繆 瑩(ミャオ イン)
- 所属
- システム情報系
- 職名
- 教授
- eメール
- )D@8FZieJBcKJLBL98c8:cAG
- 研究分野
数学基礎・応用数学 - 研究キーワード
組合せ論 符号理論 情報セキュリティ グループ検査 - 研究課題
不正者追跡アルゴリズムの開発とその応用 2024 -- 2026 繆 瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,680,000円 デジタル指紋符号、多重接続通信路、及び組合せ探索問題 2020-04 -- 2022-03 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/二国間交流事業(ロシアとの共同研究) 5,000,000円 スパースな結合行列を持つ組合せ的構造の分析と構成 2018 -- 2022 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(B) 17,030,000円 デジタル指紋及びグループ検査に共通する組合せ構造とアルゴリズムに関する研究 2015 -- 2017 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,680,000円 組合せ論的マルチメディア指紋符号とその不正者追跡アルゴリズムの研究 2012 -- 2014 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,940,000円 完全差集合族とそのレーダー配列への応用に関する研究 2009 -- 2011 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,420,000円 組合せ的デザイン理論を用いた周波数ホッピング系列の構成に関する研究 2006 -- 2008 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 4,000,000円 組合せ的デザイン理論を用いた光直交符号の構成に関する研究 2002 -- 2004 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/基盤研究(C) 3,500,000円 組合せ的デザインとその符号・暗号への応用 2000 -- 2001 繆瑩 日本学術振興会/奨励研究(A) 2,200,000円 - 職歴
1989-07 -- 1993-12 蘇州シルク工学院助手・講師 1995-04 -- 1997-03 日本学術振興会特別研究員 1997-06 -- 1998-03 コンコテア大学ポスドックフェロー 1998-04 -- 2004-03 筑波大学社会工学系講師 2004-04 -- 2005-03 筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科 リスク工学専攻講師 2005-04 -- 2012-04 筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科 社会システム・マネジメント専攻助教授・准教授 2012-05 -- (現在) 筑波大学システム情報系 社会工学域教授 - 学歴
1980-09 -- 1985-07 武漢大学 数学系 1985-09 -- 1989-07 蘇州大学 1994-04 -- 1997-03 広島大学 理学研究科 数学 - 取得学位
博士(理学) 広島大学 - 所属学協会
-- (現在) 日本数学会 -- (現在) Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications - 受賞
2001-03 Kirkman Medal - 論文
- Secure Codes With List Decoding
Gu Yujie; Vorobyev Ilya; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/70(4)/pp.2430-2442, 2024-04 - Codes for Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Vectors from Inaccurate Linear Measurements and Their Decoding
Fernandez M.; Kabatiansky G. A.; Kruglik S. A.; Miao Y.
PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION/59(1)/pp.14-21, 2023-01 - Optimal Locally Repairable Codes: An Improved Bound and Constructions
Cai Han; Fan Cuiling; Miao Ying; Schwartz Moshe; Tang...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/68(8)/pp.5060-5074, 2022-08 - On the Information-Theoretic Security of Combinatorial All-or-Nothing Transforms
Gu Yujie; Akao Sonata; Esfahani Navid Nasr; Miao Ying...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/68(10)/pp.6904-6914, 2022-10 - A Construction of Maximally Recoverable Codes With Order-Optimal Field Size
Cai Han; Miao Ying; Schwartz Moshe; Tang Xiaohu
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/68(1)/pp.204-212, 2022-01 - Capacity-Achieving Private Information Retrieval Schemes From Uncoded Storage Constrained Servers With Low Sub-Packetization
Zhu Jinbao; Yan Qifa; Tang Xiaohu; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/67(8)/pp.5370-5386, 2021-08 - BCH codes with minimum distance proportional to code length
Noguchi Satoshi; Lu Xiao-Nan; Jimbo Masakazu; Miao Ying
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics/35(1)/pp.179-193, 2021-02 - Existence and Construction of Complete Traceability Multimedia Fingerprinting Codes Resistant to Averaging Attack and Adversarial Noise
Egorova E. E.; Fernandez M.; Kabatiansky G. A.; Miao Y.
PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION/56(4)/pp.388-398, 2020-12 - Strongly separable matrices for nonadaptive combinatorial group testing
Fan Jinping; Fu Hung-Lin; Gu Yujie; Miao Ying; Shigen...
DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS/291/pp.180-187, 2021-03 - Signature Codes for Weighted Binary Adder Channel and Multimedia Fingerprinting
Fan Jinping; Gu Yujie; Hachimori Masahiro; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/67(1)/pp.200-216, 2021-01 - Algebraic manipulation detection codes via highly nonlinear functions
Shao Minfeng; Miao Ying
Cai Han; Miao Ying; Schwartz Moshe; Tang Xiaohu
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/66(8)/pp.4853-4868, 2020-08 - On optimal weak algebraic manipulation detection codes and weighted external difference families
Shao Minfeng; Miao Ying
DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY/Epub, 2020-04 - On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes With Multiple Disjoint Repair Sets
Cai Han; Miao Ying; Schwartz Moshe; Tang Xiaohu
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/66(4)/pp.2402-2416, 2020-04 - Improved Bounds for Separable Codes and B-2 Codes
Gu Yujie; Fan Jinping; Miao Ying
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS/24(1)/pp.15-19, 2020-01 - Probabilistic Existence Results for Parent-Identifying Schemes
Gu Yujie; Cheng Minquan; Kabatiansky Grigory; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/65(10)/pp.6160-6170, 2019-10 - Non-adaptive group testing on graphs with connectivity
Luo S.; Matsuura Y.; Miao Ying; Shigeno Maiko
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization/38(1)/pp.278-291, 2019 - Bounds on Traceability Schemes
Gu Yujie; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/64(5)/pp.3450-3460, 2018-05 - New Bounds for Frameproof Codes
Shangguan Chong; Wang Xin; Ge Gennian; Miao Ying
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY/63(11)/pp.7247-7252, 2017-11 - Zero-difference balanced functions with new parameters and their applications
Cai H.; Zhou Z.; Tang X; Miao Ying
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory/63(7)/pp.4379-4387, 2017-06 - Strongly separable codes
Jiang J; Cheng M; Miao Y
Designs, Codes and Cryptography/79/pp.303-318, 2016 - Bounds and constructions for 3-separable codes of length 3
M. Cheng; J. Jiang; H. Li ; 繆 瑩; X. Tang
Designs, Codes and Cryptography/81/pp.317-335, 2016 - Codes with the identifiable parent property for multimedia fingerprinting
M. Cheng; H.-L. Fu; J. Jiang ; Y.-H. Lo; 繆 瑩
Designs, Codes and Cryptography/83(1)/pp.71-82, 2017 - New bounds on 2-separable codes of length 2
M. Cheng; H.-L. Fu; J. Jiang; Y.-H. Lo; Y. Miao
Designs, Codes and Cryptography/74(1)/pp.31-40, 2015-01 - Bounds and constructions for (v,W,2,Q)-OOCs
J. Chen; D. Wu; 繆 瑩
Discrete Mathematics/328/pp.16-22, 2014-08 - さらに表示...
- Secure Codes With List Decoding
- 著書
- Frames and Resolvable Designs: Uses, Constructions, and Existence
S. C. Furino; Y. Miao; J. Yin
CRC Press., 1996-08 - PBDs, Frames, and Resolvability. A chapter in C. J. Colbourn and J. H. Dinitz (Eds.), The CRC Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, Second Edition.
G. Ge; Y. Miao
CRC Press., 2006-11 - 研究集会「デザイン理論とその周辺」報告集
原田 昌晃; 繆 瑩; 三嶋 美和子
2007-01 - Special Issue in Honor of Professor Sanpei Kageyama on His Retirement from Hiroshima University
Y. Miao; H. Yanagihara (Guest Editors)
Journal of Statistics and Applications, Vol. 4, No. 2-3, MD Publications Pvt Ltd., 2009-12 - Multi-structured Designs and Their Applications. A chapter in D. Crnkovic and V. Tonchev (Eds.), Information Security, Coding Theory and Related Combinatorics.
R. Fuji-Hara; Y. Miao
IOS Press, 2011-02 - A new algorithm for searching a consistent set of shares in a threshold scheme with cheaters
Tso R; Miao Y; Okamoto E
INFORMATION SECURITY AND CRYPTOLOGY - ICISC 2003/SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN/pp.377-385, 2004-01 - ID-based series-parallel multisignature schemes for multi-messages from bilinear maps
Wang Lihua; Okamoto Eiji; Miao Ying; Okamoto Takeshi; Doi...
