Witkowski Caitlyn R.; Agostini Sylvain; Harvey Benjamin ...
Biogeosciences/16/pp.4451-4461, 2019-11 - さらに表示...
- Are physiological and ecosystem-level tipping points caused by ocean acidification? A critical evaluation
- 著書
- 4.19 - Marine Heatwaves: Impact on Physiology, Populations, and Communities of Coastal Marine Invertebrates
Hemraj Deevesh A.; Minuti Jay J.; HARVEY BENJAMIN Paul...
Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science/Elsevier/pp.518-531, 2024-01 - Marine Ecology: Temperate to Tropical
Agostini Sylvain; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Shigeki Wada
Japanese Marine Life: A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology, 2020-05 - Experimental Design in Marine Environmental Sciences
Sylvain Agostini; Harvey Benjamin Paul; Shigeki Wada
Japanese Marine Life: A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology, 2020-05 - Survey Techniques in Marine Ecology
B Harvey; Kon Koetsu; S. Agostini
Japanese Marine Life -A Practical Training Guide in Marine Biology-, 2020-06 - BSc (Hons): The rejuvenation of juvenile coral on carbonate and granitic reefs after a mass coral bleaching event
Harvey Benjamin Paul
University of Plymouth, 2008-03 - MSc: measures of ecosystem functioning for marine biodiversity research
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Bangor University, 2010-09 - PhD: Determining the impacts of ocean acidification and global warming on biotic interactions in shallow-water marine environments
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Aberystwyth University, 2015-05
- 4.19 - Marine Heatwaves: Impact on Physiology, Populations, and Communities of Coastal Marine Invertebrates
- 会議発表等
- The simplification of marine ecosystems under ocean acidification – insights from CO2 seep
2023 ESSAS Annual Science Meeting: “Ecological, social and economic dynamics of high-latitude coastal systems”/2023-06-20--2023-06-22 - Functional decline of sea urchins due to ocean acidification can mediate changes in biogenic habitat
Harvey Benjamin Paul
23rd International Temperate Reef Symposium/2023-01-09 - Feedback mechanisms stabilize degraded turf algal systems at a CO2 seep site
Harvey Benjamin Paul
5th International Symposium on The Ocean In A High CO2 World/2022-09-15 - Rise of the turfs: the simplification of marine ecosystems under ocean acidification
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) - Marine Climate Change Unit/2021-12-09 - Simplification of marine ecosystems under ocean acidification
Harvey Benjamin Paul
GOA-ON - Ocean Acidification Week/2021-09-16 - Simplification of marine ecosystems under ocean acidification: a case study of the Shikine Island CO2 seep
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Tsukuba Global Science Week/2021-09-07 - The dominance of turf-forming diatoms under ocean acidification and their role in community succession
Harvey Benjamin Paul; Allen Ro; Agostini Sylvain; Hoffman...
Marine Biotechnology Conference 2019/2019-09-09--2019-09-13 - Degraded turf algal systems are ‘locked-in’ by ocean acidification
Ben Harvey; Ro Allen; Agostini Sylvain; Linn J Hoffmann; ...
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021/2021-05-30--2021-06-06 - Epizootiology of a temperate coral disease driven by thermal stress and macroalgal interactions
Joshua M. Heitzman; Sung-Ying Yang; Benjamin Paul Harvey...
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2021/2021-05-30--2021-06-06 - Effects of ocean acidification on net community production in coastal ecosystems: In situ assessment in natural CO2 seep
Kurosawa Shingo; Wada Shigeki; Sylvain Agostini; Harvey ...
PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-28--2018-10-28 - Photosynthetic activity of early successional phytobenthos at a shallow CO2 seep off Shikine Island, Japan
Wada Shigeki; Sylvain Agostini; Harvey Ben; 大森裕子; Hall-Spe...
PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-28--2018-10-28 - Turf algae dominance under ocean acidification - are positive feedback mechanisms locking this degraded system in place?
Harvey Benjamin Paul; Agostini S.; Allen R.; Hall-Spencer...
The 12th Meeting of the International Temperate Reefs Symposium 2019/2019-01-06--2019-01-11 - Dissolution: the Achilles’ heel of gastropods in an acidifying ocean
Harvey Benjamin Paul; Agostini S.; Wada S.; Inaba K.; Hal...
PICES 2018 Annual Meeting/2018-10-25--2018-11-04 - The ecosystem effects of ocean acidification
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Joint Meeting of the Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) & American Geoscience Union (AGU)/2017-05-20--2017-05-24 - Beyond individual-level responses to ocean acidification
Harvey Benjamin Paul; Hall-Spencer Jason M.
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Ocean Acidification and Climate Change/2016-12-05--2016-12-09 - The consequences of future ocean acidification and warming
Harvey Benjamin Paul
Japanese Society of Zoology/2016-11-20--2016-11-20 - Individual and population-level responses to climate change
Harvey Benjamin Paul; N.J. McKeown; S.P.S. Rastrick; C. ...
Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conference/2015-08-30--2015-09-04 - Direct and indirect effects of ocean acidification and global warming on predator-prey dynamics
Harvey Benjamin Paul; Moore Pippa J
The 10th International Temperate Reef Symposium/2014-01-12--2014-01-17
- The simplification of marine ecosystems under ocean acidification – insights from CO2 seep
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2025-02 生態学セミナーIIIF 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 生態学研究法IIF 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生態学研究法IS 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生態学講究S 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 生態学研究法IF 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 生態学セミナーVF 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 生態学セミナーIIF 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生態学セミナーIS 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生態学セミナーIIS 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 生態学セミナーIVS 筑波大学 さらに表示...
(最終更新日: 2024-08-29)