- Frames and Resolvable Designs: Uses, Constructions, and Existence
- 会議発表等
- On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes with Super-Linear Length
Cai Han; Miao Ying; Schwartz Moshe; Tang Xiaohu
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)/2019-07-07--2019-07-12 - Bringing designs, codes and cryptography together
Y. Miao
第32回リスク工学研究会/2006-01-10 - Combinatorial design theory and its selected applications to information management
Y. Miao
Laboratory of Management, Decision and Information Systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China/2006-10-20 - Constructions for optimal frequency-hopping sequences
Y. Miao
College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, China/2007-07-03 - Constructions for optimal frequency-hopping sequences
Y. Miao
Department of Applied Mathematics, Dalian University of Technology, China/2007-07-04
- On Optimal Locally Repairable Codes with Super-Linear Length
- 担当授業科目
2024-10 -- 2024-11 社会と最適化 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2024-12 微積分2 筑波大学 2024-12 -- 2025-02 微積分3 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 社会工学ファシリテーター育成プレプログラムIV 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 社会工学ファシリテーター育成プレプログラムIV 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 サービス工学ファシリテーター育成プログラム 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 サービス工学ファシリテーター育成プログラム 筑波大学 2024-04 -- 2024-08 社会工学修士基礎演習II 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 社会工学修士基礎演習II 筑波大学 2024-10 -- 2025-02 社会工学ワークショップI 筑波大学 さらに表示... - 一般講演
- Strongly seperable matrices
Miao Ying
Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications/2018-07-14--2018-07-16 - Fingerprinting codes and bipartite graphs with large girths
Miao Ying
GTC 2016 – Work- shop on Graph Theory and Combinatorics of Yangtze Delta/2016-04-15--2016-04-17 - Anti-collusion codes and tracing algorithms for multimedia fingerprinting
Miao Ying
Workshop on Coding Theory and Cryptography/2016-07-02--2016-07-08 - Identification of non-zero coordinates in a sparse vector
Miao Ying
Work- shop on Coding Theory and Cryptography/2016-07-02--2016-07-08 - IPP codes for multimedia fingerprinting
Miao Ying
National Conference on Combinatorial Designs/2016-07-08--2016-07-11 - Identification of non-zero coordinates in a sparse vector
Miao Ying
現代分析とその応用研究集会/2016-08-03--2016-08-03 - Combinatorics of Digital Fingerprinting
Miao Ying
日本数学会 2017 年度年会/2017-03-24--2017-03-27 - On additive sequences of permutations
Y. Miao
組合せデザイン理論とその応用/2009-08-29 - Graceful labelings of windmill graphs and additive sequences of permutations
Y. Miao
離散数学とその応用研究集会2009/2009-08-07 - Further combinatorial constructions for optimal frequency-hopping sequences
Y. Miao
Symposium in Honour of Prof. Dr. J. H. van Lint/2005-10-03 - Designs, codes and cryptography: some of their links
Y. Miao
2006 International Workshop on Design Theory and 2nd National Workshop on Design Theory and its Applications/2006-08-13 - 組合せ論を用いた遺伝子情報解析
Y. Miao
「組合せ理論の情報科学への応用」研究集会/2006-09-15 - Optimal frequency-hopping sequences based on trace functions
Y. Miao
International Workshop on Combinatorics 2007, and The 21st Century COE Program "Integrative Mathematical Sciences"/2007-06-11 - A systematic construction for radar arrays
Y. Miao
DMHF 2007: COE Conference on the Development of Dynamic Mathematics with High Functionality/2007-10-03 - Difference triangle sets and monotonic directed designs
Y. Miao
シンポジウム「離散数学の統計科学および関連分野への応用」/2008-09-16 - Γ functions for optimal families of frequency hopping sequences
Y. Miao
「代数的符号理論と組合せデザイン」研究集会/2008-10-16 - A TWOOA construction for multi-receiver multi-message authentication codes
Y. Miao
The 2nd Cryptographic Protocol Workshop/2008-11-13
- Strongly seperable matrices
- 学協会等委員
2024-01 -- (現在) Congressus Numeratium, Editor 2023-12 -- (現在) IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Editor 2022-04 -- 2025-03 Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications Medals Committee 2017-01 -- (現在) Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, Editor 2009-08 -- (現在) Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, Editor 2004-01 -- (現在) Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Editor 2002-04 -- (現在) Graphs and Combinatorics, Editor 2007-06 -- 2007-06 International Workshop on Combinatorics 2007 2006-11 -- 2006-11 研究集会「デザイン理論とその周辺」 2005-09 -- 2005-09 ミニシンポジウム「実験計画法の最近の話題」 さらに表示...
(最終更新日: 2024-08-08)